Chapter 3

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I thought about Hunter everyday. I snuck out daily, and my father was worried more so about me missing classes.
"I'm just worried about your education, you know that I didn't graduate. My father ranted.
Why didn't he understand that I wasn't a child anymore? I wanted to run away.
"Run away with me!" Hunter screamed.
Without any hesitation, I agreed that someday, I would. Hunter leaned forward, and kissed me. When our lips met, I knew besides in fairy tales, true love was real. Suddenly, two hands grabbed me..familiar hands. Father.
" Do you realize what time it is?!" My father said, shaken my shoulders.
" Yes." I said confidently.
My fathers hand rose into the air, and smacked me right on the cheek. A tear ran down my face.
" No going out for a week... A month...a millennium!!! You know your mother died because she was token away." My father was bloody red. He pointed to the top of the stairs and sent me to my room.
"No going out for a week, no month.... a millineum!" I told Tommy in a voice like fathers.
" Does this mean no Queen concert?" Tommy moaned.
" It appears so, but he can't keep me locked up forever!" I protested
"Maybe your dad's right? Maybe you shouldn't do anything rash." Tommy put his hand on my shoulder, then walked away.
Since my father managed to put a bell on the door, and bars on my window, the only way out was the basement window.
Hunter and I met at the same place we first met: the alley.
" Shirley! You made it!" He cried. " I want you to have this." He named me an envelope, containing something I was dying for.
" Oh Hunter!" I sighed, " two tickets to the Queen concert! Its starting in an hour! How did you know?!"
Hunter shrugged, and just answered me with a kiss. " we only have an hour, so do you wanna go?" He asked me such a rhetorical question, but I cheered and agreed to go.
Me and Hunter sung along at the Queen concert. Some of my favorite songs played, but Bohemian Rhapsody was my all time treasure.
After the concert, Hunter and I got our back stage passes, and met Freddie Mercury in person! The next thing we did was go to the Hard rock café, in Piccadilly, London, and get drunk out of our minds. I had such a fun time, I never wanted to leave his side.

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