L-Luke...help me

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Jades POV
My dad, stood in the doorway to my room.
Staring at me like he never has before; more violent, scary, threatening.
i could practically taste the alcohol.
"Dad? Where is mum.."
"Dead" he stated with a smirk plastered on his face.
"W-what?" I stuttered out. Now scared for my life.
"Dead..I killed her just like I'm gonna kill you"
"Dad, where's my sister?"
"I put her up for adoption"
"Shit!" I grabbed my bag off my bed; I had packed this incase my dad went crazy like he is now.
I jumped out the window and I think I sprained my
Ankle "fuck!" I Yelled but kept running
*30 mins later*
"Jade?" A deep Australian voice asked me, one I know very well.
"What happened? Why are you out here it's like 12:00!?"
How can I explain what happened to me?
"Um er uh...my dad. He uh um tried to kill me...he just killed my mother and I already called the cops. He put my sister up for adoption as well"

He picked me up bridal style, why does he like me?
"Do you have your phone now?" He asked with anger and relief in his tone of voice...

"Yeah, w-why" I'm trying to hold my tears...
" Do you wanna stay at kireas?" Kirea is my friend that lives near luke.
"L-Luke...help me"

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