chapter 8

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At dinner, I sat in my room. Felix was a sleep, and I gave my unappetizing food to my cat, Freddie.

" That food wasn't ment for the cat you stupid girl!" Bob bellowed.

" Oh but Bob, you wouldn't want me to get food in my system, to fuel me up enough to kick your ass, now would you?" I joked in a sarcastic tone of voice.

Bob simply uttered " I'm not going to dignify that with a response."

He left the room, making sure to lock the door behind him. I hated Bob.

Later that evening, silvia was awfully quiet when she came in my room. She looked frightened.

" I'm scared about being auctioned off. I mean, what are we, cars?" She forced a smile, but it was no use. I hugged silvia. When we closed are eyes and hugged, not a split second later, Bob came in with a needle. He used it only on me, but not Silvia( I didn't understand why?)

I woke up to a moving vehicle, and a blindfold on my face. Silvia laid against my shoulder,motionless. I shook Silvia's arm to wake her up. As soon as When she woke up, the vehicle stopped. A man opened the doors of the van we sat in. He picked us both up with incredible force, and carried Silvia and I to a room surrounded by mirrors.

Hours passed, and Silvia and myself were ressless. To make the time pass quicker, we played 21 questions, until we heard a voice announcer. All of the sudden, lights came on in our once dark room.

" And the next idem up for bids is two lovely ladies! The bidding starts at 10 thousand dollars!" The announcer blared threw the speaker.

All kinds of people bid for me and Silva. The bids got higher and higher.

" And sold for 250,000 dollars. Congrats to Mr. Macherne!" Said the announcer.

The person who decided to bid on us took me and Silvia to the airport.

"  we're going on a trip to Ireland. I live in Cork, and I'm going to take you lassies to the farm I live on. Its near the ocean, but its not very secluded." Mr. Macherne explained to is with his thick Irish accent.

" How are we going to Ireland, if we don't have passports? And where is my baby, where is Freddie?" I demanded

" First of all, call me pepé! And secondly, who is Freddie?" Mr. Macherne wondered. " If you mean the wee kitty, he is in the cage in the back, and the baby, she be last seen in the seat behind you. And if you must know, this is a privet plane."

I was relieved to know that Felix and Freddie were ok. I dosed off to sleep, and woke up to the airport in Dublin. I thought we arrived in Cork, but we had to drive from the Dublin airport, to the train station, to the bus stop. It seemed we were never going to get to pepés house. The one question running threw my mind was: where is Hunter?

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