Chapter 45

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Maria's POV

It's been a week since Oscar and I started dating, we're extremely happy together. We've been on a three dates and things couldn't be better. Except for the fact that Marc hasn't visited since he figured out he was going to be a dad. I feel so bad for him, the fact that he has to go through having to child with a woman that he doesn't even know is heartbreaking. I feel awful for him. I've tried calling him but every time I call, he just gives me some lame excuse as to why he can't talk at the moment.

Lucia is leaving for Barcelona today, to check up on Neymar. She still doesn't trust him 100%. Honestly, if you can't trust your loved ones, you might need to let them go.

Anyways, I just got back from practice and am currently trying to call Marc.

Riiing, Riiing, Riiiing, Rii-

"Hello?" Marc answered.

"Hey Marc, how have you been?" I asked.

"Not very good, but Maria, now's not the time-"

"Marc, there's never a time for you anymore" I interrupt.

"Maria, I have things to do"

"Too many things to do that you don't even have time for your friends?" I ask slightly annoyed.

"I'm sorry Maria... I just don't have time" he tells me.

Before I could respond he hangs up the phone leaving me speechless.

What is going on with Marc? He's being so moody.

"Hola amor" Oscar says walking through the front door kissing my cheek.

"Hey" I say frowning.

"What's wrong?" He wonders.

"Marc's being slightly annoying" I tell Oscar.

"Why?" He curiously asks.

"I feel like he's been ignoring me. Every time I call him, he's always 'busy', do you know how frustrating that is?"

"I guess, but how do you know he's ignoring you? He might actually be busy" Oscar tries to calm me down.

"LUCIA!!!" I called.

"WHAT?!" She replies.

"Come down here!" I yell.

She runs down the stairs.

"This better be important, I need to be at the airport in less than an hour" She barks.

"Could you call Marc?" I ask.

"Why?" she asks out of curiosity.

"Please just do it" I beg.

"Fine" she groans.

She dials Marc's number.

"Hey Marc...... How's it going?...... Yeah, I'll be there in less than 4 hours...... I'll talk to you when I get down there later....... Okay, see you later dumb ass" She hangs up the phone.

"What was the point in that?" She asks annoyed.

"Did he say he was busy, or that he has something to do?" I hurriedly ask.

"No" she bluntly replied.

"Did he sound weird?" I ask.

"No! He was acting normal! Now can you tell me what's going on?!" Lucia asked aggravated.

"He's been ignoring her" Oscar sighs sitting down.

"Oh..." Lucia whispers.

"You'd better go pack your bags before you're late" I smile.

Changing (Oscar Emboaba & Marc Bartra) FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now