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In the evening Nathaniel was a bit earlier on their meeting point and Nathaniel had a screwdriver on his hand. He was trying to carve a heart around his and Lila's name, which he had also carved a while before.  

"I've got a cramp now," Said Nathaniel stopping to scratch the tree, then let the screwdriver fall, to massage his pulse.

"It's almost done" Said Duusu looking at it. She heard something, then flew up at the tree.

"Duusu?" Asked Nathaniel then looked back and saw a short girl coming from behind the bushes.

"Ana?" Asked Nathaniel surprised. "Where's Lila?" Asked Nathaniel and Ana stood in front of him, then passed her hand on his cheeks.

"Aren't you happy to see me?" Asked Ana flirty, making Nathaniel look angry at her.

"Why should I?" Asked Nathaniel, causing Ana to shriek.

"Ncncnc" She replied "You should dump Lila, she doesn't deserve you"

"Not even in your dream!" Shouted Nathaniel and on the tree Duusu observed them talking.

"Of course, in my dream we even were married" Said Ana, making Nathaniel look tomato red, but of anger.

"The only person I will marry won't be you," Said the redhead and Ana packed him on his face.

"Let's see, what you say, when I do this" Said Ana going on her tiptoes to kiss him on his lips.

Nathaniel shrieked and pushed her away from him.

"Stop it!" Shouted Nathaniel and pushed her against the tree. He grabbed her on her arms. "I don't like you, when will you get this?!?" Asked Nathaniel and Ana pushed him on his jacket for another kiss, then on that moment Lila showed up and saw this situation.

"No!" Shouted Nathaniel looking at her, then he noted Lila with a shocked expression.

"You...." Said Lila with a tear in her eye. Ana was there, then walked at Lila.

"Oh Lila I'm so sorry, it was an accident, he tried to kiss me, but I refused it, then he forced me to...."

"Stop lying, you're the one, who wanted to kiss me, I wanted to refuse you, but you...." Said Nathaniel and Lila got angry.

"I can't believe, that you betrayed me with my best friend!" Shouted Lila angry at her boyfriend.

"Lila listen, I never wanted to kiss her in my life, she wanted the whole time since she joined our class to steal me from you, but I always refused, refused, refu...."

"Lila, don't listen to him, I'm your best friend and know you better..."

"I know her better too and she definitely knows, that I would never betray her"

"Just stop you two, you two are both horrendous, you make me sick!" Lila shouted and walked away crying.

"Lila!" Called Nathaniel then looked back at Ana, which was glad, that their separating them seemed to have to work.

"I hope you're happy with what you did!" Hissed Nathaniel, then ran behind Lila.

"Lila wait, don't go. You have to listen to me, she's not that girl she used to be" Said Nathaniel standing in front of her. "Lila look at me, look at me"

"Get away from me, traitor!"

"Lila I didn't kiss her, she had pulled me to her to do that on me, I just wanted to free myself from her"

"You betrayed me, you two kissed on our secret spot, you..."

"Lila, come on let's calm down a bit."

"Calm down?!?" Asked Lila looking fatal. "How should I calm down, after seeing that, tell me!"

"Mi....mi amori I'm trying to tell you, that...."

"I was so stupid, I dedicated so much time in our relationship for nothing, I texted several nights with you, spend more time with you, than with family members and I've slept with you....Oh I'm such an idiot"

"Lila you didn't waste your time for nothing..."

"Just leave me Nathaniel, I don't want to see you ever again!" Shouted Lila turning her back to him.

"Lila, please" Said Nathaniel placing his hand on her shoulder, then she turned around slapping him on his face.

"It's over Nathaniel! Everything!" Hissed Lila aggressively then ran back through the park.

"Lila!" Shouted Nathaniel doleful. "Please come back!" Shouted Nathaniel observing the girl disappear. He closed his eyes, trying to keep his tears back from this breakup. "But I love you..." Said Nathaniel and Duusu showed up landing on his shoulder and placing a hand on his neck, to caress him.

"We'll talk with her tomorrow" Said Duusu looking tragic at the boy. "We will fix this" Said the peacock kwami and in the air appeared flying Lila's kwami Trixx.

"Nathaniel, what have you done'" Asked Trixx angry.

"He has done nothing, the other girl had kissed him constrained" Said Duusu. "He didn't even know, that she came. He was writing his name and Lila's on the tree as proof of his love for her" Explained the blue creature.

"So he really said the truth," Asked Trixx and the other two nodded.

"We have to tell this Lila, but she won't believe us," Said Nathaniel clearing his eyes from his face.

"She will, believe me, don't worry" Said Trixx. "Come, let's go" Said Trixx and the other two followed her.

"Shouldn't we wait, until she calms down?" Asked Nathaniel.

At the Eiffel Tower Lila sat with her back leaned against the base of the tower crying on her crossed arms.

"How could Nathaniel do this to me?" Whined Lila and in the near Juleka and Rose were walking hand in hand then Rose looked at her direction recognizing her.

"Look Lila's crying" Pointed Rose and ran along with Juleka towards her. In the near an Akuma flew towards Lila entering into her miraculous, causing her to get akumatized.

"Volpina, here's your second chance to get me Ladybug and Cat Noir's miraculous, do this and I'll help you with the despair. Is that a good deal?" Asked Hawk Moth and Lila smirked.

"You wish is my command, Hawk Moth" Responded Lila and transformed into Volpina.

"Oh no, she got akumatized!" Shouted Rose and Volpina looked at the two girls.

"Run!" Shouted Juleka and pulled her along with her running away. Volpina laughed and took off in the air.

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