chapter 11

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Silvia and I sat on the bench of a near by park, and watched Felix play with baby Carter. Carter had chubby cheeks, and soft butter fingers. Felix was older than Carter, but like Carter, she had puffy cheeks.

" Felix is gettin' some big!" Silvia chuckled.

It was dinner time, and usually pepé told us to make supper. Pepé usually sat at the table with a fork and knife in his hands, waiting for Silvia and I to serve his food on his enormously round plate, but today was different, pepé just sat in the bathroom, drinking vodka. It was not 10 minutes later that we heard sirens. The sierens got louder, and the police came by and handcuffed pepé.

I nudged Silvia to say something. " what's pepé being arrested for?" Silvia demanded.

The cop explained that (from an unknown source) because he found out about the auction, and how we were bought, pepé was in a lot of trouble. The police officer knew we weren't from Dublin, and offered for us to go back home.

" We'll have to go to the embassy first of all." The officer said.

I laid in bed, tossing and turning, with a million thoughts circulating threw my head: I wonder what will happen to Felix? She is my child after all, despite the fact she was a product of unwanted sex. I thought about seeing my father again, and my two brothers. I hope Silvia and carter would come back to London with me.

The next morning, the same officer from last evening, picked me and Silvia up, and drove us to the embassy. Felix and Carter came along too.

When we arrived at the embassy, we discussed our situation with a pro bono lawyer, and some workers at the embassy. They gave us passports, and money to go back to London. I didn't want to go home! I knew I was old enough to live on my own, and maybe a job. Silvia and I talked about the idea of living together, and she liked the idea. The embassy was supportive about our idea, and gave us a house of our own to live in together. We were assorted to the airport, flown back to London, and shown the house that we now owned. It was finally looking good for Silvia and I!

It didn't take the embassy long to find me and Silvia a house. The house they picked took 3 days to furnish. Once it was done, the house looked beautiful!

The house had 4 bedrooms, with 2 bathrooms. There was even a room for the children! It was the happiest 2 years of my life in that house.

I tried to sleep, but even a room away I missed Felix. I went into her room, picked her up, and put her in my bed.

" I love you." I whispered in Felix's ear. That was the first time in a while I slept soundly.

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