Chapter 1 // The Betrayal

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"Well? Does anyone have a rebuttal?" Byakuya asked annoyed. "Have you decided to accept her answer as a fact?" No one answered. Byakuya grunted dissatisfied. "I see... I suppose we have to admit that Kyoko didn't put the locker key in her room. That it was someone else..." Asahina spoke up in question. "But...who else could it have been?" Hagakure added to her statement. "I mean, Byakuya had her room key right?" Toko gasped in anger, "Y-you! What are you t-trying to imply?!"

Byakuya rolls his eyes as he ignored her statement. "But of course I have an alibi. From nighttime on, I was with you guys the entire time. I couldn't have possibly killed anyone, or put the key in Kyoko's room." "Well someone had to put the key in there..." Hagakure argued. Byakuya scoffed and crossed his arms over his chest. "There's only one other possibility I can think of..." He paused. "Someone could have had the key on them, then once they arrived at the scene, they pretended to "find" it there." Everyone then turned to look at Makoto.

"I-it had to be Makoto then right?" Asahina asked the group. "I don't see any other option," Byakuya replied nodding his head in agreement. "W-wait a second! You got it all wrong! Let's think about it one more time! There's got to be a hidden side to this case!" Makoto desperately tried to defend himself, seeing as of now everyone seemed to be going against him. "Hun? A hidden side?" Hagakure asked with an eyebrow raised. Makoto nodded. "First of all, there's something off about this entire trial! You all see it, don't you?" Monakuma had gone quiet as Makoto continued to speak. "Mukuro, who we didn't even know existed, suddenly shows up dead, and then we're thrown into a trial...! And Kyoko even said it's a trap the mastermind set for us! So that's why...this has to be-"

"OKAAAY! TIME"S UP!" Monakuma interrupted the trial. "Time's up! The class trial's all over! Everyone can stop talking now!" Makoto swallowed worriedly. "W-what... what do you mean "Time's Up!?"' However, his question was just plainly ignored. "What do you mean time's up? There's no "time's up." Since when have we--?" Monakuma cut Kirigiri off. "It's because you were late! So we had to push back the time start! So then it's time for voting time, okay? Everyone, please vote using the lever in front of you!"

Makoto looked around as everyone placed their votes. "Guys! You can't really think it's me right?" No one answered. Makoto felt a ping of betrayal fill his stomach, and he couldn't help but compare it to the first trial when everyone had their backs turned on him as well. Monakuma laughed. "Now who will be chosen as the blacked? Will you make the right choice or the dreadfully wrong one?"

"Hey hold on!" Makoto shouted as the two coloured bear pulled the lever. The slot machine went around and around until it slowed on someone's name... Makoto's name. "What...?" Makoto said in disbelief as he began to back away from his stand. "You guys really think I'm the killer!" Hagakure looked towards the ground and muttered a quick 'sorry'. Asahina followed in his footsteps. "I-its all your fault!" Toko glared at him. Makoto felt tears start to form in his eyes. "Everyone...Your wrong! You got it all wrong I didn't do it!" he pleaded. But it was no use as they all looked away from him.

"Good job everyone!" Makoto felt his eye twitch. "G-good job..." Monakuma cackled. "Yep! They got it right!" Makoto stared at him in disbelief, as he shook his head. "N-no...I know that's not true! I didn't do it! I know I didn't! None of this makes any sense... This whole trial doesn't make any sense!" Monakuma took out his claws. "Hey! It makes perfect sense! It's the same as always. Just like all the other class trials. I'm going to end it the same way! It's not my fault you decided to commit murder, I'm just following the rules." He chucked, once more. "Now! It's time for your heart pounding, positively thrilling punishment!"

"W-wait no!-" He turned to Kirigiri for help. "Kyoko! you know I'm innocent right!?" But she only nodded her head side to side as if she was disappointed, and turned away. Leaving any hope remaining in Makoto to vanish. "Awww seems like little Makoto lost his girlfriend!" Monakuma laughed happily. Makoto ignored this comment, as tears started to run down his face. "Let's give it all we got! It's PUNISHMENT TIME!!!"

Monakuma hit the big red button, and the chain pulled him back after clipping on around his throat.


The chain around Makoto's neck pulled him onto a chair. There was a blackboard in front of him that read out the punishments name.

'After School Lessons'

Monakuma appeared in front of him, in what seemed to be a poor description of a teacher's uniform. But Makoto didn't care about that. Nor did he care about the burning feeling in his throat. No, the only thing he cared about was how close he was to the press. And the closer he got, the more sweat dripped down his forehead. He didn't want to die. No. Not like this. He didn't even do anything! He was innocent!

Makoto looked back in the corner of his eye. He was right there. He was about to die, and there was nothing he could do about it. He forced his eyes shut waiting for the final crush, only it never came. The power went out which caused the press to stop right as he passed. Relief appeared on his face as he fell backwards and into the garbage-strewn pit.

But little did he know that when the lights turned back on, his fellow classmates saw what looked like to be a murder scene under the press.

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