Chapter 3

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Hi!~ I'm happy you read this far in my Zoro x reader! Next chapter will probably be last but I'm not sure yet. Anyway! To the story~

"She decided she wants to join the cre-" Zoro said while getting cut off by Luffy. "YAY!" You smile and hug Zoro by his side giving him butterflies with Zoro hugging you back with one arm. "Let's celebrate on (Y/N) joining guys!" Robin noted. "I agree." Nami added smiling. Zoro separated from your hug and sat down with everyone else waiting for you to.
  As you sat down beside Zoro and joined everyone luffy handed you a cup of sake. "Welcome to the Strawhats!" Luffy added. "Thank you, Captain." You said taking the cup of sake. As Zoro put his arm around your waist and raised his cup. "To (Y/N) and her new adventures with us!" Zoro said. Everyone raised their cup to celebrate you joining.

~little timeskip~

After everyone had fallen asleep after the party It was just you and Zoro. Yet Zoro was very tired and wanted to go to sleep, but he didn't want you to be alone. You two was in the crows nest on the couch chatting. "Can I tell you something (Y/N)?" Zoro said nervously. You nodded your head in response. "I.. I've kind of been having these feelings-" Zoro got cut off by you. "So have I.." as a little fade of pink cake on both your faces. It was very awkward so Zoro had to do something. He passionately kissed you. As you being surprised it took you a second or two to kiss back. You both separate from the kiss with a fade of pink on both of your faces.
And soon enough you was both asleep, with Zoro cuddling you on the couch.


The next morning, you woke up and found yourself in Zoros arms with him looking at you. "Good morning sleepyhead" Zoro said smirking. "You can't call me a sleepyhead when you take three naps a day." You added on that made Zoro roll his eyes. "You have to get up anyways." Zoro said. "Five more minutes" you say as you close your eyes. "BREAKFAST IS READY~" Sanji yelled to make sure everyone heard. "See food is ready." Zoro said. "Fine.." you added


As you and Zoro went to the kitchen to eat you see everyone staring at you and him. "You took (Y/N)~chan~ away from me moss head!" Sanji said in a angry tone. "No it's just she chose me twirly brow." Zoro snapped back. "Please don't fight guys." You said. "Fine" as Sanji and Zoro said.
You and everyone ate breakfast and went to the deck. Zoro had sat down with his back on the wall. You being his girlfriend you sat next to him so he wasn't lonely. Zoro loved that you did and sat you on his lap. Zoro put his face in the crevice of your neck giving you small kisses up and down your neck sending chills through your spine and a shade of pink of your face. Everyone else was doing their own thing. Luffy was playing tag with Chopper, and Usopp. Robin and Nami was in the crows nest. Sanji was cooking. Lastly Franky was building things. So it was just you and Zoro.
"You're only mine." Zoro said with his face in the crevice of your neck. "As you turn to face him. "I know and not Sanjis'." You said. "He better not ever be." Zoro said in a angry tone while he kissed you deeply. That surprising you but it didn't take you long to kiss back.

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