I Am...

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What am I?

I am the daughter

I am the sister

I am the friend

I am the advice giver

I am the listener

I am the Introvert

I am the crazy one

I am confident

I am happy

I am the one who is always smiling

I am the brightest one in the room

I am the one who makes everyone else feel better

I am the one who never accepts help from others

I am the one to laugh at

I am the one to laugh with

I am the actress

I am the theatre nerd

I am the teacher’s pet

I am the smart kid

I am the kid with a few friends

I am one with aspirations

I am a Mormon

I am unique

I am cute

I am kind

I am sweet

I am loved

I am all of these things, but…

I am never the lover

I am the one who is to cute to be seen in any romantic light

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