Chapter 13

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Yunho awoke not too long after. He was now on an infirmary bed instead of the throne room floor. He heard voices but he didn't have the energy to open his eyes.

“Why the FUCK did you tell him that?” Yunho heard a voice hiss. “That wasn't supposed to be said.”

“Why would I NOT? Come on, I just wanted to say it besides, he's only been passed out for like three minutes and he's already beginning to move.”

“Now imagine if he had hit his head and fucking died? Captain Song would have KILLED you.”

Yunho recognized the voices immediately. Knowing they belonged to the two crewmates his eyes snapped open upon hearing Jaemin say that. 

“Well he's still alive so Captain won’t kill me.”

“WHAT DO YOU MEAN MINGI WILL KILL HIM!? ISN'T HE DEAD?!” Yunho asked, rage and confusion filling him. Tears threatened to fall and he sat up.

The two were startled by the sudden outburst and Renjun smiled sheepishly.

“Don't take this the wrong way but I was just joking and the bitch is still alive.”

“Where is he?!” Yunho frantically questioned, getting out of the bed.

Luckily, he hadn't hit his head. Only fainted and so he was perfectly fine.

“On the shorelines.”

Yunho didn't waste a second, running out of the palace and heading to the shed where he mounted a horse without even saddling it. He simply used the accessory carpal on the beast and tore down the streets. Not caring if his soldiers were following or not.

The moment he arrived, he saw no one except for a tall male with an undercut and blue hair. He didn't recognize him and began to desperately look for his boyfriend. His light brown hair fluttering in the wind and his face scrunched into wonder when he didn't see anyone.

He was getting annoyed. The tall male kept looking at him expectantly and he wanted to yell at him and tell him to mind his business.

“Baby?” the blue haired male said, his eyebrows furrowing in confusion at his boyfriend who didn't look the least bit happy to see him.

“Who are you to call me baby? Are you my boyfriend? No! Now fuck off! I'm waiting for him,” Yunho snapped, glaring at the male.

He hated that this stranger sounded exactly like his boyfriend. He hated that they had the same facial structure. Where the FUCK was Song Mingi?

“I know I took longer than I planned but I kind of got kidnapped for a while and just about managed to escape and then immediately came back,” the stranger continued. “I apologize for having you wait so long for me.”

Yunho looked at the person and studied him. Realization dawned on him and if he could drown, he would throw himself in the waters and pass away.

How did he NOT recognize his own boyfriend?



In an instant, Yumnho had his entire body wrapped around the tall male, sobbing into his neck.

“I didn't recognize you!” the King wailed. “Your new hair is so different but pretty and I thought you were someone else!”

Mingi laughed, tightening his hold on the adorable male. Oh how he missed this. He appreciated the warmth he felt and he didn't want to let go. It was so nice.

“Come on let's go and I can tell you about my time,” Mingi said, walking over to a tree where a majestic stallion stood.

Yunho got off his boyfriend and stared at the creature in awe, taking the blue haired males hand in his.

“Do you like it?” the Captain asked, looking at the king in anticipation.

“It's so pretty. I love it!”

“Great because this is the replacement for the one I killed.”

Excitement filled the adorable male and he scrambled up, motioning for his boyfriend to climb up as well. Together, they headed back to the palace and the king depended on the soldiers that managed to follow and who were awaiting him to bring back the horse he had originally arrived on.

Not bothering to greet anyone else upon arriving at the castle, the two headed to Yunho's bedroom where Mingi told him of all his adventures.

“Yeah and so Kunhang ended up shooting all the guards and getting me out of the prison cell. And that's how I got back,” Mingi ended.

Yunho was in awe. The stories were fabulous and what could he say?

“Oh yeah, I spent these eight and a half months throwing tantrums and sulking because you were gone.”  He didn't think he could say anything good about his time alone.

Fuck his time alone. He was glad that his boyfriend was back and alive. And hopefully he wouldn't be leaving any time soon.

As if reading the King's mind, Mingi said something that sparked happiness within both of them.

"I don't really plan on going anywhere anymore. I've already had my years of adventure and I've accumulated enough goods to last until future generations."

"That's wonderful! Please never go anywhere, okay? And if you do, make sure you take me along with you."

"That's a deal."

The two smiled, slowly leaning in for a much needed kiss. 

This kiss relayed all their feelings that they weren't able to show during the eight months they were away.

Yunho forgot how much he loved kissing the male and it felt so good after being away from each other for so long. Their tongues latching onto each other, spit swirling and mixing, creating a wonderful harmony that caused them to moan into.

"I fucking love you," Mingi growled, detaching his lips from the King’s ones and moving them to his neck. He left multitudes of hickeys and Yunho allowed it with great pleasure.

Yunho felt his inside grow warm at the words said to him and his brain couldn't comprehend the amount of happiness he felt.

"Oh Min Min, I love you too! Way too much!" Yunho gasped between moans.

"I'm never going to leave you again. Those months I was away were horrible. You're the first person I've ever fallen for and you'll be the LAST! I don't give a FUCK if you think you’re falling out of love because your ass is MINE," Mingi growled.

Yunho frantically nodded, not caring if he liked the idea or not. All he knew was that moment was important.

After all, he was now with someone who would be able to protect him and commit a crime for him if need be. Someone who would give him what he needed and bend to his whims if necessary.

Someone who was utterly perfect.

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