Week 2: Day 3, Monday

113 9 247



Note the sarcasm.

 In case you failed to notice, he was now in school.

It was the first period class, hence he was bored.

It was psychology. 

Mr. Hemsworth was teaching them about, uh, stuff.


Class was over.

"Styles, Tomlinson- a word please."

Harry looked at him, raising his eyebrows.

"Is everything ok, sir?"

"Well, no. As you are obviously aware- the first week of our little experiment is over. You both ended up in hospital- do not interrupt me Tomlinson- I know it's not that you hurt each other, but we're definitely rethinking this experiment. But, here's the thing, you two seem to be getting along, so it's a hard decision. What we're going to do instead is do a little challenge. If you pass, you continue with this- meaning you'd still be able to get the consolation prize- if you fail, the experiment is terminated. Do you both understand?"

Harry nodded mutely, averting his gaze.

"Well, I'm sure if Harry understands we'll be alright"

Ever heard of being nice to the students?

"Ok- you have geography now correct? You don't need to speak, just nod yes or no, no? Alright, come to the gym after break then."


"Alright lads?"

Louis had practically dragged Harry across the cafeteria.

"Louis!" Over-eager Irish man, check.

Louis sat down beside Niall, pulling Harry with him.

"What was that all about?"

"Huh?" Nick Grimshaw having no clue what's going on, check.

"What?" Ed Sheeran pretending he doesn't know what's going on, check.

"Aye, what happened to ye fuckin' cunts?" Lewis Capaldi swearing too much, check.

"We'd quite like to know" a bunch of Australians called Michael, Ashton, Luke and Calum talking in unison, check.

"Mr. Hemsworth wants us to do some shitty team building excersise so we can prove that the experiment is working" Harry sounding somehow posh while swearing, check.

"Fookin cunt"

"Ah Lou, don't be fuckin' sad- ye get out of geography- and everyone wants that! Remember when the fuckin' wanker of a fuckin' teacher told ye ye'd never amount te anythin'? Fuckin' bitch"

Niall's friend Shawn Mendes chose this moment to sit down.

"How's everyone, eh?" Canadian charm, check.

"SHAWN!" Niall is a bit eager...

"Hi Niall"

"You alright, Shawn?" Ed Sheeran, the only one who notices how people are feeling.

"Yea, I just found out my girlfriend is actually a Lesbian she has a crush on Lauren Jaugerai"


"Duh" Michael Clifford loves telling people this.

"Sorry Shawn." Niall is a tad insincere here...

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