Chapter 7 // Where are Story Ends...

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Junko shouted as she appeared from the smoke. Everyone looked at her confused. "What do you mean wrong, we finished the objective!? We figured out the secrets behind the school, and your identity!" Byakuya barked out. "But you didn't! There's still one secret left untouched." She laughed sadisticly as knew stuck her tongue out.

"Huh..? What do you mean?" Kyoko asked confused. "I have an assistant!" Junko said as she changed moods. Everyone's eyes widened in horror. "B-but! You didn't give us any evidence that you had one!" Asahina shouted out angerly. "Oh, but I did. You see if one of you just checked your school handbook you would know." Everyone pulled out there handbooks quickly going through it.

"Your lying!" Byakuya shouted. "I don't see anything about you having an assistant. The only thing you added was how everything in the school works, and the information on all the executions!"

Kyoko's eye's widened. "You executed your assistant?!" Junko looked despairful now. "Yes, that was the original plan... however they survived... In fact they only became my assistant after there executive."

"B-but I don't u-undersatnd!? W-who would b-betray us l-like this?" Toko said pulling on her hair braids. "Hm? Well, like I said before, just look in the handbook and you'll have all the answers you need." Kirigiri glanced over the executives carefully. "It couldn't have been Leon, we saw him die from severe trauma to the head. It's possible it could have been Mondo, considering we could barely seen anything over the green light. It couldn't be Celestia we saw her burned, and hit with a truck. Alter ego was an AI, and that only leaves.... Makoto. Who was crushed by the press."

"I-I put my bets on Mondo he was always the violent kind! I mean he knocked out Makoto before the first trial for no reason!" Everyone nodded in agreement but Kirigiri.

"As much as I hate saying this, we cannot be too quick to judge. For all we know it could have been someone else..." Byakuya frowned. "But the only other person would be Makoto, and he's too much of a wimp to help out the mastermind. He was always so full of hope after all."


"No! Kirigiri the last time we listened to you Makoto died! Where voting for Mondo!" Kirigiri sighed. "Alright but don't blame me if your wrong. After all I don't have the majority of the vote."

"W-were not g-gonna be s-so you h-have n-nothing to w-worry a-about!"

Junko chuckled. "So is that your final vote?" Everyone nodded confidently. "Alright then! Place your votes in! And my assistant shall be revealed!" Everyone did as they were told, all voting for Mondo. The wheel spun round and round intill it landed on Mondo's name.

"WRONG! WRONG WRONG!" The machine started to beep. "Awww! Your wrong!" Junko pouted. "How despairing!" Asahina bite her lip angery. "If it's not Mondo, then who is it!" Makoto resistant the urge to face palm on the other side of the camera.

Junko smirked. "Well your about to find out!" The trial room once again filled with smoke, and the laughter of someone they knew very well rang though there ears.

"Hello fellow classmates!" Makoto shouted catching everyone by surprise. "M-Makoto!" Toko stuttered. "H-how are y-you a-alive! W-we saw you g-get c-crushed!"

Makoto walked into the center of the trial stands, a smirk on his face. "But you didn't, remember? The power went out." Toko looked flabbergasted. "B-but the b-blood-" "Was fake. Junko put fake blood in the press just in case it ended up missing me. When the power went out the press stopped above by head, and I fell though the garbage disposal. Junko soon followed after a few hours later, and offered me a deal I couldn't pass up."

Byakuya scoffed. "But why you'd be working with the enemy who traped you here." Makoto rolled his eyes and glared. "Oh don't be ridiculous. It was either this or starvation. And besides didn't you try to kill us all by blaming Toko in trial two?" Byakuya flushed red.

"But Makoto why would you betray our trust like that!" Asahina cried. Makoto's glare worsted, and even Junko couldn't help but feel disgusted. At least when she betrayed someone she'd admit to it. Not pretend it never happened in the first place. "How stupid do you gotta be?" Junko spoke up. "You betrayed Makoto the moment you all voted for him when he was innocent."

"Its not like that. It's just we would have never found out any of the schools secrets if we voted for Kirigiri-" "Oh! So your saying her life is more important than Makoto's?" Junko laughed seeing as everyone in the room went silent.

Makoto glanced at everyone in the room before turning to Junko. "Can't we just execute them already? I'm bored." His classmates faces filled with despair and realization. "Makoto don't-" Junko cut Kirigiri off. "Why of course Makoto I couldn't deny you the despair of seeing your old friends executions!"

The big, red, punishment button  emerged from the tile floor. Makoto and Junko both walked up to the button, hovering one of there hands over it each.

"Makoto don't do this!" Kirigiri begged. Makoto however felt zero sympathy as he looked into her eyes and shouted.


Tears rolled down everyone face as Makoto and Junko pressed on the button. Five chains came out of nowhere and dragged them all to there own executions. After a few moments there screams could be heard from the distance. But Makoto didn't bat an eye.

"Hey Junko? Want to go make some lunch? I'm starving."

The End~

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