Chapter 3

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Yunho snapped his head back and forth, ensuring no one was watching the way he was escaping the ship. He had decided to stay awake until he was certain everyone was peacefully asleep before sneaking out. 

The procedure was quite difficult considering some of the people turned and would glance at him for a second before falling back asleep without question.

He wondered if this Yukhei walked at night a lot considering the light sleepers that had spotted him didn't even bat a lash and rolled over as if it was a common occurrence.

With heavy panting from rowing the lifeboat, Yunho scrambled to find his horse. He managed to strip off the more dramatic pieces of clothing and now appeared to look like a regular townsfolk. 

Along the way to find his horse, the tall male spotted the decapitated child and his gut lurched. How could someone have the mind to murder an innocent child? 

The strong smell of iron filled the air and as he urged the horse to gallop through the village, he heard loud wails of anguish from some houses and angry voices from others.

“How could the King not take any action to save our village?!” screamed a male voice into the night.

The tone made Yunho realize that the people wanted war and they wanted action immediately. Exactly what the Captain wanted.

War and a chance to win.


Yunho wanted it to end and wanted it to end as quickly as possible. If he would have to fight an entire group solo, then so be it. 

His stallion ran through the Palace gates with as much speed as its muscular body could produce and before it even came to a full stop, Yunho was swinging his legs off the beast.

“Uncle! Uncle! Uncle!” Yunho yelled through the quiet Castle.

Rustles from within rooms were heard and soon enough, maids appeared into the halls to see what was wrong with their Prince. Relief flowed through most of them upon seeing the tall male home but concern overpowered the feeling of relief.

They knew Yunho didn't like his Uncle and never would. So the sight of seeing the Prince willingly look for the king was concerning.

“How may we help you, Prince?” one of the maids asked, taking a step forward to show she was willing to help.

“Please get my Uncle. It’s urgent.”

Nodding in understanding, the maid dashed off and moments later, the sleepy and angry King appeared before them.

“What the fuck do you want, bastard?”

Yunho ignored the rude words and spilled out what he knew.

“Uncle the Pirates are really here and they killed a child in order to declare war. They wish to take over the Kingdom and murder everyone in the way and they plan to kidnap all the women.”

The King scanned his nephew up and down and snorted in disgust.

“Did I not tell you to offer yourself as a treaty? Stupid bitch, do as you’re told.”

Yunho began shaking. He shook in anger and aggressively punched an iron suit on display. The metal pieces clashed and fell to the ground in a loud heap.

The King stared at him in hatred and the maids anxiously glanced back and forth between the two.

"Come here," the King instructed, causing panic to set within the Prince.

The maids’ eyes widened and Yunho swallowed heavily. He did not want to listen.

"Will you not obey me, boy?" the King asked, irritation evident on his face.

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