What am I?
I am the daughter
I am the sister
I am the friend
I am the advice giver
I am the listener
I am the Introvert
I am the crazy one
I am confident
I am happy
I am the one who is always smiling
I am the brightest one in the room
I am the one who makes everyone else feel better
I am the one who never accepts help from others
I am the one to laugh at
I am the one to laugh with
I am the actress
I am the theatre nerd
I am the teacher’s pet
I am the smart kid
I am the kid with a few friends
I am one with aspirations
I am a Mormon
I am unique
I am cute
I am kind
I am sweet
I am loved
I am all of these things, but…
I am never the lover
I am the one who is to cute to be seen in any romantic light
My Poetry
PoetryI have decided to start posting my poetry. Most of my poetry is written in the form of spoken word poetry that is also known as slam poetry. I also have some of my poetry that is just like free verse. I don't write my poetry for the approval of othe...