are you going inside?

800 35 25

- what cate is wearing
See end chapter for notes :p ____________________________________
✨slight smut warning✨

The next week (monday)

Today felt different.
It would be different- I hoped it would be.
The house felt cold like it's soul had never been occupied by the love of a family, which isn't something I could exactly argue against.
Though I did try to help, my mum has been drifting, drifting away towards an island of work and worry.
As much as I wanted to see her happy, I knew in due time she would come around, she always does.

As I got ready for school, there wasn't an inch of peace settled in my body. Hairs on my arm stayed facing the ceiling, and warmth clasped my neck and hands.
All because of one declaration, one hopelessly blissful statement.
"I'll see you next monday".
It repeated, over and over like a broken record, replaying in my mind.
And here I was, that monday, heading off to school- alone.
Going by car took fifteen minutes, but walking took probably forty, though it seemed my mums stamina had alas cut loose from her, as she lay on the couch snoring, an abundance of papers surrounding her sprawled manner.

At school

The moment I walked into the building, I briskly walked towards the bathrooms to wash my face.
Sweat drenched my forehead;
the weather being an agonising 27⁰ didn't help the situation, my baby hairs wrapping themselves in any form and direction across my forehead and face.

 Sweat drenched my forehead; the weather being an agonising 27⁰ didn't help the situation, my baby hairs wrapping themselves in any form and direction across my forehead and face

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Outfit your wearing (I couldn't be asked to make something up so :p)

The heal of my boots could be heard within the baron halls as i headed out of the bathroom.
I had over estimated how long it may take me to walk here, so once again, the school was empty.

