touch me

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Again, sorry for the long wait, I have a cold rn so I'm writing it IN HOPES I don't have to go school tomorrow which is when I can finnish it 😩
Warning: smut and shit so have fun

Keywords cus idk if u need em
distal: the first segment of a finger (above the first knuckle)
patella: the front of the knee cap
Love handles: the area beside the belly button, a little lower.
^ sorry my explanations are crap.

The next two hours were unbearably long.
Carol. Carol. Carol. Her name, her body, her voice, her smell, her touch.
I missed it.
Though as the bell rang for lunch, lust turned to fear.
Leaving the classroom, I had two options. Turn right and head to the canteen, turn left and head to her room.
I stood there, kids pushing passed me; some were annoyed at my presence blocking their path, most simply ignoring me.
Still, I stood, contemplating.
Left. No right. Go right. No left go left. Right?
My head whipped from side to side, hoping my body would follow and go a direction. Any direction, though, my feet were planted firm on the ground.
Should I go.
It's just an art lesson.
She's offered to teach me.
It would be rude not to.
You promised.
Closing my eyes, I took a breath, and began to walk.
Run almost.
I arrived outside her room within  minutes it seemed and knocked on her door. How seemingly easy it was compared to before.
Amolsy instantly she opened it. Her eyes glistening under the light, her skin radiating a natural glow.
"Come in"
I walked through the door, expecting it to be different for some reason, though it wasn't, why would it be? Nothing is different. I'm her student. She's my teacher.
That's the end of that.

Carols pov:
I waited. Im waiting. The bells going to ring in ten minutes.
Why is it taking so long? Is this class going any slower than usual?
I watched overhead as the year eights (7th grade for Americans I think?) Carried on with their work.
Nine minutes.
It's only been a minute?
Hurry up.
Why am i so excited? I'm teaching her art. Giving her extra lessons. She may not even come, I shouldn't force that upon her.
Eight minutes.
"Miss" a student called me over. We have eight minutes left, what could they possibly want?
Their pencil broke.
Seven minutes.
I'll sort through some papers, see what I have left to mark.
Five minutes.
I have nothing to mark.
Nothing to do.
Nothing to distract me from her.
Oh god, she's a student.
Four minutes.
Will she come?
Three minutes.
She's not going to come, why would she. She has a life. Its a stupid art lesson.
Two minutes.
One minute.
*ring ring*
"CLASS DISMISSED!" I shouted, louder than I should off, though half the class had already left through the door, most ignoring me anyways.
Will she come?

3 minutes later
Why did you expect her to.
Stupid stupid stupid.
Your her teacher. She doesn't want extra lessons. No one wants extra school. Go get your lunch.
Move on.
Though as I moved towards the door, I heard a faint knock on the other end.
Lunging at the handle, desperate to see her face, hoping it was her. Alas, it was.
She came.
She's here.
Her y/c/e eyes mesmerising as always.
Her smile delicate; perfect.
"Come in".
And with that, she did.

