Destination: Orlando, Florida: Chp. 2

332 7 3

No one's POV:

"Miss Jenn, what do you mean our flight might be canceled?" Seb questioned nervously, walking over to stand near his boyfriend.

"It's okay we'll figure it out, I promise, everything will be okay, and tomorrow morning we will all be on a flight to Florida. While I figure it out, why don't we eat the pizzas Red brought, so we can all go to bed." Miss Jenn said reassuringly (and calming everyone's nerves in the process), however no one saw the glancing side-eyes between her and Mr. Mazzara.

In agreement to their teacher's previous suggestion, everyone gathered in Ashlyn's kitchen holding paper plates while they passed around pieces of Slice's infamous pizza.

Miss Jenn's POV:

"'ll be fine. Everything will work out, you'll see." Benjamin said as he came up beside me, holding out another plate for me to take.

"Thank you, I appreciate it. I know I pushed these kids too far this semester, and even though it paid off because we get to go to Disney, I just don't want this to be another thing that falls short, especially when they were all looking forward to it." I told him, letting all of my previous hours of anxiety off of my shoulders.

"You're welcome, I know you pushed the kids, but it all worked out for the best right? Besides, we know this trip will happen. Can I see the email you got about the flight?" He asked me as I passed my phone over to him, "Thank you, okay let's see here...Jennifer, this doesn't say "you're flight might be canceled" it's a confirmation for the tickets." He said, while sighing disappointingly.

"What? How could I have made that mistake? I made everyone worry for no reason." I told him as I put my face in my hands.

"Jenny-" he started, grabbing my hands "-they'll all forgive you. They love you, it was an honest mistake that anyone could have made."

No one's POV:

"You can all relax, the trip is still on!" Everyone heard their two teachers yell from the kitchen.

"Heck yeah! Hope you all liked the pizzas. It was the best Ash and I could do since it was short notice." Red told everyone, earning a chorus of "they were so good" and a "who cares? Food is food" from his "brown eyes, big round haired" best friend (if anyone thought Red didn't make fun of Ricky for Lily's words, they were kidding themselves. It was a repetitive conversation).

One by one all of the kids went to the bathroom to change into their clothes for the next day. Most of the girls were either wearing leggings or athletic shorts, so they would at least be comfortable for sleeping and during the flight. All of the boys had simultaneously decided to wear shorts as well, they didn't want to be uncomfortable on a plane ride either, and NONE of them wanted the change their clothes at 3 a.m.

By 10 p.m. everyone was fast asleep, with EJ and Gina now residing in Ashlyn's room with Big Red as well. Miss Jenn and Mr. Mazzara we're given the guest bedroom with a wall of pillows between them on the bed, and downstairs had everyone else: Ricky, Nini, Carlos, Seb, Kourtney, and Natalie. Unfortunately, none of their favorite dancers were able to make it on this trip,  even though they were invited, since they had a dance convention this week.

Soon enough, at exactly 3 a.m., alarms were going off left and right as a signal for everyone to awake. Moving slowly, and jumping into every doorway possible, the group made their way into Ashlyn's entryway with their respective belongings.

"Does everyone have everything?" Ashlyn asked, as she pulled out the extra key to lock the door. With a nod of everyone's heads, she pulled the door shut, and locked the door, moving to place the spare key under the rock. Miss Jenn, and Mr. Mazzara were driving, since there was enough space for all twelve of them, with six in each car. 

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