Hotel Charades

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V-Bit: You are only minor in-in-inconveniences I already have what I ca-ca-came for, it's a shame I couldn't get that other nu-nuisance but I'll take what I can ge-get.
Bibi: We're not letting you just walk away!
V-Bit: I wasn't asking you! L-L-Lou!

Lou then cast his super on top of Max, Storm, Bibi, Brock, Leon, Sandy, and Alcreamia.

V-Bit: You'll be slipping and sliding as soon as you take a step! Pretty smart huh?
Max: You-
V-Bit: You what? You ac-ac-actually smart villain? Well I'll be seeing you l-later, tootles. Mwa ha haa-ha.
Bibi: You piece of sh-
Alcreamia: Keep it PG.
Bibi: But- stupid maturity rating.

V-Bit then walked away with the other corrupted robots.

Brock: Well, what are we gonna do now?
Leon: If Gale was here, he could just push us out with his super.
Storm: That gives me an idea! Alcreamia, do you think Gale can hear us from here?
Alcreamia: I think so, and if he doesn't hear, at least someone probably will.
Max: Ok! But you have to do it at the top of your lungs.
Alcreamia: Technically I don't have lungs because I'm a robot, but I get what you mean. Gale!!!


Gale peeped his head from out the front doors of the Snowtel.

Gale: Yeah- Wowza! What in tarnation happened here!
Alcreamia: We'll explain later, but for now can you get us out of Lou's super?
Gale: Of course I can!

Gale then used his super and got the 7 of them out of Lou's super.

Sandy: What happened?
Alcreamia: Of course you fell asleep, and thank you Gale!
Gale: No problem.

Lou's super then wears off.

Bibi: Of course the puddle of syrup wears off right after we get off it.
Gale: Now can you tell me why and how all 7 of you got stuck in Lou's super.
Max: Well, 8-bit got a virus and corrupted Rico and Surge in the arcade then we headed to Pam's and figured out that he was headed here
so we followed them and when we got here Lou was already corrupted and Alcreamia, Sandy, and Leon were already found by the 4 of them and when we engaged Lou cast his super with incredible accuracy, ok, I'm done.
Gale: That's a lot to take in, but if that's the case I think I can help.
Leon: Really?
Gale: Yeah! Your never too old to be a bit bold.
Alcreamia: And that's the third voice line I've heard outside of battle today.
Gale: Well, blow me down.
Alcreamia: 4-
Brock: Well I think we should consult Mr.P with what happened, I'm sure he'll want to help.
Gale&Alcreamia: You have no idea......
Storm: Well, it's worth a shot.
Alcreamia: At least take Gale with you, he's the only one other than me and Lou that can calm him down.
Bibi: Also one of us needs to take you back to Pam's so you won't be at risk of being infected.
Alcreamia: I was confused about something, he actually grabbed me but I didn't get infected.
Storm: Maybe it has something to do with the virus protection you have, I don't even remember the last time the robots got that updated to date, but you're newer then all the others.
Alcreamia: True, now let's get to Mr.P!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 16, 2022 ⏰

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