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It has been 3 weeks since Mew got in the accident. The surgery went well and he was out of danger but he hadn't regained consciousness yet. Doctor had assured that it was most likely Mew will wake up soon. Mr and Mrs Suppasit had been there along with Gulf. Gulf had been visiting Mew as much as he can. He couldn't bear the thought of staying away while Mew was unconscious.

It was Monday evening when Gulf got a call from Mrs Suppasit. Mew had woken up. He dashed to the hospital thanking God for this miracle.
Mew was sitting on bed with bandages covering his face.

"We would remove the bandages today," Doctor informed the family, "I would like to talk to his parents for few minutes. "

Mr and Mrs Suppasit tensed at the serious tone. It implied something drastic. They went inside doctor's office.

"Sir and ma'am, I know these past weeks have been difficult for you but I want you to be stronger for your son. He needs you now the most."

Mr. Suppasit said, "Doctor, is there something wrong?"

"Sir, as I have already told you the glass pierced Mew's skin. Mostly his face. Skin was quite damaged. We did our best to stitch it all but the scars will take quite long to heal and 25% of it will not heal ever."

Mrs. Suppasit broke down. She couldn't hold back her tears anymore. Her baby was suffering so much. She had almost lost him. She couldn't imagine her life without her son. He was her entire world. He meant more than life to her. He was going through so much but she couldn't do anything for him except just watch. She couldn't help him except be there for him.

"Maam, please get yourself together. You need to be strong for your son. It's really important right now. I'll let you know the details of his physio-therapy and rehabilitation."

Gulf couldn't hold back his tears. He felt bad for Mew. His heart ached for him. He had just survived the car crash and now he would have to deal with the aftermath.

Mew felt like he was waking from dream into a nightmare. He had been dreaming about his childhood, how peaceful and serene it was. But when he woke up he felt searing pain all over his body. He couldn't move. It frustrated him. He opened his eyes and saw white ceiling. It clicked in that he was in the hospital.

Nurse called doctor to check on him. When doctor removed the bandages, Mew knew things weren't good from everyone's expressions. He could feel the tightness of his skin. Nothing felt normal. When he looked at his face in the mirror, he screamed. He couldn't stop screaming. Everyone panicked at this reaction. Doctor sedated Mew because he wouldn't stop struggling. He thrashed violently, desperate to escape.

Escape this nightmare.

Gulf quickly called Techno and asked him to get Lhong at hospital. Mew needed him the most right now. Lhong could soothe him. Mew needed reassurance right now and Lhong could do that the best. Whatever they said wouldn't make much of a difference at the moment. Maybe later on but not right now because Mew wasn't thinking rationally. No one would be able to in such situation.

Lhong arrived after an hour and immediately went to Mew's room.

Mew' mother stroked her son's head while whispering soothing words to him, "Mew, please get hold of yourself. I know you are suffering right now but please don't struggle with the therapy. You need it to get well soon. They don't define you, baby. Please don't be depressed. We are here for you. Lhong is outside. He is waiting to meet you."

Lhong entered the room and as soon as he saw Mew's face his expression turned into disgust. He didn't even attempt to hide his disgust.

"Mew, what the hell? This all will go away right? Your face would get back to normal, wouldn't it? These creepy scars, oh gosh they are unsightly." He curled his lips in disgust.

"T-they won't go a-away. Scars would be t-there. They wouldn't h-heal completely." Mew couldn't help stuttering.

"Ewww, I didn't sign up for this. I'm sorry, I don't mean to hurt your feelings Mew but I can't go along with this. I'm done. Your face was your redeeming quality now you don't even have that. What am I supposed to date you for? I know it must be hard for you but we are over."

"Lhong, baby  please don't do this. It's not my fault. I'm still sorry but please don't go." Mew pleaded. He couldn't believe that things were getting worse every next moment.

"Let's not drag it out, okay? We had few beautiful moments let's just end this with that. I don't want you anymore. Please let's not make it hard." Lhong said nonchalantly.

"But why? Just because of my face? That's your reason?? Does it even make sense? We have been together for 3 years. Doesn't that mean anything to you?  I love you, Lhong. You mean world to me. Why are you doing this to me? Please." Mew tried to make Lhong change his mind.

"Mew, stop being clingy. Yo-" Before Lhong could finish his sentence, Mrs. Suppasit slapped him hard.

"You piece of trash. How dare you say that to my son? Get out. Don't ever come back. GET OUT. " She screamed.

After Lhong left, Mew asked everyone to leave him alone. He needed time to get over this. He felt like he was dying.
Physical pain didn't even come close to the hell his heart was going through. Maybe this was what he deserved. How could Lhong leave him? They've been together for years, they had been for each other through lots of stuff. They were even thinking about getting engaged. Was it all a lie? Could love disappear like that?

Love? Why even bother if it was going to hurt this bad?

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