Y/n pov:
"So, y/n, take a seat" Her voice was calm; calmer than usual. I noticed she wasn't wearing her blazer; her arms were defined, her neck long and elegant.
I placed my bag on the ground, and kneeled down to open it to get my art work out. I could hear moving behind me somewhere, the door? *click* she locked it.
My back went cold, though my forehead and cheeks could heat a stove. Why would she need to lock the door?
I know why she locked the door.
She's my teacher, it wasn't anything.
She said I could be a good portrait...that's it...sort of. Oh god.
Carrying on, I grabbed my art folder and pencil case, placing it upon the table that was above me, simultaneously gripping its edge for stability to stand up.
As I sat down onto the stool-chair, I used my middle finger to try and move my hairband that was on my wrist around my fingers and tie my hair up, though it snapped back withdrawing a hiss from my mouth.
"Let me". The suddeness of her voice took me by surprise, as I turned around slightly to see her behind me. She held my arm and grabbed the hair band of it and put it around the middle of her hand, using the other to direct my head to face forward.
Her touch sent my thoughts spiraling, sent blood rushing through my body from my head down to my toes. Shivering slightly, I tired to compose myself, though it was impossible knowing the proximity which she was at.
I could feel her fingers brush against my neck as she gathered my hair gently in case she would hurt me.
She could never hurt me.
"You won't hurt me" I spoke with confidence; I knew it.
"You have such soft hair..." Her voice trailed off, it was quiet but loud enough to fill the room. She smoothed out the sides, and then used her fingers like a brush to run them through my hair, smoothing it out once more. I could feel her slightly grown nails against my scalp, how soothing it was. How I would let her touch my hair for hours. As her arms adjudgsted to hold the gathered hair in place, a waft of her perfume laced my nose.
The chairs in the classroom were only stools; I could feel the front of her stomach against the flat of my upper back. Slightly, I leaned into it, pressing my shoulder blades into the sides of her lower stomach. As I did, a sigh fell from her mouth and I could feel her slightly pushing forward against me. With more haste, she tied the band around my hair and tucked the loose ends behind my ears as she did before; her pointer fingers defining my ears, as they trailed to my neck, only this time, they didn't let go. She moved from my neck to the sides of my jaw, now the flat of her fingers trailing towards my chin, lifting my head to meet her eyes above me. Her hot breath met my face, though that's all i felt, as she smiled and spoke.
"You ready?"
As soon as she said it, she let go, my head dropping down once more as she walked to the left of me to sit down.
"What was what?" I could hear her grinning through her words; my thoughts had turned to mumbles without my knowing, but they didn't go un noticed.
"Erm...nothing" completely drained of all confidence, I didn't know what to say.
As soon as my head fell lower to meet hands nervously fumbling in my lap, I felt a clasp hold my jaw and move my head to face her.
Leaving gaps between her words, she emphasised the last. Her left hand held my jaw firmly, eyes filled with lust, filled with passion.
Her head tilted to the side accompanying her teasing.
She knows what i want.
She knows it.
Still, I had no idea what to say. My eyes battled for focus, focus upon anything. Though I only managed to stare at her eyes, her lips, her eyes, her lips.
Only now did I realise how close she was to me, as I felt her right hand place on my knee and squeeze it slightly.
Still holding onto my jaw, she drew closer, as did her hand, going from my knee to my lower thigh, towards where I needed her most.
She leaned further forward, her mouth was now next to my left
ear, her hand now leaving my jaw and trailing down as it did earlier towards the hem of the top of my dress.
"Say it, Princess".
My breath hitched, my cheeks reddened and my hips slightly moving forward, for her to only thrust her right hand directly onto my vagina.
"Tou....touch me" A whisper, all i could muster, but it was a request. A demand.
And with that, she gently bit my ear lobe. I breathed heavier now, the sleekness between my legs grew as she moved her head directly infront of me. Her right hand now moved to hold the right of my neck, and our lips met. First kiss was a gesture, the next was comfortable and the third,  passionate. We moved in synchronisation, my hips thrusting into nothing, wanting to relieve the arousal in me. The slick between my legs only got worse; She knew what she could do to be.
Both her hands moved to the underside of my thighs, lifting me up as my legs wrapped around her waist. I began to undo her shirt buttons, moving it from her shoulders allowing her to  maneuver it of her arms and to the ground. Only in her bra, i could feel her bare hips under my legs. Her tongue trailed to the top of my bottom lip, requesting entrance, as to which I opened my mouth and allowed. Immediately, she dominated, her tongue touching the insides of my mouth. She moved towards her desk and placed me onto it, not once disrupting the kiss. Her hands moved from my thighs to the sides of my dress, hastly gathering the silk material to pull over my head.
