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???:I-I am finally f-free! I've f-finally escaped,they thought t-they had gotten r-rid of m-me! But that was just an o-obstacle! Now time to do what I-I do best, time to infect this hunk of once a-again!

The figure then started to infect the arcadic robot,then the robot started to change its form to look like the strange figure.

???:I'm Virus 8-Bit one a-again,and now I'm in the r-real world! Not that prison in his c-circuits. It's m-midnight? Perfect time to devise a new p-plan. I've gotten s-stronger,but how am I going to see if my new p-power will work? Actually I think I have an i-idea! R-Rico works here right? I'll just d-disguise myself as one of the a-arcade m-machines! I look e-exactly like one,it's p-perfect!

The front door of arcade then opened to a very tired Brock. Then V-Bit quickly hid at his hiding spot, looking like an actual arcade game.

In V-Bit's head: (Why is here at this time of night!)
Brock: What was that!

V-Bit was really nervous could he have been caught already?

Brock: Naw, I'm probably just seeing things.

The robot then let out a small and quiet sigh of relief as the rocket wielding brawler started setting up the arcade.


The arcade was filled with people playing a variety games and a very worn out Brock waiting for his coworkers to arrive. Then the front door to the arcade was slammed open by a very late Rico running in as fast as he could.

Rico: Sorry I'm late!

He said approaching Brock.

Brock: What the heck dude! You were supposed to be here at 7:00!
Not to mention 8-Bit who isn't even here, and he like lives here!
Rico:Your right he should've been here before you even got here, strange....

Rico then looked over to the arcade machine no one was playing.

Rico:What's that game?

Rico said with a puzzled stare.

Brock: I don't know, I think 8-Bit brought it in before I got here. A lot of people told me when they tried to play it they got shocked by some green light or something. I'll have Jessie or Pam Look at it tomorrow.

Rico then walked over to the machine.

In V-Bit's head:(Now's my chance!)

V-Bit then grew his arms and legs turning into his original form. Everyone in the Arcade except Brock ran around and screamed trying to find the exit while Brock hid behind the counter.

V-Bit: Y-you are mine!

V-Bit put his hand on shocked Rico's eye. Rico started growing green veins that reached to the bottom of his jacket from his now neon green eye that had no pupil. When V-Bit let go of Rico he then fell to the ground. Rico then stood up.

Rico: Rico, at you service.

Rico said as he kneeled down.

V-Bit: It worked! Now I just have to infect the other r-robots and I will rule the w-world!
???:Not so fast!
V-Bit: W-who's there! Reveal y-yourself!

Then 3 heroes appeared to the scene.

???&???&???:We're the "Super Hero Trio"!!!
???: I'm Storm!
???: I'm Surge!
V-Bit: MAAAX!!!???
Max: You!!
Storm&Surge: Wait what???
Surge: Max, who is this dude???
Storm: And why does he look like 8-Bit???
Max: That's because he is!

Then Max was hit from behind by bouncy balls from Rico's gun.

Rico: You may not refer to master as that piece of junk!
Surge: What happened to Rico!!!
Max: This is bad! Brock I need to call Pam!
Brock: Yes ma'am!
Storm: Max please explain!
Max: Well that isn't 8-Bit exactly it's a virus-
V-Bit: I refer to myself as a feature but go on.
Max: As I was saying it's taken over 8-Bit's body and has done a similar thing to Rico but made him his servant instead.
V-Bit: You catch on very quickly for a super zero!
Max: That's all you got!
V-Bit: I've got way more!
Storm: One more thing before we fight!
All expt Brock:YESSS!!!
Storm: How do you know so much about this?
Max: I've fought him before.
Storm: How did I not guess that?
Surge: Anyway....

The 2 teams started fight while Brock was on the phone.

Pam on phone: Hello?
Brock: Finally! Max told me to call you about this black arcade thing that looks like 8-Bit that corrupted Rico and-
Pam on phone: What!!!??? I need to make another phone call.
*The phone hangs up*
Brock;I hope she knows what she's doing and I hope she does it before the arcade is destroyed!

The fight was still going on with each side attacking then blocking with both teams able to get a couple shots in. A few moments later though.


The arcade machine was hit from behind by-

Max: Bibi!!!???

Rico then tried to shoot at Bibi but his attack was deflected by a trio of cards thrown by-

Max: Tara!!!???
Bibi: Did we miss the party?
Max:Not at all! You just saved us some time!
Storm: My communicator is beeping!

Storm then answered it.

Pam in communicator: No time! Keep Surge away from 8-Bit!
Max&Storm: Why?
Pam in communicator: Because we don't know if 8-Bit can infect him or no-
Surge: Hey! Let me go!

The team turned around to see V-Bit holding Surge in a grasp so he couldn't use his arms.

V-Bit: Never! Your my slave now!

Surge screeched in pain as he started growing green veins.

Max&Storm: Nooooooo!

V-Bit then let go of Surge.

Surge: You want me to beat them to a pulp?

V-Bit: Ha! I l-literally just started 15 minutes ago and I've already c-corrupted a super hero!
Oh I gotta hand it to you P-pam, if you hadn't mentioned corrupting him I wouldn't even have t-tried, I c-completely forgot! Now I gotta go, those other robots are going to corrupt themselves!

Max: Not so fast!

Max then shot her blasters.

Surge: Same here!

Surge then blocked the attack and escaped with  V-Bit and Rico.

Max: Noooooooooooooooo!

This is the longest chapter I've written before so most of the time they probably won't be as long. Sorry🥲

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