Whirlwind! Tempest Wyvron!

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Right now Honcho was still looking at Wakiya's new bay (still)

Honcho: someone got a makeover.

then Wakiya (rudely) shoved Honchos bay in his face which Yin was mad about.

Wakiya: Done yet? Hurry up! I can't show you what my bay is made of until we get this thing started!

Honcho: Obviously. Roktavor's got a few tricks that are gonna put you to shame!

Wakiya: keep telling yourself that Guaranteed win for me.

Honcho: with that huge head how do you stand up straight?!

Yin: Yippp Yip (nice one honcho)

Hanami: Bey checks are done! And our first competitors are ready for the showdown!

Honcho's thoughts): Tempest Wyvron, huh? I think we can weather a little storm.

Honcho looks at his bey and it glints in the light almost like agreeing with his owner.

Wakiya: Lets get going

Honcho: Deal.

Hanami: Alright this friendly's pitting new comers Sunbat United in a competition against BC Sol on their home turf! Here to kick things off are Rantaro Kiyama and Wakiya Murasaki!

Referee: Let's begin! first battle!

Honcho And Wakiya get their launchers ready.

Referee: Ready? Set!

all: Three! Two! One!

Honcho&Wakiya: Let it...Rip! 

both bays land in the stadium With Roktavor leaveing a orange trail

Honcho: Sweet! Launch so smooth it's flying! Let's knock it outta the sky buddy!

Hanami: And we're off to a great start! Tempest Wyvron and Berserk Roktavor came running outta the gate and are raceing toward the center!

both Wyvron and Raktavor head to the middle but Wyvron end's up clashing with Roktavor and pushing him away from the center making Honcho surprised

Honcho: How'd you beat me to it?!

Wakiya doesn't answer but gives a grin.

Valt&Yin: Go, Honcho! Stay focused./Yip Yip Yip!(Go Go Go!)

Free and Kayden both still have a straight face meanwhile Roktavor is trying to get Wyvron out the center.

Honcho: I don't get it! We're coming' in hot but it's still not budging.

Wakiya: you haven't seen anything yet trust me, Wyvron's only getting warmed up!

 Roktavor goesing for another clash but still nothing.

Wakiya: Its evolution allows it to absorb incoming attacks like never before. Its solid as a rock.

Honcho: Im in trouble...

Ataru: Wait 'till he finds out what other neat tricks it's got up its sleeve.

Silas: No kidding...You two the Bey trainer's who worked on it? (remember alex?)

Ataru: Sure are. Its a. one-of-a-kind Defense Type unlike any other out there. Wyvron's always been stubborn. We just helped it harness that energy. It's finally letting its personality shine through.

Silas: So its hard to knock over?

Ataru: yeah, sure...

Silas: Then,  just say so!

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