26| Caught

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*This chapter includes sexual scenes, if you are uncomfortable reading it, please skip*


I felt the sunlight warmly caressing my skin, I slowly opened my eyes trying to adjust to the brightness of the room. I felt a heavyweight on my chest so I looked down and was welcomed by the sight of Nico sleepy soundly with his head buried between my boobs while he had his arm protectively wrapped around my waist.

A smile made its way on my face as I admired him. He looked so peaceful and cute when he sleeps. I start playing with his soft jet-black hair, while I kept staring at him like a creep. "Good morning, my love" I heard him say with his deep-raspy morning voice that made me go weak to my knees.

"Morning, baby" I replied

He bought his face to mine and peeked at my lips "we need to shower" he said earning a nod in agreement from me. I tried to get up but the soreness between my legs didn't permit me, I hissed in pain.

"I will carry you, I am sorry I hurt you," Nico said as he picked me up and made his way to the bathroom "it was worth it" I blushed as I remember last night's events while Nico just gave me a smug look, proud of himself.

Once we were inside the glass douche, Nico turned on the water and as soon as the coldness of the water made contact with my warm skin, I finished. Nico knew that I had always had this odd habit of taking a cold shower after having sex, I know it's weird but cold showers are refreshing.

I stretched my legs while Nico holds my waist tightly in case my knees gave out. The soreness between my legs was starting to get better. Nico soaked my hair then pour some of the shampoos onto the palm of his hand, he then proceeds to rub his hands together and then smooth the shampoo over my hair. He gently rubbed his palms over my hair, and massage my scalp with his fingertips in a gentle kneading motion.

He used his Peppermint Shampoo—the one he always uses. He loved it when I smelt like him. The powerful, minty-fresh, camphoraceous, cool, and distinctive fragrance of the peppermint immediately hit my nose making me sigh in relaxation.

"Ouch, my eyes" Nico yelled, I directed my gaze to him to see that while rubbing his hair I had accidentally poured some shampoo in his eyes "Oops—sorry baby" I sheepishly muttered offering him an apologetical smile

"I love you, mon étoile" he whispered genuinely as he looked in eyes and placed his hand on my waist

I will always be addicted to the way this man made me feel. Love was never something I expected to experience. Love was never something I craved or found necessary in my life. On the contrary, I thought I was stupid, meaningless, foolish, and useless.

Until I met him...

The kind of passion that he ignites is indescribable. In the opposite of others, Nicholas never tried to fix me. He made me accept the fact that I was broken. He made me love myself the way I am. He made me love my scars, my flaws, and my imperfections. He made me love my darkest self.

Instead of attempting to fix me, he assembled me. He saved me.

Most people believe that being broken is something bad but I don't share the same opinion.

When you broke a vase, some people might throw it away and buy another one but others will try and assemble it —not fix it, because the broken can never be truly and completely fixed.

If that plate was ever assembled it could be used again but the breaking marks on the plate will always remain there. They are proof that this plate survived a fall, that it was strong. Those breaking marks are similar to the scars on my body.

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