The two years spent here, every morning I got up, and made breakfast. I woke up on a warm summer day, and cracked two eggs on the frying pan. Silvia preferred her eggs sunny side up, and I liked them over easy.
Silvia finished her breakfast, and I was reading the news paper. Although we had a house, Silvia and I couldn't seem to keep a job. The newspaper always had job listings.
" What about a realter?" Silvia implied, caring the dishes away.
" What about a realter?"
" Oh, you know what I mean! Every morning, you look in the newspaper, tryin' to find a job. Maybe you'd be a good realter!" Silvia jumped.
Silvia pointed to the page she saw about being a realter. The article said the coarse was $75. This job sounded great, 10% profit, my own office, but I didn't have $75!
The door bell broke my thoughts. Who would come to our house at this ungodly hour!
Unfortunately, there was no peep hole to see who was at the door, but you could tell by the way this person knocked it was a male. I fought with Silva not to open the door, but she opened it anyway.
" Hunter?" I staggered. " I thought you were gone? Why are you here? If you want to take-" Hunter stopped my rambling with a kiss.
" Don't speak, just listen." Hunter breathed, placing his two fingers on my lips.
" I regret everything I've ever done to you. If you love someone, you don't let go without a fight. I have changed. I did 3 years in prison, I payed my debt with society, but not with you. " Hunter wasn't out of breath, he was calm. " our love is written in the stars."
He pored his heart out to me,and yet my reply was simply " Ditto."
" Ditto? What the hell does that mean?" Hunter demanded.
I swallowed hard. It felt like I was trying to swallow a golf ball. " Ditto means the same. I love you too." I explained to Hunter.
Hunter shrugged, and looked into my eyes. He hugged me. " When I look at you, its like the first time."
I couldn't think of anything to say. A word couldn't describe what I was thinking; anger, sadness, love?
Despite what I thought about Hunter, I let him see Felix. He looked at Felix, and told her who he was.
" She looks like you. Your blonde hair, your blue, kind eyes. Its like looking in a mirror when you look at her isn't it?" Hunter sighed, hugging Felix so tight she ran back to me.
" Yeah, I guess so." I agreed with Hunter.
Silvia came out with Carter. Hunter looked puzzled.
" Is he... mine?" Hunter stuttered. " I'm so sorry, Silvie."
" It is what it is," Silvia shrugged. " and no one calls me that!"
" what's going on?" I asked, rubbing Silvia's arm.
" carters my son." Hunter said.