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A Roman at heart, and unproclaimed god, they said.

Such a shame on his part, the legacy ends in his death.

Such a shame on his part, the legacy ends in his death

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Aleksander "Alek" Benedictus

Son of Apollo, Protege of Mercury, and Last Legacy of the Benedictus Ancestry

Son of Apollo, Protege of Mercury, and Last Legacy of the Benedictus Ancestry

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"Remember that you will die."

"Non desistas, no exieris, the very words of my family. If this is the price of duty and honor, then may the crown on my head be the very cause of my murder."

Kin, Companions, and Associates

Kin, Companions, and Associates

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The God of Many Things, The Father

The God of Many Things, The Father

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Remember That You Will Die [Heroes of Olympus] | ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now