First lesson.
As ironic as it was, I forgot I had her first, though she only occupied my mind.
At the thought, I started sprinting, running almost to her classroom.
Alone with Carol.
As I approached her door, the flutter in my stomach transformed into storms of nerves.
I stood outside her room, staring at it.
I did not. I couldn't. I felt practically paralysed. Why wasn't I knocking.
Just go inside.
Knock. Knock dammit.
A hand wrapped itself over my shoulder.
"are you going to go inside?" The husky voice spoke close to me.
God, that voice.
Still, I stood, not daring to move.
"Darling?" She spoke with a more concerned tone, her grip becoming stronger, attempting to make me turn which she did.
"Are you alright?" I imaged her face to be serious; frowning eyebrows and a downturn mouth, though, it wasn't. She was smiling, calmly. Her eyes in no way invading my presence, though I always felt she could if she wanted.
Her free right hand draped across my waist, her fingers slightly moving across it.
"Hi..sorry, I was early and just- just came to see if I could seek some..
Company? I guess before the bell rings, if that's okay- with you I mean"
"Of course love, why wouldn't it be." With every spoken pet name, the strength of doing anything for her Grew, to keep her as mine.
"Let's head inside?" Before I could comply, she reached round me, her face tucked between the curve where my neck and shoulder joined, her lips near grazing my left collarbone.
"Come on" Her hands released their hold, though she grasped my left hand once more to bring me inside once she had gone through.
"You could of knocked to see if I was in here you know?" I stood just infront of the cloeed door where she had left me to go to her desk. As she set her stuff down, I knew she had just arrived at school. Her golden hair wore in a low pony tail, and her face glistened under the light of the room.
She turned slightly to face me, a smirk wore her face, as if she knew why I hadn't knocked in the first instance.
"So, are you Still planning to visit me at lunch?" Her head tilted slightly, like an animal cluelesy inquiring a new toy, though I would beleive she knew my answer.
"Yes! Of course, why wouldnt I?"
The desperateness of my voice was heard by us both, as her smirk grew. She came closer to me, almost with a sense of urgency.
"Your a good kid y/n, talented as well, I could teach you a few new things if you'd like? Would you be up for that sweatheart?" By the time she had finnished speaking, she was mere centimeters away, the back of her index finger carresing the left side of my jaw bone.
Her finger traveled up my face, over my brow, down the arch of my nose and across my cheek bones, slow and steady.
Her touch was soft, like a wisp of wind you feel in a slight breeze.
She resculpted my face with those eyes, those eyes, as they followed her touch.
Once her finger had landed on my chin, she looked me dead in the eye.
"Your beautiful, you know? Has anyone drawn you before? You have the face for it, the structure and posture..." Her finger once again progressed, trailing over my dry bottom lip, the pad of her finger slightly sticking to it, opening my mouth less then a centimeter.
"And your style makes it all the more worthwhile, it compliments your body perfectly"
She whispered, her hands clasping my hips as to hold me while she observed my outfit. As her stare travelled upwards, she said something I wasn't expecting.
"I like your necklace".
The statement confused me, how it was such a random observation.
Though, I had a sudden realisation of why she said it.
Now with her index and middle finger, she grazed down from my chin to the top of the center where my collarbones met, toying with the beads that I wore.
"It's a very nice necklace, did you make it?"
I hummed, the only noise I could produce.
Her breath, her glare, her presence; all had touched me to many times for me not to want her too.
My head felt light, euphoria was all I knew of right now.
Her index finger once again prevailed, going from where the top of the necklace was, trailing down the beads slowly, stopping just above where my cleavage was and the necklace disappeared down the valley of my chest. She tugged down slightly at the rim of the neck of my dress to reveal more of the beads, more of my chest. She gazed upon it, and then me, as if asking for confirmation.
What I wanted to say must of been clearly written over my face, as her grip on my hip tightened, drawing her nearer, so close to the point our bodies collided gently and fitted together. Her breasts pressed against mine, though slightly lower due to my boots, and her lips drew close to my neck. Kiss, suck, bite.
Not enough to mark me, not enough to show her triumph of having me.
"Hmm" a pleased hum was all i could produce as the perfect feeling of her soft lips carresed my my skin. I could feel her smiling against me, as I uttered another series of inaudible pleades, her actions became more urgent, making me impulsively tilt my head backwards against the door to give her more access. Her hands had switched places now; her right holding the back of my neck, and her left trailing from the underneath of my left hip bone, along my torso, slightly pulling my dress upwards, but letting go to allow it to flow back down every now and then. She clasped my left breast once she had arrived to it, kneading it in her grasp, the palm of her hand grazing over the nerve buddle with only the thin fabric of my dress to separate it.
"OH!-" the sudden touch proved the yearning I had for her as I wailed. Now with her finger, she flicked over the erected nipple.
Her mouth instantly left my neck as I moaned her name. Her lips had travelled all along my neck, attempting to find the sweet spot which she did, sucking it to draw a moan from my gaping mouth. Still fondling my breast, her lips
didn't travel far, as her teeth gently tugged the shell of my ear, before sucking on it and whispering "We must cut this short my darling, I hope to see you at lunch".
Before I could question or argue against her actions, the bell went on cue, and Carol once again instantly transformed into her teacher form. I walked passed her as she gestured for me to sit down, though i could feel the build up of wetness from cates brief actions as I began to walk.
Without warning, a sharp sting of pain and pleasure laced my ass as cate hit it, making the knott in my stomach stronger, the want for her so much more definite.
"Don't be naughty, alright" was all she said as she walked to her desk and gave me a wink.
Three students entered the classroom, a suddeness of confidence tailored my next spoken words.
"And what happenes if I am?"
To them, it was a harmless question I must of said in response to something Cate inquired before they entered, but to me and her, it was a game.
A challenge.
She glared at me; her mouth curled up into a secretive smile, her eyes spoke what didn't need to be said.
"Speak to me at lunch, alright y/n?"
Though there probably won't be much speaking...

Sorry for the long wait, I had like no motivation lmao,
also I'm sorry if yall think this is going to fast, but I like to read slow burns, not write them cus I'm impatient and ✨smut✨

Neaismyname your comments were the only reason I wrote this tonight lmao😭 would of been another solid week if not <3

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