2: The Flashmob!

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Once again, it's lunchtime and the senior's have just escaped their lessons to eat lunch, but as they enter the cafeteria, they find that there are no empty tables. For some reason the freshman class have spread themselves out and no table has five seats free.

"I'm not eating with a bunch of freshies today," Prem moans as they collect their plates of food and drink.

"We'll have to squish in with some of those guys," Knott says, pointing at Kongpob's table where there are four seats. "I'm sure we can fit."

But, they don't have to squish themselves at the table, because as soon as they arrive, Nong Prae stands up and slides her plate out of the way.

"Sawasdee Phi's" she wai's politely, before climbing onto the middle of the table with the help of Maprang.

"What's going on?" Bright asks, eyes darting around the canteen to see that a freshman is standing on every table in the quad.

"Freshmen, Ready?" Prae yells and there is an answering cheer.

Arthit looks between the scene unravelling in front of him and the smiling face of Nong Kongpob, "Oh, you didn't.." he groans.

But the only answer is a huge smile as Kongpob stands and jumps onto the table beside Prae.

Arthit drops his head into his hands as music suddenly floods the space and the freshies begin to dance in sync.

I look and stare so deep in your eyes
I touch on you more and more every time
When you leave, I'm begging you not to go
Call your name two, three times in a row

There's a lot of applause from around him, but Arthit can't lift his head for even a second. He knows he is blushing like a cherry and he knows there will be a shit-eating grin on Kongpob's face if he looks.

But he gets the general gist of what's happening from Bright and Tootah who whoop and cheer as the song progresses.

Got me looking so crazy right now, your love's
Got me looking so crazy right now (your love)
Got me looking so crazy right now, your touch
Got me looking so crazy right now (your touch)
Got me hoping you'll page me right now, your kiss
Got me hoping you'll save me right now

As the chorus kicks in, Arthit's attention is drawn when the rest of the freshies leap to their feet and around him the whole room seems to join in.

It's mortifying, but his gaze lifts to Kongpob and he can't look away when he sees that the young man he has been teasing is attempting to thrust his hips in time to the music. Not only that, but he's thrusting them in Arthit's direction!

He can tell that Kongpob is having fun, his face is stretched into the widest grin and when he notes that Arthit is watching him, he throws his hands above his head as he fully thrusts towards Arthit again.

Across the whole space, only Prem sits calmly eating as the spectacle continues around them.

The freshman class is clearly having fun and they continue to move in sync until the song comes to a close.

Got me looking so crazy right now, your touch
Got me looking so crazy right now (your touch)
Got me hoping you'll page me right now, your kiss
Got me hoping you'll save me right now
Looking so crazy in love's
Got me looking, got me looking so crazy in love

As one, the group fall to their knees and it's clear that they are all facing towards P'Arthit.

"Umm, Ai'Thit, tell me they're not singing to you?" Bright asks, shuffling a little closer to him and trying to hide his head behind his friend's back.

"Clearly they are, idiot." Prem says, spooning up more rice. "After the poem the other day, I guess we know now.."

"Know what?" Tootah asks as he also sinks into his chair. Around them, the canteen is coming back to life, freshies climbing off tables and calmly going back to their meals.

Even Kongpob only winks once at Arthit, who is rendered speechless by the blatant display, and then helps Prae down before he picks up his chopsticks with a smirk.

"Obviously, someone is trying to woo Ai'Arthit. And they've gone to a lot of effort, recruiting the entirety of the freshman class."

"Oh my goodness!" Tootah exclaims, "Arthit! Someone wants to date you!"

"But why? He's scary!" Bright complains, "No one wants to date me.."

"Because you're still an idiot, idiot!" Knott grimaces slapping Bright's back.

"Well, who is it?" Tootah asks, looking around like someone might tell him the answer.

"If you don't know by now, Ai'Toot then you're a bigger idiot than Bright.." Prem insists, "I'm out of here.. all that thrusting gave me a stomach ache."

"Well it gave me a.." Bright says, indicating his crotch, "So, I'll come with!"

"Arthit? You okay?" Knott asks, leaning over.

But Arthit is staring down at his phone where he's just received a video of the whole performance, cheeks still bright red, a soft smile on his face."

The message arrives as expected. Want to explain that?

Kongpob grins as he settles into bed, he's pretty exhausted from the day's activity and he doesn't hesitate to tell his Phi.

I'm so tired Phi. I can't explain anything right now.

Arthit stares at the message, wondering how on earth to respond. But then another text comes in and he drops his phone in surprise.

Got your attention though, Phi? Imagine what those hip thrusts could do somewhere else?! ;-)

He stares at the message for a long time, thinking that if he doesn't respond then Kongpob got the last word. And if he does respond, then Kongpob wins because he got a reaction.

Then he imagines what it would be like if he stopped playing this game and just enjoyed Kongpob's attention.

I'll have sweet dreams tonight, Nong.

Five Ways to Woo P'Arthit! (And one way to woo Kongpob!)        (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now