Chapter 49

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"Maria, do you love Marc?" Lucia asked me.

"No, I'm with Oscar" I respond.

"Then there's nothing to worry about if you don't love Marc" Lucia says laying down on my bed.

"But all those words that flowed out of my mouth when I talked to him? What was that?" I desperately plead.

"Now that I can't tell you. You have to figure that out"

"My life sucks" I groan.

"No, it doesn't. I wouldn't consider two football players falling in love with you at the same time a sucky life, but hey, everyone's different" Lucia laughs.

"Lucia!!!! Come downstairs!!" Marc yells.

"Why!!?!?" She yells back.

"I have a surprise for you!!!!" Marc replies.

"Wonder what kind of surprise he has... Anyways I'll be right back" Lucia tells me patting my back.

Lucia's POV

I walk down the stairs and see Marc's "surprise" standing there with a grin.

"Bye" I say walking back up the stairs.

"Lucia! Long time no see?" Jack says grabbing my hand.

"It hasn't even been a day" I groan.

"Who cares? Like my suit?" He asks.

"Is this your idea of a surprise?" I ask Marc ignoring Jack.

"Yep" Marc laughs.

"You look beautiful by the way" Jack smiles.

"Same to you" I say complementing Jack's suit.

"Bye" I say walking upstairs.

"What was it?" Maria asks me.

"Friend of mine" I explain.

"Oh..." She says looking down.

"Maria Sol Messi! Stop it! I don't want to see you sad, and upset about your feelings. You know who you love. If it's Oscar or Marc, I don't care, that's all up to you. But you're telling Oscar tonight either way!" I yell.

"Only if it was that simple" She yells back. "You think that I know who I love and who I don't? Because right now, after what Marc told me, I'm not even sure how I feel anymore!"

I don't say anything.

"We're leaving in a few- oh... What's going on?" Oscar asks coming into the room.

"I was helping Maria out with her makeup" I lied.

"Okay, well hurry up. We'll leave when you guys get downstairs" Oscar says leaving.

"Thanks" Maria murmurs putting on her necklace.

"Tell him tonight, or I tell him tomorrow" I say getting to the point.

"I get it" She says putting on her heels.

We walk downstairs and meet the boys in the living room.

"Yeah, I met her on a plane ride to Barcelona... I met this mate practicing at my high school" Jack rambled on to Oscar.

"There they are! Are we ready to go?" Oscar asks holding Maria's hand.

"We have one more guest" I say opening the door.

"Marc!" A brunette says jumping into Marc's arms.

"Nadia! I've missed you so much!" Marc says catching her.

Changing (Oscar Emboaba & Marc Bartra) FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now