Kongpob's Father (part 2)

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Kongpob takes a deep breath. His father sits silently, eyes gentle, expression thoughtful.

"What should I say?" Kongpob asks him, trying to decide where to begin.

"Well, you're in love. When did that happen?" Kerkkrai says, aware that his youngest child has always been quite private about his feelings. Knowing that when he had asked his date to the prom in his last year at school, he had neglected to tell his parents for the longest time and his mother had been angry at having to find flowers at the last moment to match her dress.

"I'm scared to tell you, father," Kong admits, turning to look at him again.

"Why, Kongpob? The person in the picture. It wasn't a woman. I know that much. So tell me the rest. There is nothing you cannot tell this old man that will shock him. I have lived through the romantic dramas of your two sisters. I think I can survive through those of my son."

Kong nods briefly. Then making the decision, he reaches for his father's arm and tucks himself under it. Unable to look at him. But wanting his comfort as he shares his story.

"You're right. It isn't a woman. I'm sorry if that is upsetting to you, father. But it isn't a choice. It just happens to be who I am. I didn't know. Growing up. I didn't know that I would fall in love with a man. But father, he's the only one for me."

More tears snake down his face as his father pulls him more tightly against his side and whispers words of comfort and love. Kongpob feels protected.

He continues.

"I'm scared to tell you the rest, father."

Kerkkrai makes a noise of protest low in his throat so Kong rushes to explain.

"Because....because...this isn't a new discovery, a new thing. The man... the man I love... we've been together for a long time, father."

Kerkkrai sniffs a little at the revelation, wondering how he could have missed a long standing relationship for so long. Has he been neglecting his son that much?

"How long?" He asks gently, shifting them so he is looking at his son, arm still around him.

Kongpob's eyes flood with tears again, "Please don't be mad. Please..." Kong pleads, "it's been...almost three years..." he chokes out.

Kerkkrai stiffens, "Three years, Kong?"

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to keep it from you. Truly I didn't. I promise, father. But when do you...." Kongpob stops again, choking on his tears, "when do you tell your father that you love another man?" He asks, face collapsing beneath the weight of his regret.

"I'm not shocked that it's a man. I promise Kong. And I'm not mad either. If that's who you choose, then I am going to accept it. But keeping it a secret this long? This part makes me feel...well, sad. And disappointed."

Kongpob tries to stifle a sob as his dad continues to talk. "Not in you, Kongpob. In me! In me and in your ma. If we made you feel you couldn't share this with us. Falling in love is a special time and you couldn't even tell us. I'm so sorry, son. I feel like we have missed out on three years of your life. Your real life."

Kongpob snuggles into his dad again, a little surprised at the turn the conversation has taken. He is strong. He will tell his father about Arthit.

"Then, can I tell you about him?" He asks, moving to look up at his dad again.

"Of course. You could also show me him?" Kerkkrai suggests, indicating the phone beside them.

Kongpob nods and eagerly grabs the device, unlocking the screen to show Kerkkrai his favourite image. It only takes a minute before Kerkkrai gasps.

"I know him, don't I?" He asks, studying the man kneeling by his son. "He's the young man from Ocean Electrics? Nong... Nong..."

"Arthit," Kongpob says, voice full of love once more. "My sun."

Kerkkrai grins, remembering the young Nong who had seemed so put out by his presence when he had asked to see his son at work and then left before talking to him.

"Ah yes. He seemed like a fine young man. Very polite to his elders but very reserved. Not much like you, Kong?"

"Well opposites attract," Kongpob says, flicking through his photos to show his father one of Arthit in head-hazer mode. "He was fierce when we first met..." he laughs, watching his dad's surprised face as he takes in the scowl on Arthit's face. "But he's softened over the years."

He shows his dad a photo that M had secretly taken last week, Arthit sipping on pink milk, arm around Kongpob as they read together.

"Oh yes, he definitely looks calmer there." Kerkkrai replies, eyes taking in the total love in his son's expression where he's staring at the other man in the picture. "And you're in love." He states.

"I am." Kong grins, "it took us a long time to get to where we are. But I know he loves me too."

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