Now grasping half of my dress, she lifted it over my head to reveal my black bra and underwear. Her hands held the side of my bare waist, stroking it slightly producing goosebumps from my skin.
"Your beautiful.." Her words fell like petals from a flower, each one beautiful, each one bright with colours of admiration.
Her hands moved all over my body, now trailing the underside of my bra.
"Do you like that, darling?" She spoke into my mouth, smiling with her words.
"Hmm" I couldn't speak, not when she was doing this to me.
"I want to hear you say it. Tell me what you want."
Her hands travelled to my back running her fingers where my back bones protruded a bit, then to where my bra held its clasp.
She moved her mouth to the cusp of my right ear, biting it again, knowing it would make me squirm.
"I'll do anything you want" she whispered, breathy and husky.
"Take it off.." i spoke, embarrassed of the request as if what we were doing wasnt shameful enough.
"Take what of my sweatheart?" I knew now how she loved to tease, though it made me grow hungrier.
My hips jerked upwards into nothing and my head slightly hung backwards now while my face screwed up together; I needed her, I need her now.
"Pl...please..carol" I couldn't say anything, I couldn't ask her, my lips wouldn't allow it, it was an odd feeling; wanting something so badly but being to needing to say it. Carol knew this, she knew my lips would fail me and it wasn't my fault, as her knee moved forwards between my legs, the patella pushing right against me, only slightly to relieve a small amount of pressure. Involuntarily, my hips moved forward into it, grinding slightly against the small area to try and gain some relief.
"How needy you are hm? Can't wait anymore Princess?" She moved her knee away once more, all I could do was squirm and plea.
" ca-an't cate..." and with that, the hand on my back unclipped my bra allowing it to fall of my arms.
She took a slight step back and observed me as I sat on the table waiting for her words.
"Your wonderful.." Her right hand moved forward to trail over my stomach and over my navel. I knew i was blushing as I slightly smiled, ducking my head into the dip of my shoulder to hide it.
"Don't hide, pretty girl" her left hand moved to slightly move my head to face her, as she came closer than she was ever before and hover over my lips with hers.
"Or else I won't be able to kiss you" Her voice was low again, but this time sweet.
She began to kiss me once more, soon plunging right back into how it was before.
Her tongue entered mine with ease, no hesitation as if we both knew what the next move would be. Her hands grasped my breasts, and her mouth moved down to my neck, suckling and biting as she moved across it, not long enough to mark my skin but for it to make me shiver each time she did.
My head once again hung backwards as the pressure in my built, as If I could reach my high with her only doing this. Her teeth slightly trailed downwards to my left breast, allowing her tongue every now and then to trail as well.
"Ngh" breathing heavy and hard, I didn't know what to do but make useless noises.
"Keep quiet, we can't let people here us, hm?"
Her tongue swirled over the areola, close to my nipple for me to feel it every now and then. She moved her tongue to flick over nerve bundle, withdrawing a loud moan from my mouth once again. With her right hand, she moved it and stuck her middle and ring finger into my mouth to muffle my noises, as I sucked on them slightly and swirled my tongue over their distal.
With her left hand, she moved it to my stomach, gently pushing to make me known she wants me to lay back.
As I did, she hovered above me between my legs, still licking and sucking my breast, now going to the right and giving it the same treatment.
She withdrew her fingers from my mouth, and trailed the wetness over chin, jaw, neck. Her lips then moved further down, though her hands still played with my nipples. My head leaning against the wood of her desk, trying to control my body from moving underneath her. Hovering over my navel, she dipped her tongue into it.
"Please Carol..." the small feeling was excruciating, I needed more.
"In time darling". Her hands travelled down past her head, onto my love handles trailing over them slowly.
They arrived at the top of my underwear, her head looking up at me as if asking permission to carry on.
Her hands gently tugged at the fabric of it, pulling them down over my thighs, down my legs and tossing them to the side.
Her hands held the underneath of my thighs, as I moved them to latch around the middle of her torso. Her head was now directly above my vagina, her hot breath was enough to make me feel something, anything.
