21| Hello, bitches

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*TW: This chapter contains violence *


It's been three weeks since Astraea was shot and she is still in a coma. We are visiting her every day and every Sunday we still spend the day as a family, the difference is that we stay with Astraea in her hospital room. Her friend Julie is... crazy— that's the nicest way to put it.

She decorated Raea's hospital room to make it more 'aesthetic', she even hanged one direction poster on the walls claiming that it will bring a good mood. And the worst part is that she is dressing Astraea in actual clothes instead of her hospital gown, she also insisted on keeping doing Astraea's skincare and hair routine, saying that when she wakes up she should look at least hot.

God, teenage girl these days—

Mom has been doing anything in her power to get uncle Carlos to forgive her. I knew that soon enough he will forgive her, it is impossible for us, big brother to stay mad at our little sister for to long. I know mom hurt him by running away. She was a still a naive, in love teenage girl but that still wasn't an excuse. I know damn well if  Astraea did that I would be pissed at her.

It was a shock, to say the least, discovering that you have an uncle, aunt, and cousins your mother never told you about isn't something you come across every day. After hearing mother's explanation, we start trying to get close to our uncle and his family. During those three weeks, we all have bonded. Uncle Carlos and Dad have become, dare I say 'friends', and Alejandro and I act like we have been best friends for years. I honestly can't wait to introduce him to Luciano and Domenico, I'm sure they would get along. Our younger brothers also seemed to have formed a sort of friendship between them. Aunt Isa and Mom have been hanging out more trying to get back the bond they once had.

We have put our differences aside since we are family. We have created an alliance between the Italian and Spanish. Our mafias were now like once since they were united by Mother and Father's marriage. We also talked about forming an alliance between us and the American Mafia, since Nicholas is Astraea's boyfriend. We don't want history repeating itself, and Astraea pulling a Celestia Rodríguez on us. They do say like mother like daughter.

I kinda sound like a disrespectful dick right now—

"Boss we got the fucker, he is in the basement" One of my guard informed me. We have been trying to get those motherfucker who attacked my siblings and put my little sister in a coma. Pretty much most of them were already dead and we killed the rest. But we kept the bastard that is now in my basement alive since he apparently was the one leading this mission and most likely got the most information. I took my phone out and called Andro since he was helping me and wanted to have some fun with the people that hurt our baby sister.

"Hello little cousin" Andro greeted me as he walked in my office. I rolled my eyes at the nickname he has been giving me, I told him to stop but of course he likes to rill me up purposely "you know, respectful people knock on the door before entering" I told him, slightly glaring at him as I take a sip of bourbon from my glass"well then, little cousin, I guess I am not respectful" He smugly replied as he took a glass out and poured some alcohol for himself. I just huffed in annoyance and leaned back in my chair, running my hand along my jaw "So why did you call me here" He finally asked tacking a seat on the black leather couch in front of me while adjusting his tie and looking down at his Rolex that he had on his wrist, checking the time.

"We have him in the basement, I thought I would tell you since you also wanted to have some fun with him"

As soon as I said that, his eyes darken and a mischievous smile pulled up on his lips. "We then let's get going," He said, getting up from the couch and fixing his suit "I should call Nicholas and inform him, he probably wants to be a part of this. They hurt his girlfriend after all" He added, making me rolled my eyes

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