Chapter 18: Good Bye

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        Whats going on? Where... Where am I? Slowly, Storm began to open his eyes and look around, observing the clearing through a dizzying haze. Shaking his head, he let out a tiny moan, the vision of rotting corpses and the scent of blood were haunting his senses; blocking out the outside world. Shutting his eyes he started to shake his head slightly. The scent of blood and the sight of death seemed to become more close and vivid than ever. Digging his claws into the ground, Storm began to clench his teeth as he fought his senses forcing the scent of blood and bloody sight away from his mind. As a darkness began to consume him he felt his body begin to relax. Storm felt his body begin to curl up in a ball as a small prickle of annoyance began to well up in his chest. What is it? He thought to himself in irritation, something was disturbing him and he had no idea as to what it was. Shifting a little more, his annoyance only began to rise as he started to feel something dig into his side. Flattening his ears, Storm shook his head and before he knew it the darkness was gone and he was sitting up in a strange den with moss scattered all around him. Flicking his tail slightly, Storm looked down to see a tiny pair of eyes looking up at him and he instantly felt a chill go down his spine. Gulping, he opened his mouth to speak but was instantly cut off when a tail hit him on his back, hard enough to drive the breath out of his body.

        "Good morning sleepy head, it’s about time you woke up!" Snapped a voice, from the tone it was almost impossible to tell whether the cat was relieved or angered. Looking up Storm glanced over to see his brother Bramble giving him a hard look, his eyes widened, however, when he noticed his brother looking utterly exhausted.

        "How lo-," he asked, before getting cut off.

        "Be quiet! I'm talking to you!" Sniffed Bramble, his tail was twitching like crazy. He then growled, "What was up with you! Just fainting like that out of nowhere, I hope you realized what you did by doing that!"

        Storm's ears instantly flattened. As he got up onto his paws, he felt surprisingly weak as though he had not eaten for days and he growled back. "Hey! I didn't choose to collapse like that! It just happened!" He hissed, his fur had begun to bristle while his tail twitched with fury.

        Bramble sniffed, his tail flicking in annoyance, "Calm down! Great StarClan, I'm only a tail length away so you don't need to yell." Storm growled and glared at Bramble before looking away. His fur was bristling as he lay back down in the nest and lashed his tail. "Good," mewed Bramble with narrowed eyes, "So tell me, why did you take your sudden snooze all of a sudden, and don't get smart with me."

        Storm growled back at Bramble and retorted, his fur prickling with annoyance, "You’re the one that likes to act smart and why should I tell you..." He growled, while looking down at his paws. He then muttered, much more softly, so that Bramble would be unable to hear, "It's not like anyone would believe me anyways..."

        "What was that?" Meowed Bramble, his ears pricked and his eyes narrowed making Storm freeze slightly. When he made no sign of response he heard Bramble make a heavy sigh and he felt something touch his shoulder. Looking over, Storm felt his ear twitch, half expecting it to be Bramble, but to his surprise it was the little kit, Badgerkit. How long has he been here watching us? A shiver crawled up his spine when he met the kits gaze, he instantly recalled the time he met Badgersoul. They can't be the same mouse brain, so stop picturing him as Badgersoul!

        "Stop looking like that!" Snapped a voice making Storm blink in surprise and he saw Bramble glaring at him. A tiny seed of confusion began to spread inside him, what is he talking about? "Badgerkit, please head back to the nursery, I need to speak with Storm. Alone." Bramble glanced over to Storm as he finished speaking and Storm met his gaze with narrowed eyes. The young kit glanced at the two older toms then dipped his head and turned around and padded out of the den. Once Badgerkit was gone, Bramble looked at him and flicked his tail with narrowed eyes, "Tell me right now, I know you’re keeping a secret, so spill it."

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