Chapter 16: Family

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        Storm just stared at Shadow in shock, his mouth gaping astonishment "your my father!? But...what! Why? How..." he trailed off as countless questions swarmed his mind making him unable to think straight.

        Shadow rested his tail gently on Storm's shoulder, his eyes were soft. "I will answer your questions later, but right now we must get away before a patrol comes back. I promise I will answer your questions the best way I can." Storm just stared at Shadow, more questions had begun to swarm around in his head and all he could do was nod and let Shadow lead the way. 

        When they finally stopped 3 days had passed and Storm was utterly exhausted. Looking around he found himself in a mountainous terrain and he felt relieved that they could finally rest, especially after he noticed the sudden incline that was not far away. Quickly, Storm began to help Shadow gather moss and leaves to create a nest for each of them and when they were finished they both collapsed into their nests. Relief swamped him as he closed his eyes and let out a content sigh when he felt the weight on his paws vanish.

        Letting sleep come to him he found himself in a dense forest; above him the sky sparkled with glittering stars and the glowing moon. Around him he could hear the soothing sound of lark birds slowly ease away his tension that he had gained from the revelation of his father and the betrayel of the cats he had grown to trust. Keeping his ears pricked he continued to walk, staying to the shadows of the ferns in case of any hostile creatures that may roam here. When he felt the same exhaustion he had when he was awake he found a small pile of moss and feathers and cautiously sniffed it. When he was satisfied that there was no creature using this nest he tentatively laid down in it and began to nuzzle the moss drowsily while keeping his ears pricked for danger. Sensing nothing he began to drift off to sleep, but just as the darkness started to consume him he felt something prick into his side and the scent of blood surrounded him. Opening his eyes he whipped his head around to where he got pricked and blinked in astonishment to find a bramble branch trailing out of his nest. Growling with annoyance he kicked it away and licked the spot where he felt the prick expecting the taste of blood. However as his tongue swiped over his stinging side he did not taste the familiar taste of blood, nor could he scent it. Suddenly a screech echoed through his ears and he heard a loud thudding sound and his quickly got to his paws and gasped in shock and horror. All around him he could feel menacing eyes staring at him with malice glinting in their eyes. He could see cats as dark as shadows pacing around him with snarls of fury, others leaping only to stop and hiss in pain. Crouching down Storm let his claws slide out and his fur bristle with fear and fury, where did these cats come from! And why aren't they attacking me... whispered a small voice in the back of his head. Slowly Storm looked around curiously, wondering what was stopping them from attacking him and he blinked with astonishment when he saw a bramble barrier keeping him safe. He winced when he saw another cat leap at him and he took a jump back and he gasped when he noticed the bramble barrier move as well. As soon as he gasped the bramble barrier vanished and Storm felt himself become exposed to the vicious cats that were surrounding him. It didn't even take a second for his enemies to realize the bramble's were gone and in that instance they had leaped at him and began tearing apart his flesh. Their claws now glinting crimson in the moonlight lashed out continuously at Storm until he felt his conscience begin to slip away. 

        Gasping, Storm shot upwards and found himself sitting in his nest gasping for breath. Frantically Storm's gaze darted to every corner of the small clearing that he and Shadow were in and he quickly scented the clearing. No scents came to him but it only made his fur prickle even more. He violently shook his head as he thought back to his dream, it made no sense to him at all. Was it a warning? Did I dream about how i'll die? He shuddered as the thought coursed through him and nearly jumped when he heard a voice speak his name.

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