Nong KhaoFang

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The beauty of his lock screen is discovered by Nong Khaofang accidentally.

He'd turned her down quite firmly when she was a first year and he'd thought she'd truly understood that he was with Arthit. But he supposed that they weren't all that demonstrative in public so it would be very easy for someone to overlook their relationship and see it for a close friendship instead.

It's a night when their line mentors want to have dinner. Kongpob is in the final stages of his last year of uni and he really should stay home and study. But P'Arthit is away on a work trip and he can't resist the idea of hot pot and good friends and a snuggle with baby Lake.

When he arrives at the restaurant, he is immediately handed one-year old Lake who is squirming from his mother's grip to reach for him.

"Why does my boy always want you?" P'Tum asks, patting Kongpob on the shoulder in greeting.

"Do you really care, when he can quieten him like that immediately?" P'Fon asks, a smile blossoming over her face as she rubs tired eyes.

"He's teething?" Kongpob asks as he settles with the boy in his arms, moving a few glasses out of reach.

"Yes, he just started..." Fon agrees and they launch into a conversation that Kongpob is very much excited by. He loves P'Arthit's god-child like his own and is always keen to hear as much as possible about him.

As the boy snuggles into Kongpob, the rest of their line arrive and settle around them at the long table, cooing over Lake.

It's been a while since Kongpob has seen everyone, but P'Ple makes him feel at ease, asking about his plans when his exams are over. His announcement that he will spend the first week at the beach is met with enthusiasm and prompts a discussion about the best places to go.

Kongpob half-listens, but is distracted by the softness of Lake in his arms and reaches out to grab his phone, wanting to send Arthit a picture to cheer him up since he's missing all the fun.

"I'll take it, P'Kongpob," KhaoFang says from the seat beside him, reaching out to pluck it from his grip.

He nods and smiles brightly at her, tipping Lake up slightly so his face can be seen.

She snaps a few images and then flicks the button on the side, letting out a gasp at the image that pops up. Hastily, she drops the phone on the table as though it has burnt her hand.

"What's wrong, Nong?" Kongpob asks, worried that she is in pain.

"Nothing! Nothing!" She insists, not looking at his eyes.

Because he's holding Lake, he can't really push her to share, so he just watches with puzzled eyes as she turns from him to join a different conversation.

He doesn't really mind, simply happy sniffing at Lake's baby scent and snuggling him close, wishing Arthit was home and he could snuggle him instead...or as well.

Remembering the picture, he reaches for his phone and shoots a text to Arthit with the best ones attached.

He gets a very quick reply, a smile emoji and a pair of hearts, and then he automatically locks his phone.

As he does, he takes in the image that stares back at him, a bright smile on his lips at the sight of himself leaning against a tree, P'Arthit kneeling at his feet. Both their expressions are ones of adoration and you cannot deny the love the photo shows.

Thinking about his junior's reaction, he wonders if he hadn't made it clear enough before. So he engages P'Tum in a short conversation across the table. Loud enough that everyone can hear him, but not in an obnoxious or showy way.

"Did Ai'Oon tell you why he couldn't make it, P'Tum?" He asks, making a show of rocking baby Lake in his arms.

"Yes! That blighter sent me a picture of him in the swimming pool, holding a coconut!" P'Tum replies, holding out his phone to show Kongpob, Arthit's grinning face.

Kongpob smiles back, eyes alight with love at seeing that face. "Oh that's not where he is! He's playing with you! That's from our trip to Rayong for Valentine's day. We stayed in the most amazing villa. It had a view of the ocean and he made me wake up at 5am to see the sunrise!"

"He woke you up?" Fon asks, giggling behind a hand, "No way did our Arthit wake up first! He sleeps 'til noon that boy!"

"Ah," Kongpob smiles, "Well, I've been training him, so that we don't miss out on hours we could be spending on activities together!"

Suddenly, P'Ple cuts in, "Yes, Yes," she giggles, "We all know what activities you want him to be awake for, Kongpob!"

The table erupts into laughter, apart from the newest juniors and KhaoFang who gives him one, slightly love-sick glance, before turning away again.

Point made, Kongpob enjoys the rest of his night. Snuggling with baby Lake, fielding the smart remarks about his relationship from the rest of his line group, and occasionally sneaking a glance at the picture on his phone as he remembers every detail of that perfect night.

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