5: My Gear!

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Can you meet me for lunch today?

Arthit receives Kongpob's message with a smile. It's been several weeks since Kongpob had started his charm offensive, or 'wooing' as he liked to call it, and to be honest, Arthit feels like he's someone special.

It's the first time in his life that anyone has expressed a real interest beyond 'Oh you're attractive, want to kiss?' Or 'head hazer? That's hot.' And he feels like he could actually fall for Kongpb the way he is being treated (or, fall further, if he's honest.)

I can.

A second later another message pops up that makes Arthit smile; Oh Phi, then will you meet me for lunch, today?

Quickly he makes himself frown and writes; I suppose so.

I guess that's good enough! See you at 1pm <3

Immediately, Arthit knows he's going to be there and he also knows that something embarrassing is probably going to happen. But, it's testament to how much he likes Kongpob that he's still going to go.

During his classes, Arthit is distracted. But it seems like his friends are too.

Bright keeps checking his phone and as soon as the lesson is done, he flies out of the room, Tootah chasing after him. Meanwhile, Prem engages Arthit in a quick conversation about the lesson they've just had.

Arthit is aware that he will be late to meet Kongpob if he keeps chatting, but even as he edges towards the door his friend keeps talking.

"Umm Prem," he ends up interrupting, "I need to go, sorry."

"Oh, why? Hot date?" Prem asks as he finally lets Arthit slip past him through the door.

"No, no.. just.. hungry!"

They end up entering the canteen together, just as Bright yells at Kongpob, who is standing meekly in front of him.

"Freshman! You tried to steal your seniors table! How shall I punish you?"

The whole canteen has gone quiet except for Kongpob's close friend Em who whispers nearby, "I thought the hazing was over, what's going on?"

Arthit wants to know that too, and makes to stride forward towards the pair who are still facing off.

But Prem grabs his arm and pulls him back. "Wait," he says, "Let's see what he does."

"Kongpob, 0062?"

"Yes, P'Bright?"

"I command you to climb onto this table and yell three times who you want to give your gear to."

Even as Kongpob beams at Bright, Arthit feels the dread creep into his stomach, alongside a little frisson of excitement.

And sure enough, Kongpob immediately clambers onto the nearest table and his lazer stare finds Arthit.

"I want to give my gear to P'Arthit!" He yells three times, to the gasps and cheers of the room.

Then he clambers off the table and marches straight for Arthit, coming to rest in front of him.

Then from the pocket of his uniform shirt, he fishes something out and dangles it in front of Arthit.

"P'Arthit, please will you accept my gear?"

Arthit knows that this is a pivotal moment in his life, in their relationship, in his future.

But it's easy to answer.

"I will, Kongpob." Then he holds out his hand and the small metal disc is curled into it, Kongpob's warm fingers curling around his for a brief moment.

There is a lot of discussion in the canteen and Arthit can overhear some remarks he'd rather Kongpob didn't, when Prem opens his mouth and roars for them all to stop gossiping and please eat lunch!

Thanking his friend, Arthit slides his hand around Kongpob's elbow and leads him towards Bright who has a wide grin.

"Yes!" His friend says as they arrive, "I knew it would work! Congratulations, Nong Kong, Ai'Arthit!"

"What? We didn't get married!" Arthit splutters and then immediately goes red as Kongpob hums interestedly beside him.

"Right, you and Prem are buying lunch since I gather it was your plan!"

The two men nod and then wander away with Tootah and Knott, leaving Kongpob and Arthit's alone.

"Are you okay, Phi?" Kongpob asks as they settle at the table.

Arthit gives him a glare, then softens it into a smile.

"Yes, Kongpob, I'm okay... thank you.. for all your effort.. and for making me feel so worthy of your attention."

"Of my love!" Kongpob whispers, making Arthit's ears flush bright red again.


"Hey, I'm just glad all my wooing worked, Phi!"

"Yes, well, you were very persistent"

"Because I like you and you're worth it!"

Arthit ducks his head, then lifts the gear and dangles it from his fingers, "I like this." He admits and Kongpob grins again.

"Maybe one day," Kong starts, letting their elbows touch on the table top, "You might want to.."

"Give you mine?"


"Well, you never know.." Arthit smiles.

"But you'll have to woo me first!!"

"Oi!" They are still nudging each other back and forth with their elbows when their friends return with their dinner.

"Guys! Pack it in, save it for the comfort and privacy of your own room!"

"Yeah, some of us are single, have a heart!"

"Maybe I can find my own lovely first year.."

"They all know your reputation Bright, no chance!"

Arthit and Kongpob share a grin, it's a good day!

Five Ways to Woo P'Arthit! (And one way to woo Kongpob!)        (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now