Letting Go

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^Baylee's outfit^


It's been weeks. Weeks since I haven't heard from him. He hasn't called, texted, nothing. I tried everything but he wouldn't answer. Wherever he is right now he's probably devastated. God I am so stupid! If Jack is gonna do this stuff then he needs to go home.

Hayes leaving has led me to major depression. Suicide thoughts. Cutting. Not eating. Not drinking. Not sleeping. Not moving. My life has taken a complete turn. A few days ago gwen caught me trying to drug myself. She slapped me and slept in my room for a week. Just to make sure I was safe. Jaylin and matt were doing everything they could to help me. Nothing worked. I won't talk. I won't listen. I'm not the happy, humble, bubbly, Girl anymore. No, I am a complete train wreck.

Here I am laying in my bed watching dumb YouTube videos of Tyler Oakley, Connor franta, you get the point. I would not talk to anybody for weeks. Matt tried to bring me breakfast one morning I completely freaked out. He spent the rest of his week crying in bed. Like me. I haven't left my bed in forever.

You see, when you cheat and you get caught by the person you really love. Your entire world stops, you don't know what to do. You're in complete panic mode. Me? No. I wanted to die on the spot. I didn't want to live anymore. Without hayes I'm nothing. I'm lost. Now I'm just like an old women who's too broken to even change her own bed sheets.

My door creaks open and gwen steps in with a fresh pair of sheets.

"Bb? You have to change your bed sheets...you haven't changed them in over 5 weeks...." Gwen says.

"Just let me drown in my own oily, dry, skin. I'm sure I'll choke on it someday." I mumble from the pillow.

I could tell gwen has had it with this attitude of mine. She comes over to my bed and yanks the covers off of me. I scream and launch from my bed.

"What the hell gwen!"

"I am sick and tired of you acting this way Baylee! You missed the tour of the theatre school and Dean Jones is very disappointed! He was really looking forward to seeing you!!!" Gwen cries out.

I slowly get out of bed and walk over to her crying. I hug her tightly and don't move. She rubs my back and cries with me.

"I miss him so much gwen!!" I sob.

She sighs and doesn't reply for a few.

"Baylee, listen to me." She says pulling away. "I never want you to be sad or depressed. Ever. You are a strong and beautiful girl who doesn't deserve hayes. He left you because he didn't listen. He should've listened and this wouldn't have happened."

I wipe my tears slowly away and give her a crimson smile. I walk over to my drawers and pull out a crop top and ripped blue jeans. Gwen nods to me and I walk into my bathroom and change. I put my hair in a long side braid and do my usual makeup. I grab my phone and call Dean. After a few rings he picks up.

"Hello Dean Jones speaking"

"Hi Dean, it's Baylee, I was just wondering if it was too late to do that tour."

"Of course not. Would you like to come today?"

"Uh, yeah. I would! See Ya then. Ok bye!"

I hang up the phone and run downstairs.

"matt!!! Gwen!!! Shawn!! Jaylin!!" I yell.

"What what what!" Matt screams.

He runs out from the kitchen and sees me without black bags under my eyes, messy, greasy hair, and crying. a tear falls from his face and he comes to me and squeezes me. I yelp and he puts me down. He gently kisses my nose and I smile.

"Hi Matchu." I smile.

"Hi baywee" he smiles back.

"Let's go to that tour?"

He smiles more and nods his head Ya. We all run out the door and grab a taxi. We take the road to the university and finally get there. I hop out first and run to the sidewalk. I wait for the rest and me and gwen run in front of everyone. We open the doors to the giant college and gaze all around the room. We are greeted by a tall skinny man with a full head of brown hair,

"Welcome to ATU I am principal Dean Jones. You must be Baylee."

"Yes! And this is my best friend gwen she wants to join as well!" I smile,

He nods and starts to lead us all through the university, this was it. I finally felt like I was....well. Letting Go....

Hey guys! Welcome to the sequel of trapped! Hoped you liked the first chapter!!! Vote and comment please! I love you guys!

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