chapter 39 Treasure Land

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Chapter 36 Treasure Land

    It took almost an hour for several people to fight Black Scorpion. In the early stage, Shen Jufeng, apart from attacking and defending, took nearly half an hour to find the weakness of the BOSS to adapt.

    It took a lot of time for the last one to finish. It was only in the afternoon. I don't know if it was an illusion. About ten minutes after the death of the black scorpion, I heard the sounds of other creatures, and there were insects and birds.

    "This time I'm playing a mutant BOSS, I don't know if it will be refreshed." Lu Jiu wanted to fight again.

    Shen Jufeng looked at the barrenness of Pingjingshan, "We will circle around Jinghe District, and come here to have a look before leaving."

    Based on the principle that there are always good things in the game BOSS residence, Lu Jiu suggested, "Let's take a good stroll in Pingjingshan. Walk around and see if there are any ore."

    The discovery of ore in the game world started from a cave, as if the world knew that they had no explosives and large machines now, and could not dig up the mountains to find ore by themselves.

    "Then look for it, because the mountain is not very big anyway." The

    three of them made a decision to dig some good ore in the forging shop and the reward hall for a good price.

    Pingjingshan is a barren mountain. It is not difficult to find a mine. There is really no shelter here. Even so, the three of them broke the branches and knocked them all the way.

    They quickly finished the log-in side, and started to set off on the other side of the mountain. Lu Jiu shook the branch and knocked on the stone next to it, thinking that if the cave were to be visible at a glance.

    Just thinking about stepping on the air, "Ah—" She threw her whole body to the right, and it was not a solid rock mountain that greeted her, but a sense of frustration.

    She fell into a certain hole, and the cave had a downward slope, but fortunately it was not a steep downward slope.

    "Lu Jiu, are you okay?" Shen Jufeng shouted at the entrance of the cave, about to come in to rescue her.

    Lu Jiu patted the ashes on her body. The cave was about two meters high. She had no problem standing up, "It's okay, but there is a passage here. There may be good things. Let's go down and take a look."

    Shen Jufeng turned around and shouted to Zhuang Yun, "Come down together, there is a passage here." Zhuang Yun bends into the cave as soon as he hears it.

    The cave was very dark, and Lu Jiu took out a few torches like Bianbao. She was in the front, and the two behind did not see that she was lighting the torches.

    "When I came, I specially asked the forge shop manager to customize the torch. This fuel was specially made by the drugstore manager. I am really luxurious."

    Shen Jufeng: "..."

    Zhuang Yun: "... "

    Rich woman, you are right in everything.

    It is said to be a torch, but it is actually made of iron. There is a hole at the top of the torch, and the fire emerges from here. No smoke is produced during the burning process.

    The three of them continued to move forward. After walking for about 20 meters, they saw ore of different colors on both sides of the mountain. Lu Jiu and Zhuang Yun couldn't dig it, but Shen Jufeng wanted to go to the end of the cave to take a look.

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