As she lowered her head, she moved it to the inside of my thigh, kissing and sucking, slowly travelling to her destination. Once again my hips began to move, hoping it would make her travel faster, though she removed her hands from the underside of my legs and used them to hold my hips down, still moving her mouth at the same pace.
Her hands rubbed the skin of my torso, still holding firm, and her mouth travelled back to the top of my vagina. The stubble of hair that had begun to grow could be seen, and I worried it would digust her, make her walk away right now and leave me here. She seemed to sense my distress. Of course she did, she would always.
"Your glorious, y/n. You know that?" She spoke between kisses, "you smell so good", her last kiss fell on top of my clit, making me hitch my breath, my hips still slightly thrusting upwards even under her hold.
"Hmgh...Ca-Carol.." Nothing I could do would make her move faster.
The band holding my hair dug into the back of my head. Moving my hands hastly, I tugged at the hairband, allowing my hair to sprawl under neath me, only to move my hands back down to the sides of the desk and hold onto it.
Using her tongue, she split labia, until it arrived to the cusp of my clit once more.
"You've been patient, my darling" the vibrations of her words stimulated me slightly; the yearn for her only grew. Her lips now directly on top of my clit, she licked it once, twice, and then sucked.
"OH-" I moved my left hand to my mouth, trying to muffle my moans. My legs moved from her torso to latch over the back of her head, giving her more access. She held my thighs in place as her tongue began to move faster, swirling and sucking on my clit. "God you taste good". The pressure in me built as her movements went faster, harder; Her tongue flicking over my clit.
"nghdh" my muffled moans could still be heard, as my right hand gently clasped her head through her blonde hair.
My right hand began to sting from biting it's flesh to stop the noise, as I removed it and held tight to the side of the desk.
"Mor...more Carol..please" without stopping her movements, her right hand removed itself from my thigh. Her middle and ring finger now at my opening, she gently pushed into me.
"Relax" she spoke between her licks "Relax, It will hurt only for a few seconds, if you relax it won't hurt as much". As I tried to settle under her stimulation, Her fingers entered me. The tightness of it made my mouth gape open as I tried to withhold from making any murmers. She slowed her movements on my clit, as her fingers slowly thrusted into me, until the pain turned to immense pleasure. I wave of ecstasy ran through me, I felt tears emerge from my eyes due to the immense wonders I was feeling. My head fell as far back as it could, as my thighs began to tremble.
Still thrusting into me, faster now, she began to lick and suck on my clit once more.
"Oh God...Ca-Carol!" My lips still parted, my mouth moved in the motions of a fish breathing, every now and then making a whimper.
The double stimulation was so much as the pressure in me built. Curling her fingers into a beckoning motion, she found my g-spot, thrusting into it.
"Oh God.." at this point I didn't care if anyone heard us, at least we would have this moment as our last.
" I'm go-" my words were staggered and breathy, as her fingers curled further into me and her tongue flicked my clit with immense force.
"cum for me princess" with her words, her voice, I began to reach my high within seconds.
My back arched off of the table as my hips jerked upwards  farther then they did before, my head slightly lifting off the table. Her tongue and thrusts slowed as I felt myself release; My whole body tremored, tear drops trickled from the outer corners of my eyes, as my head relax back down on the table, still mouth wide open. As she got me through my high, she licked once more from the bottom to the top of my vagina.
"Hmm.." Carol kissed the top of my vagina one last time. "You do taste good..".
Even after her attempts, I felt my thighs were laced with liquid, my vagina still slick.
She traveled up my body, trailing sloppy lazy kisses, till she reached my face. Hovering above me, I could feel her steamy breath.
"You look so beautiful like this you know.." Her hands held my waist as I still laid atop her desk, now warm from my body.
"Taste yourself sweetheart" Her lips latched onto mine and her tongue entered my mouth. I could taste the remains of what I made, what she caused.
"Hmm". My legs were still wrapped around just above her butt, pulling her close to me, her bare stomach right on mine.
"So is it safe to say your gonna come back tomorow for lunch again?" I giggled into her smiling mouth and kissed her again, this time with pure wonder; it was gentle, slow.
Authors note (pls readddd)
Word count: 3474

This is my first time writing smut so er yeahh, I didn't finnish it yesterday so here it is. Ima think about where to go from here, if u have any requests PLEASEE tell me <3

If u do find spelling errors or repeated words tell me cus I can jus go correct them 🙂

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