Chapter Two

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Morning light shone through the windows as Lionblaze stirred from his nest. Already, Firepelt was up and washing herself. Lionblaze approached her,his scent washing over her. "Good morning," she greeted.  

"Good morning. Where's Rippleclaw?" Lionblaze replied.  

"Why? She just left with Thornwhisker to go hunt." Firepelt finished washing herself and was nudging Bramblekit and Whitekit awake.  

"Good. We'll need some more fresh-kill. I need her to come with me to Highstones. I need to share tongues with StarClan to receive my nine lives." Lionblaze reminded her.  

Whitekit stumbled out of the nest,her white fur ruffled and her blue eyes blurred. Bramblekit came afterwards,his orange eyes alit with curiosity and his muscles surging with energy. "Good morning, my young warriors." Lionblaze licked them each between their ears. Bramblekit turned his orange striped pelt to his father and titled his head.  

"Why did we have to leave ThunderClan, Lionblaze?" he wondered aloud. Whitekit turned,her eyes bursting with wonder.  

"We must have left because Bluestar drove us out. I have sworn vengeance upon her for this,but for now, we must make DarkClan stronger by adding our own strength to it."  

"DarkClan?" Whitekit bursted out.  

"Yes,DarkClan." Lionblaze replied patiently.  

"Why are we called DarkClan?" she pressed.  

"We are called DarkClan because we were forced to wander around in the dark. It is a name to cast fear into our enemies hearts. We name ourselves after the Black Panthers whose enemy was LionClan in the ancient times." 

"I see," Whitekit nodded slowly. Rippleclaw slipped into the TwoLeg den,accompanied with Thornwhisker. Their jaws were filled with fresh-kill. Lionblaze bounded over to them, as Firepelt started to wash Whitekit.  

"Rippleclaw,hurry up and eat. We must make the journey to HighStones by today." 

Rippleclaw flicked her ear, grabbed a vole from the fresh-kill pile and started gulping it down. "Why are we going to HighStones today?" she finally managed to mew.  

"We need to go to HighStones today because yesterday was the half-moon. If we want to make an appearance at the Gathering, we must make our Clan stronger before then or they will laugh at us." Lionblaze reasoned fairly. Rippleclaw nodded and they left the clan after Lionblaze hurriedly whispered to Thornwhisker.  

"We'll be going to HighStones. Keep DarkClan in check for me,okay?" Thornwhisker dipped his brown head and Lionblaze and Rippleclaw departed for HighStones.

The pair of them raced down the moor, dodging the Thunderpaths and numerous dogs. At sun-high,they arrived at Mouthermouth. They hunted, and Rippleclaw ravenously tore into a mouse. The sun sunk below the horizon and Lionblaze stood up,"It is time." he murmured.  

Rippleclaw followed Lionblaze into the tunnel,slowly padding towards Moonstone as moon-high approached. LionBlaze sat there,his tail twitching back and forth, as they awaited.  

Slowly,the moon shone through the roof and the Moonstone glowed. Rippleclaw stared in fascination and Lionblaze shook his fur, padded towards the stone. He flicked his tail,signaling Rippleclaw to stay where she was. He lay still besides the stone, his nose touching it delicately. Darkness swarmed him and he fell into StarClan's hunting ground. Eventually, he opened his silver eyes and was amazed at the sight. He was standing at Fourtrees,in the clearing like an ordinary warrior.  

Despair pierced his heart,'where were the StarClan warriors? Was he not wanted here?' but he saw movement and glanced at the sky. The stars swirled around and they became cats. They sunk to the ground,surrounding Lionblaze.  

"Welcome," their voices rang out. It was like all of the old, familiar voices combined in one. A gray figure stood out and he recognized Thrushpelt. "With this life,I give you determination. You will know when to give up or not." Thrushpelt murmured. He touched noses with Lionblaze,and several flashed of memories and pain came. Lionblaze pictured Bluestar and her sweet scent. Thrushpelt stepped back,and the pain stopped. Morningflower stepped forward.  

"With this life,I give you loyalty. Loyalty to your clan and family matters the most." she breathed. She also touched his nose and a stronger flash of pain came. LionBlaze felt her fierce loyalty to Bluestar,Snowfur and Stormtail. Morningflower stepped away and Pinestar came forward.  

"With this life,I give you wisdom. It will guide you in the hardest times." Pinestar touched Lionblaze's nose briefly and he saw the likeness between father and son. They broke away and Pinestar murmured,"I'm proud of you,my son." 

Pinestar stepped away and Weedwhisker came forward. "With this life,I give you strength. It will give you power to lead your Clan." he muttered. They touched noses and instead of pain, a surge of power came to LionBlaze.  

Weedwhisker stepped away and Larksong took his place. "With this life,I give you humor. It will lighten up even the darkest days." she purred. They touched noses and Lionblaze felt numerous jokes surge through his mind. Larksong stepped away to be replaced by Sweetpaw.  

Sweetpaw used her hind paws and solemnly muttered,"With this life,I give you courage. It will guide you even during the most hardest times." they touched noses and pain surged again.  

Sweetpaw padded away to be replaced by Gorsetail. "With this life,I give you love." Lionblaze's uncle announced. They touched noses and LionBlaze embraced the pain received with the life. Gorsetail disappeared into the crowd.  

Hailstar came forward,"With this life,I give you bravery. It comes deep from your heart and exists in fear." they touched noses and fiery pain engulfed Lionblaze. Hailstar stepped away and Sunstar took his place.  

"With this life,I give you quick thinking. It will save your life one day." they touched noses,and for the last time,LionBlaze felt pain.  

"Welcome Lionstar and lead DarkClan into a glorious new time." Sunstar called. Like a new warrior was greeted,the warriors of StarClan called "Lionstar! Lionstar! Lionstar!" The warriors faded and Lionstar awoke. His new strength surging in his muscles and with Rippleclaw by his side,they sprinted home to start their new life as DarkClan.


Authors Notes:

Yeah, I got this from Bluestar's Prophecy and Firestar's Quest by Erin Hunter. If you want to be included, just comment.  

Also, I'm so sorry I haven't been uploading. I've been busy preparing songs for my orchestra.  

I'll try to upload every other day or every day if I can!

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