Part twelve

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I woke up to a cold, empty bed. The room was dark as the curtains were drawn still, blocking out the luscious sun.  It was very quiet in the house and I didn't like it. I was used to getting attacked in my sleep by either my parents or one of my brothers.

I got out of bed and began adventuring downstairs. I walked into the kitchen as it was just to the left of the stairs and the kitchen was massive. It was very beautiful black marble with a large island that had stunning black stools just tucked underneath it. I strolled over to the coffee machine and placed a mug underneath the spout, I placed a caramel pod in and pressed the button for it to work. I went to the fridge-freezer and got milk out.

After I made my coffee I looked around the house. It was beautiful but lonely. Out of the window I could see an excessive amount of armed men patrolling the house.

"Good morning dear, you must be Sophia," a sweet little lady sang as she walked into the kitchen.


"Oh my name is Teresa dear, I work here," she smiled brightly. "Breakfast?"

"I'm going to have some fruit thanks though," I said as I placed my cup in the dishwasher.

"Okay well, I have the day off but I'll be seeing you soon," she said as she gave me a quick hug. I bid my goodbyes and waved her off.

I grabbed the whole packed off strawberries and went to find the living room. It wasn't hard as it was it was on the other side of the stairs. I sat in the middle of the black, plush u-shaped sofa. I found the remote and put 'The Real Housewives Of Beverly Hills' on because I love those series and the drama.

"Well hello beautiful," a masculine voice broke me out of my trance. I turned my head to find Steve walking around the sofa and plopped himself next to me. I offered him a strawberry and we sat there for the next hour watching the women argue and go on holidays in silence. Steve got us more food to eat as we put Netflix on.

"Wanna watch Lucifer?" I shouted as he was in the kitchen.

"What's it about?" He asked as he was walking back into the living room with his arms full of food and drinks. He hopped over the sofa, so he didn't have to walk around it.

"The devil goes to earth and meets a detective called Chloe Decker," I explained. I had already watched the series but I love it so much.

"Sure," he said but I already had pressed play.

For the next seven hours we binged some of the series. We had a few breaks to stretch our legs, which meant snack or drink refills. Steve constantly shouted at the tv about how they should just hook up already and how 'Detective douche needs to back the fuck up before I make him' as Steve so aggressively said which made me almost pee myself.

"See you two are having fun," a familiar voice spoke sarcastically as we turned our heads at the same time to see a very tired yet annoyed James.

"Yeah we were actually," I smiled innocently at him. "We're watching Lucifer, welcome to join us."

He huffed and I turned my head back to the big screen and so did Steve. We ate our snacks when James sat down on the other side of me with one of his arms rested behind my head. I offered him some of the pineapple me and Steve cut up earlier and surprisingly he took some and smiled at me.

"Why don't Chloe and Lucifer just fuck already?" James said after a while that made me face palm my forehead knowing it would start Steve off. "What?"

"That's what I fucking said! He sleeps with all these women but thinks about Chloe and she's engaged to this fucking bible walking man with a shit haircut and a very punchable face," Steve ranted on. "God I'd love to punch him."

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