Forever and Beyond

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(Warning- Mature Content)

"What should I do with you? You made me so jealous."

"Punish me."

Mew was dumbfounded at what Gulf had said. His anger evaporated just like that. He wanted Gulf to be safe and secure. It gave me him so pain to even imagine what could have happened yesterday. The fact that he wasn't there to protect his love made him hate himself.

He knows he can't be with Gulf all the time but he wants to be with him as much as he can. He understands that it may look overprotective to Gulf but how can he leave him alone if he gets in trouble everytime.

"You know what you are saying, Gulf?"

"Yes. Won't you punish me? "

"Are you trying to seduce me? "

"Is it working? "

"I guess it is."

"Doesn't seem like it. Maybe you are getting old so.... "

"Should I show you, babe? "

Mew smashed his lips on Gulf's. Gulf moaned wantonly in his mouth. He loved Mew's kisses. They were like warmth filling him up from inside. Mew switched to his neck and sucked and bit the soft skin there. Gulf tried to free his hand but Mew won't let go.

"Mew please. I want to touch you."

"I'm punishing you Gulf."

Gulf whined which soon turned into loud moan. Mew had unbuttoned his shirt and thrown it somewhere in the room. He was sucking on Gulf's nipples and it made Gulf hard. Mew dragged Gulf to the bed and quickly got on top of him. Soon they got undressed and were locked in passionate kiss.

"Mew, I need you inside me."

"Not yet baby."

"Please Mew. I need you."

Mew grinded against him which made Gulf moan in ecstasy.

"Please Mew. Now. "

Gulf wasn't in condition to form full sentences. He could just utter words between moaning. Mew always made him feel good.

"Your wish is my command."

Mew prepped Gulf so that he won't hurt him. But Gulf was too impatient.

"Just do it, Mew."

"Wait love. I could hurt you. Let me get you ready."

"Can't wait. Now. I want it hard please."

Mew couldn't hold back any longer. He rammed inside Gulf making both of them moan in pleasure.

After their lovemaking both of them were cuddling in bed.

"Gulf, you drive me crazy."

"Good, you have to stay crazy in love with me."


"I'm sorry about yesterday. I was wrong. I shouldn't have lied. Just give me space at times that's all."

"Sure, just let me know where you are so if something happens I could be there."


"Why do you provoke me so much? "

"I love it when you get all alpha on me. It's sexy as hell."

Mew couldn't help laughing at that, "Gulf, you are something else."

"I love you Mew."

"I love you too, babe. I want to keep you safe and happy. That's all I care about."

"I just want your love. That's enough."

"I'll give you everything you deserve, and deserve the entire world, Gulf. I know I had not always been at my best. I have terribly hurt you in past and trust me I'm amazed you forgave me. I'll never be able to erase what I did to you. It breaks me to think I almost broke you. I could apologize my entire life yet it won't be enough.

I want to make you the happiest person there is. I want to take away all your bad moments and fill it with light and laughter. I may hurt you at times or anger you, you can slap me or shout at me or even beat me up. Just never leave me.

If I ever make a mistake, let me know Gulf. I'll move heaven and earth to make it up to you. I'll mend my ways. I'll listen to you. I'll do whatever you want me to do as long as you love me. If there ever comes a time when I hurt you too much or if I ever realize that I'm not good for you anymore, I won't hold you down. I'll let you be free if that's good for you. I won't ever be the reason for your unhappiness."

"Mew, I know you would never hurt me intentionally. Our past was tough but we got through it. Yes, you hurt me too much. I felt like dying. I hated you so much. I wished you would suffer just like me. But when you were in that accident, I couldn't stop blaming myself. What if it's because I cursed you so much? What if you died? What would I do? Those thoughts plagued me dat and night.

When you woke up, Mew it was like I could breathe again. When you confessed to me I was so damn happy. I know it wasn't easy even after we got together but that's life. We can't expect to be happy all the time but we can be together even if it's a bad day. You are precious to me. I'm sorry for worrying you so much. I know you care a lot about me.

Mew, you have grown so much in last year. You have been through tough times and you made it out. I'm proud of you. You deserve the best and I know I'm the best for you just like you are for me."

"We are meant to be, Gulf. "

"Is it fate?"

"No, it's our will and love."

"Forever and beyond."

Hello guys, I have started a new story featuring Sarawat and Tine titled "Hauntingly Beautiful". I would love it if you guys would give it a try. I love 2gether series. Sarawat and Tine are too good together so I wanted to create a story with them as main characters.

Be happy and safe. Take care.

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