A gift for a gift

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As the week went on, I longed for Carol to talk to me, or to even approach me.
The first time we ever talked, she treated me differently to the other students, sui generis.
Though, it seemed I've merely merged into her classroom as another among many.

I pondered whether to talk to her instead, but the thought soon disappeared as I felt a wave of embarrassment jeprodise the confidence I thought I had.
Your not special, your just her student.

I've gotten used to the other classes I've had so far, though I'm yet to truely make a friend.
Here and there I've made a joke and received a few chuckles, or chimed into a conversation, but each time I do, i seem to reclude back to a state of nervousness and worry.
Do they want to talk to me?
Are they talking to be out of...pity? Guilt?
Are they just trying to be kind?

Its lunch now, and I sit at the same place I usualy do.
Though the canteen is where most eat, I prefer to take my food out to the field and sit under a tree; the serenity of it puts my mind at rest, as I can be comfortably myself.

Though, today was different.

As I sat myself down, I remembered.
Last day of the first week.
Jubilation; pride was what I felt as to knowing I'd made it through, though, I'm yet to do the one thing I want to.
And just like that, there was my chance- no, I didn't have a choice.

She began to approach me. There were a few other students scattered across the field, surely she was going to talk to one of them.
But no,
she was heading straight for me.
As I realised, I knew in an instant I had no time to sort myself out; still chewing a bite of my sandwich, frantically, I tried to finnish it before she had completed her journey over.
Alas, I did not, and she stood before me as I stared at her feet, merely panicking over finishing my food.

Finnaly, looking up, her eyes matched the sky that brimmed above her, as if she was the subject in a scenery peice.
She chuckled, a pure melody. She could laugh and a flock of birds would lace the sky, joyous at the sound.
"Having your lunch are you?" Smiling, she was perfect. So perfect. Her hair shined bellow the sun, creative perfect ripples of white and blonde.
All that had changed from the moment she was born was her mind.
Her intelligence.
Apart from that, she still engendered the placid feeling from when you first see a family members new born child.
How it's skin is soft, so tender. How their eyes iluminate everytime you stare at them. That perfect natural blush that radiates from their cheeks, and their pure innocence that naturally forsees how they haven't been intoxicated by the crueless of the world.

"Hello? Earth to y/n"
"Oh, yes I am" brought back to reality, I finnaly answered after how ever long.
"May I sit with you?" She knew I would say yes, I thought. There was no way i would decline.
"Of course".

"How have you been getting on?". As she began to sit down, she placed her hand on my thigh as to allow herself to fall elegantly to the ground. Surely she would of anyways even if she had no sense of control, she seemed to be wired that way.

Once seated, she let go, and the coldness of the air again took over the warmth of where her hand had been.
I should of worn tights I thought, as wearing a dress didn't seem to be the best idea in 20⁰ whether.
"Aren't you cold?"
She must of thought i was ignoring her, as I was yet to answer her previous question before.
"Not really, and I've been doing good" i smiled, hoping to redeem my careless nature.
"I'm glad, are you sure you aren't cold? Your dress seems to be doing a lousy job of keeping you warm"

 Permanent Move (Carol Aird x Student)Where stories live. Discover now