Chapter 12

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They spent the last three days together in the room doing things that showed a symbol of their love for each other and showed that they wanted to be together for as long as possible. 

On the day Mingi left to set sail, it took nearly three hours to calm down the King so he could let go of the Captain. He didn't wasn't ready to let him go off yet.

"I'll be back in two months time, alright?" Mingi tried comforting but it only made it worse.

"TWO months?!" Yunho sobbed, his arms wrapped tightly around the red haired male’s waist. "What will I do in two months?! I'll be so lonelyyyy!"

And so everyone struggled to detach the King from the Captain. Most feared that the Pirate would suddenly get fed up and snap, resulting in hurting the King but it never happened.

Instead, the Captain dragged the King with him all the way to the shoreline where he would be leaving. 

The two stood together, Yunho clinging onto the male and the Captain just standing there uncertain on what he should do.

The air with a strong stench of the corpses that still lay there rotting. Many could be identified. Such as Wooyoung, Jongho, and Dejun.

It was sad but what had been done was already done. They couldn't reverse the process and bring them back to life. They were dead and that was that. 

"Please baby?" Mingi begged after a while. "The quicker I'm gone, the quicker I'll return. If you keep me here all day, the voyage will be delayed significantly."

Slowly, Yunho let go of the Captain's waist with a tear-streaked face.

"I fucking hate that I’m suddenly attached to you," the King whimpered. "Hurry go before I put you in a holding cell so you can't leave."

Mingi laughed, quickly leaning to place a last kiss on his boyfriend's lips before leaving.

The Pirates rowed a small life boat to the giant ship and before they knew it, they were setting sail across the sea.

Yunho stood on the edge of the jagged rocks, waving the ship away and watching it until it fully disappeared over the horizon. It was so painful to see the love of his life setting sail across the waters to a foreign land where he wouldn't be able to reach out to him when he wanted.

"Let's go back, Your Highness," one of the maids that accompanied said, trying to get the giant puppy-like male away from the saddening scene.

With hesitation, Yunho finally left the sea lines.

For months, Yunho visited the sea every day in hopes to see the ship returning. As a King he had duties but fuck duties when he couldn’t even focus on anything besides the fact that Mingi was missing, right?

In the mornings, he would painfully get up wishing to pass away. Then he would get ready, head down to eat and then mope around for the morning until he would be forced to read and sign documents. 

Lunch would come around and he would push around his food until the maid would glare at him and he would reluctantly eat his meal and then right after, he would go to the seaside.

On days where it was especially lovely out, he would take a swim and flick his tail around. Sometimes splash all the guards and maids and then giggle at their drenched state.

At first, the guards felt annoyed but when they realized the King was finally smiling, they didn’t mind it and allowed the adorable male to splash them all he wanted.

It was going good until it seemed as if full realization hit Yunho, causing him to suddenly remember the Captain was gone.


"Your Majesty, please calm down," a maid begged. "The Captain will be back soon enough."

“How soon is soon?”

“At Least another month.”


“You've survived nearly four months, you'll survive one more,” the maid tried comforting.

A sigh escaped the male’s mouth and he slid into a chair, examining the room he was in. A sheepish smile spread across when he realized he trashed it in the midst of his fury. 

The room hardly looked like a room. Broken chairs, tables, portraits, vases, and other random things lay on the ground. How had he come to this?

Why did he suddenly feel like he needed to be with the red haired male at all times?

That wasn't good. He couldn't depend on one person. He had to learn how to be independent. 

“I apologize,” Yunho said after a while of sorrowful thinking. “I'll learn how to live without Min Min. I shouldn't have done that.”

The Soldiers and maids nodded, kindness in their eyes. They didn't know why their King had suddenly done it but they could figure it was the craving to get the affection he had never gotten.

All his life he lived as a lone wolf, surviving on his own and the moment someone showed affection to him he fell head first and needed it at all times. The affection he received was like a drug. He took it in once and now needed it to survive but now the drug was gone and he had to abstain.

Tough but the King was just about holding up. Barely but still functioning.

As Yunho had promised, he tried hard to act like he didn't need the Captain and with the best of his abilities, acted like how he imagined a real King would. The palace slowly returned to a normal yet cheery state and everyone was glad. At least they had calmness.

Yunho still headed to the sea every now and then, in hopes to see the ship return but alas, it never did.

Six months came and went. Seven months came and went. The eight month was just arriving and Yunho had given up on any hopes he had for the red haired male to return. 

That was it. It was a one time fling and he would never see the gorgeous male ever again.

Yunho accepted the cruel fate and began living life with a mentality that he would remain single forever.

It remained like that until the middle of the eight month when Yunho was in the middle of signing documents when the door to the throne room was thrown open revealing two males who were recognized as Jaemin and Renjun.

A gasp emitted from one of the soldier’s mouths and Yunho knew who it was without even turning his head, Jeno.

“NA?! HUANG?!” Yunho exclaimed, standing from his chair in such a rush it toppled over with a resonating clang.

“Ah yes, that would be us,” Jaemin greeted. “Hello, long time no see but I assume you're more excited about the thought of Seeing Captain Song than seeing us, am I right?”

Yunho quickly nodded, not bothering to hide his true feelings. 

“Well the thing is,” Jaemin began, “you won't be able to see him now-”

“Because he has died,” Renjun ended, a troubled expression on his face.

Yunho’s world began to swim. Song Mingi died? His Min Min died? The love of his life DIED?

“No. No! NO!” Yunho shrieked. 

He felt himself go light headed and before he knew it, he hit the ground, passed out. The room went quiet and everyone froze. That was it.

No more Captain Mingi and no more King Yunho. 

The palace life was now ruined.

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