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It had taken Cecilia multiple weeks to recover from that spell, most of it spend lying in bed at Angelokastro and looking at the sea from her position against the many pillows. It had been like an internal battle, leaving the rest of her body basically nonresponsive. It was a battle of her own memories against the ones she had taken, of guilt and self-centeredness against her and her soulmate's happiness and freedom, her body against her fatigue. 

Day upon day, night upon night, Demetri had sat next to her, holding her hand and pressing kisses against the back of it or reading in ancient Greek from one of the books he had taken from the library during their wild escape. He had even gone as far as slaughtering animals for her, and helping her to their blood. He had whispered sweet nothings, he had loved her and cared for her the way only a soulmate could.

They were all things that Cecilia could probably never forget, not even with a mind as clouded as hers. In the end, it was Demetri and memories about him who had brought her back to the right state of mind, their happiness that had prevailed over her feelings of shame. Now even, months since their escape from Volterra, as she was standing on the balcony of their room, her hands placed on the balustrade and the wind blowing in her hair, she even felt a sense of pride at the fact that she, a Cullen born only three decades ago had managed to outsmart ancient vampires. She had played the game, and she had played it well. 

"How are you feeling today?" 

Cecilia looked up as Demetri took a stance next to her. He placed his hands on the balustrade as well, one over hers and with a smile, she intertwined their fingers. She had heard of people talking about getting bored of their significant other's presence, but here she was. After spending more than four months completely alone and together, aside from Alexandrei and Jasmijn's presence, Cecilia still couldn't get enough of her soulmate. 

"Today's a good day," she replied, a little late. She took a moment to observe Demetri, the way his red eyes travelled over her skin with an expression of utter wonder and amazement, how the sun was reflected by his skin. The strong set of his jaw, his sharpened cheekbones, his dirty-blonde hair, all of it filled her with a sense of overwhelming love. Smiling gleefully, she raised her hand so that she didn't have to squint at the sun. "Did I ever tell you that I love you, more than you can imagine?"

On Demetri's face broke out a smile as well and playfully, he wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her close. "Only about a million times," he replied, leaning his forehead against hers. "But you can say it a million more times."

Cecilia loved everything about him. From his smell, like ashes and wood, to the way he smiled at her whenever she talked about her feelings. Not being to suppress the urge, she swung her arms around his neck and pulled him in for a deep kiss. Her action was answered immediately, Demetri moving one of his hands to her cheek, deepening the kiss. 

"Uh... Mr Georgiou, Miss Cullen," Alexandrei coughed awkwardly. Cecilia pulled back from Demetri, but let her hands rest against his chest as she tried to hide her smile. "There is somebody demanding your presence at the front of the castle."

Frowning, Cecilia let her hand slip from Demetri's chest until it reached his hand, allowing him to intertwine their fingers. She looked up at Demetri in confusion, following Alexandrei through their own castle. In the last months, only a couple of strayed tourists had come knocking, asking for a tour of the castle, but either Alexandrei or Jasmijn always took care of the job. Never before had their presence been explicitly demanded, and Cecilia wasn't feeling well about it.

Demetri squeezed her hand reassuringly, and she tried to force some of the nerves away as Alexandrei motioned with his hand to the door that had been left ajar. After a moment of hesitation, it was Demetri who reached out and pulled the door further open. 

In front of them stood none other than the persons who had taken her in when they had found her in the forest on a particular evening, caring for her and raising like their own. Her father was smiling calmly, the way he always did, but in his eyes, the awe was obviously visible. Her mother was less contained, a smile that could light up the whole castle on her face and a quiet sob escaping her mouth. 

"Hello, Cecilia, Demetri," her father said, nodding at the both of them kindly. He held up his fist and as he opened it, Cecilia recognized the original necklace her parents had once taken from her for Bella to establish a shield around her after she had just turned. With her mouth agape from pure astonishment, she looked up at her parents. "You didn't think we were truly able to forget you, right?"

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