Chapter 1: As white as snow

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Once winter's day, a young King sees his dearest Queen stood sewing by his window. As he watched the feathery snowflakes fall, his Queen's needle slipped his finger while helping her.

Three drops of ruby-red blood fell onto the snow. The King sighed. "We wish we had a child," he said to his wife, "with skin as white as snow, eyes as red as blood as black as ebony wood."

Their wish came true.

The King's son had skin as white as snow, eyes as reds as blood and hair as black as ebony.

The Queen was delighted and named him White Snow. But her joy was mixed with misery, for the young King died in a heart attack.

"My child needs a father," she thought. Within a year, she had married again.

Her new husband was proud and vain. His heart was so full of love for himself, he had none for anyone else.

The only thing he wanted was to be the most handsome man in the world.

Morning and night, he gazed into his magic mirror and asked the same question:
"Mirror, mirror on the wall,
Who's the fairest of us all?"

And, morning and night, the mirror replied, "You are."

The new King paid no attention to White Snow, who grew more lovely every day.

Then, one dreadful morning, the King asked, "Mirror, mirror on the wall, who's the fairest of us all?" and the mirror said... "Actually, it's White Snow!"

The King went pink with rage and his beautiful face scowled into the mirror. "I won't have it," he snarled.

Whenever the King asked his question, the mirror gave the same replay. Finally, he could bear it no longer. "White Snow must die!" he decided.

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