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That night she laid under the silk sheets, mulling over Marcus' words in the dark. The only light was coming from the window near the desk, but the moon was only a sickle and the sky was clouded. She wondered how she could possibly share a drink with Demetri without him looking like he was being tortured, unless it was blood, which would make her look like she was being tortured. Let alone have a discussion on whatever unspecified topic.

She turned to lie on her other side, a loud sigh escaping her lips. She missed her family. Her father would have known what Marcus meant, he might have even answered her questions with more elaborate answers. She still had three weeks to go, and sure, Demetri was kind enough to her, but it just wasn't the same. She missed the gentle touch of her mother, the hours spent on fashion and make-overs with Alice and Rose, the deep conversations with Jasper, playing music with Edward, even the taunting from Emmett, though she supposed Alec made up for that.

Sometimes she hated the way she was always surrounded by at least someone, that was just the way things went with ten family members, but now she missed the busy rustle of it. Everything was quiet in Volterra, the thick walls of the castle blocking out all the sounds of the city and the vampires living in it made no sounds at all. It was boring, because, for all the vampires living in the place, no one dared to bother her.

A wave of homesickness crashed over her and she closed her eyes tightly to prevent the tears from escaping her eyes. She'd promised, after all, that she wouldn't cry. But as soon as the first sob left her mouth and a deep pit of longing for home settled in her stomach, she knew it was over. The second sob left her mouth a second later and when she opened her eyes, she felt the tears swimming in them.

She tried to muffle her sobs in the pillow she was clenching to her chest, but she knew it was all futile when she heard the doors to the room opening. She felt the mattress dunk in, telling her that somebody, probably Demetri had taken a seat on the edge of the bed. She didn't dare to turn around, not with her watery eyes, ugly sobs and runny nose.

She was certain it was Demetri when she felt his electrifying touch, brushing a strand of hair behind her ear, tracing the warm skin of her neck, his hand landing on her bare shoulder. His thumb drew soothing circles on it, but that sweet gesture only reminded her more of home and she let out another sob, clinging to the pillow even tighter, as if her life depended on it.

"I'm sorry," he said softly, his voice barely audible.

"It's... it's not your fault," she said, a small hiccup escaping her lips. She tried to wipe the tears from her eyes, but she ended up only creating more space for new ones.

She heard him sigh and shift his weight. "Ah, but in a way, it is."

"You don't even know what's wrong," she countered.

"You're homesick."

It was quiet for a moment, aside from Cecilia's sobs. She couldn't help but wonder how awkward all of it must seem for him. He probably hadn't been in the presence of a crying teenage girl for ages, let alone be left to the task of doing something about it. It would have made her awkward as well, if the roles were reversed.

"Should I... ," Demetri began uncertainly, letting out a completely human sigh. "Can I hold you?" he asked. She couldn't see his face, but from the sound of his voice, she knew he was at the most vulnerable he'd ever been around her.

She didn't think his offer through, instead, turning around so she could look up to him. He'd swung his legs on the bed, leaned with his back to the headboard. She noticed the way his eyes shone in the little light that was offered to them, the perfection of his face. He looked beautiful, like an angel sent down from heaven or a hero of war from ancient times, half mortal, half immortal. Her breath hitched and with careful eyes, she watched his hands move to her face, his cold thumb setting her skin on fire as he brushed away the tears.

SOMEWHERE ONLY WE KNOW ➻ DEMETRI VOLTURIWhere stories live. Discover now