Chapter 5

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Yunho felt his insides turn in disgust upon seeing his Uncle and he hoped the King’s life would be taken. Yeah, it would result in him taking over the Kingdom which he was not ready for but it would end him of the constant rape and torture.

"Seonghwa, get Hongjoong and load rifles," Mingi whispered to his second in command boatswain. "Then give everyone one of them and be prepared to fire."

The boatswain subtly nodded and disappeared below deck, leaving the Captain alone on the bow. Yunho stood behind several barrels on the deck and watched what was about to take place.

"WE KNOW YOU HAVE THE PRINCE!" the King’s head soldier yelled from the shores. "WE DEMAND YOU RETURN HIM TO THE KING AT ONCE!"

Mingi stood on the bow, unfazed externally but internally, questioned the situation a little bit.

"AND WHO MIGHT THE PRINCE BE?!" Mingi asked, having a wild guess who the imposter aboard might be.


A maniac-like laugh erupted from the Captain and when he stopped, his red hair framed his face in a dangerous and serious way. His expression was one to be scared of.

At that moment, the assertiveness visible on Mingi's stature was enough for Yunho's hate to be pushed away by a smidge and he could almost admit the male was attractive.

And even though Yunho stood several yards away from the Captain he clearly heard, with the help of the breeze, what Mingi told his first in command boatswain.

"Hongjoong, shoot the King first and then everyone else. Make sure everyone is ready for fire."

The short male nodded to his Captain from the ground where he was crouched in a hiding position from everyone on the shore. The railing on the ship’s deck helping with protection. 

"And now," Mingi whispered before quickly squatting down to hide from a possible fire back.

Hongjoong rapidly swung his rifle over the side of the ship and with the skill of an experienced marksman, shot the King dead in the forehead. The tall male that had made Yunho suffer for years froze and in the longest three seconds Yunho had ever felt, fell to the ground cold and dead. 

Blood oozed out of the hole in the ex-Kings forehead. The soldiers froze, taking a moment too long to react to the situation. The time they took to freeze gave the Pirates enough time to begin their attack.

Bullets flew in rapid precision, hitting their targets one by one. In less than five minutes, all that had arrived with the King lay on the ground bloody and dead.

No casualties occurred among the Pirates which satisfied Mingi immensely.

Finally, the main trouble of the Kingdom lay dead along with the followers. Yunho was ever so grateful the King was dead and if it was another situation, he would have sprung up and hugged the life out of Hongjoong in thankfulness for being the one to end the life of the monarch.

Tears of joy threatened to fall out and his brain became dazed when realization hit that he was free and could go to his Kingdom and become an uneducated ruler. Unfortunately, that hope was rapidly broken when a hand grabbed the collar of his shirt.

How hadn't he realized the figure approach him?

"So you’re the Prince, huh? I should kill you and throw you off deck," the Captain muttered.

No hate or disgust on his face but the grip on Yunho's collar said otherwise.

"Don't think I didn't realize something was off with you from the beginning. And don't think I'm such an idiot to not realize you were, in fact, not Yukhei."

Yunho was roughly yanked away from behind the barrels and dragged down a hatch and into Mingi's room.

Fear began rising from the pits of his stomach and thoughts of what could possibly happen clouded his vision. He fought to stay strong but even so, fear radiated off of him in strong waves.

"You're a weak Prince," Mingi muttered, ignoring everyone that stared at them as he dragged the larger male with him. "You're tall yet weak. Such a waste of height. You could be filled with power but yet here you tremble in the grips of a human shorter than you. Pathetic."

Yunho was hurt. He knew he was weaker than he should be but he blamed it on the fact that he was mistreated for years and submission was his first reaction when dominance was used against him.

"It's not my fault," Yunho bravely responded, not missing the way Mingi looked at him in disbelief for a second.

Yunho was aggressively thrown onto the Captain's bed, even more fear filling him due to the horrid actions performed on him by the King before his downfall.

The male began to tremble but he refused to let tears fall. He was truly scared. He thought he wouldn’t have to experience sexual abuse anymore but here he was in a situation where it appeared he would still receive the same treatment.

"Don't have that reaction," Mingi snapped, unsure of why the male was reacting as such but all he knew was that he didn't like it.

"Please don't rape me," Yunho whispered in plea, his eyes holding fear which Mingi clearly saw.

"Now why the fuck would I do that? I may be evil but rape is just crossing the line."

A bit of calm entered the tall male but he still couldn't help but doubt the Captain's words. If the red haired male was like others, he would still go ahead and rape him and say that Yunho wanted it and enjoyed it so it wasn't rape.

With that possibility still lingering, Yunho didn't allow himself to calm down at all.

Mingi analyzed the reactions of the male on his bed and he sighed, knowing that the taller didn't have any form of faith in him and that he was still sure that the Captain was about to sexually abuse him. He was almost offended but he would pretend he understood.

"Can't you just calm down? I already said I wouldn't do anything to you."

The tall male took the time to look into the Captain's eyes in search of anything that might give away that he was lying. He didn't know what he was expected to find due to the fact that there was a high possibility that the Pirate was most definitely a perfect liar and a master of acting.

Yunho sighed, he had nothing to lose anyway so why worry? If he was going to be tormented then so what? Not like he had not experienced it before.

"Let's make a deal," Mingi said after a while of just staring at the Prince in silence. "We can get to know each other and then you can give me a percentage of your wealth in exchange of me not murdering the people here including you."

Yunho stared at the Pirate in judgement. Who was he to request such a thing and who did he think he was to just receive the Kingdom’s riches?

"Whether you agree or not, that is exactly what we will do," Mingi stated in finality.

And so without further question, the path to learning about each other began.

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