chapter 49

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Chapter 49: The Legendary Opportunity Player

    The others were driven, followed and chopped at the spider's legs.

    The control time passed quickly, and the spider roared and kicked away the people who were close to it, raising its leg to kill the small prey in its eyes.

    The control skills of several people were released at the same time because they didn't cooperate in the previous time. This time, several people also released the control skills.

    Perceiving this situation, Li Aoting just frowned. It seemed that she was still too impatient. This battle wasted too much control skills.

    Because of control, the others immediately followed and continued chasing.

    To say that ants often kill elephants, this is the scene. After a few times of control, the spider consumes blood quickly. Although the professional players have severe loss of blood, there are still substitutes, and there is no death.

    Lu Jiu began to send emails to Shen Jufeng: [Do you want to steal this mutant BOSS? 】

    Shen Jufeng quickly replied: 【Don’t do it, just take a look, if you steal the bag, you’ll probably be caught. ]

    Lu wine also heard him, and before black scorpion stolen, these people hold in my heart a deep breath, and if stolen creeps in from under the eyes, that I really do not know what they would do.

    Especially there is Li Aoting.

    Because the person on the left is attracting the firepower of the flower spider, the person surrounded on the right begins to walk out of the spider web carefully.

    There were only more than 20 people surrounded by this group. A dozen or so people have come out of this club, and it will soon be the last one. It is a young boy who looks only 17-8 years old. He may be afraid of spiders and raise his legs. A little trembling when crossing the cobweb.

    When he crossed the last spider silk, he didn't know if he was relieved, his feet were soft, and he fell straight back. The whole person was directly on the spider web, and no one else had time to hold him.

    "Ah! I'm stuck!" The young boy paled with fright, and began to struggle, and the others began to take his hands and pull out.

    "Don't move!" Li Aoting's face changed and shouted.

    But before it was too late, the flower spider directly changed its attack target, raising its leg and rushing to the young boy's side. The prey on its spider web was the priority target.

    Seeing the huge body of the flower spider approaching, the young boy began to scream, his voice broke, and the struggle became more intense.

    The flower spider senses that the prey on the spider web is struggling more intensely, and becomes more excited. After a roar, the speed is faster. It must eat this energetic prey, it must be delicious!

    The people who originally wanted to pull the young boys out of the spider web all ran away. They didn't want to be a Chinese meal for the flower spiders.

    "Don't run, save me, save me!" the young boy yelled desperately.

    Li Aoting still wants to catch up, but seeing the long legs running fast, she knows that the person can't be saved. The introduction has said that if the spider web is struggling violently, it will be the priority target of the flower spider. These people don't look at it. Is it?

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