Chapter 28

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Still Marc's POV

In The Dream

"Marc, this is Maria. Maria this is Marc" Leo introduced the two of us.

I looked into her eyes and looked at every part of her face and was instantly in love.

I put out my hand to shake and she took it.

"Hi Maria. I'm Marc as you know" I said. "Uh, I play for FCBarcelona as you may know and yeah"

"Oh... M-m-my name is Maria, as L-l-Leo told you. And I play for a soccer club in A-A-Argentina" she stuttered.

"Cool" I simply replied.

"You're hot!" She blurted out, with instant regret on her face.

"Hehe, not so bad yourself" I admired looking her up and down.

"Oh, shit, where's Leo? He was just here" She cursed.

"I guess he left, do you want me to take you home?" I offered.

"Yeah, hopefully I'm not asking for to much" She mumbled.

"I love taking gorgeous girls to their home" I said smiling wildly.

"Haha, dork" She says punching my arm lightly.

"I love when pretty girls call me a dork and smile" I blurted almost looking into her soul.

"Thanks but I'm not pretty" she said laughing and looking away from me.

"Of course you are" I say once again looking into her soul.

Her smile faded a little as she looked into my eyes, just staring at each other.

"Ah well let's get going" She said breaking our eye contact.

I connected our hands together and took her to my car. She got out and went into Leo's house.

Fast forward

We've been talking for almost a year now and every chance I got to see her I took and enjoyed every second of it. We were closer than any friendship would be, a friendship that any person would ever want.

One day after Leo and I had just finished practice, she stood there talking to me, forgetting about time.

"Wait has Leo left already?" She asked looking around for him.

"Yeah, I guess he did" I said smirking. "It's okay though, I can drive you home" I offered.

"Sure. Ugh, déjà vu" she laughed holding her head.

"Yep, to when we first met" I admitted.

"Haha, one of the best moments in my life" she said smiling crazily.

"Mine too" I say looking into her eyes.

"Better get going, it's getting dark" she sighed.

We got into my car and drove to Leo's house.

"Thanks for dropping me off" she said leaning over and giving me a hug.

"No problem"

She got out of the car as I stayed and watched her to make sure she got into the house. She kept knocking on the door and ringing the doorbell. Then came back to my car.

"What's the problem?" I asked carefully.

"Leo isn't home" she says sighing combing her fingers through her hair.

"Oh, that's fine, you can come over to my house, I forgot that they went out partying" I remembered.

"Thanks, but I hope I'm not causing you to much trouble"

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