The Beginning of DarkClan

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An orange she-cat stepped out from a house. She just had tussling dreams that always ended in a single line, 'The darkest ravens have the purest souls.' She shook her head. Ever since the full-moon a week ago, she started having these puzzling dreams.

"Hi Cherry!" called a voice that caused her to jump slightly. A bright blue pair of eyes were staring at her until she realized it was her mate, Pure.

"Oh, you startled me. What's up?" Cherry replied.

"I've been listening to those tales spun by Tiny." Pure snorted, "apparently, Tiny met some wildcats that 'viciously' attacked him and some other cats assisted him. What a mousebrain!" Cherry snorted in disgust.

"When will he learn? Nobody is paying him any attention, I don't even know why you listened to him." Cherry scolded lightly. That was when she noticed a pair of eyes staring at them. Cherry stiffened while Pure just rambled on about how his housefolk kept feeding him cream and fish. Dark orange eyes blinked at Cherry and then disappeared.

Cherry breathed a sigh of relief, unnoticed by Pure. "So every night, they would leave a bowl of cream next to a plate of anchovies-" he continued until a loud yowling stopped him.

"What was that?" Cherry shrieked, darting towards the sound.

"Cherry! It's going to be too dangerous!" Pure called as Cherry whisked away from him. Pure shook his head and sprinted after her, his bushy tail flying behind him.

In a clearing, they watched a trio of mangy forest cats protecting Tiny from a tawny fox. The largest one, a golden pelt cat, lunged at the fox with his claws outstretched. "Rippleclaw! You and Bramblepaw attack on the sides. It'll keep the fox at bay and perhaps send him packing away!" the tom ordered.

The golden one raked his claws on the muzzle of the fox where his companions were hissing and scratching different sides of the fox. Eventually, the fox started to whimper and limped away, blood trailing after it.

"Scrouge, are you okay?" the golden one inquired.

"Yes Lionstar. I'm alright. You're so strong! I wish I could be as strong as you!" Tiny replied. He left them after a while of mild chatting. The little one with a orange striped pelt, stiffened and turned to Cherry's direction. Pure pressed his flank alongside hers. Pure's fearscent reached her and he darted away, terrified of these strong beings.

"Bramblepaw, come along. We might as well finish this patrol before the sunrise patrol leave." Rippleclaw nudged him gently towards the ferns and he twitched his ears. Sighing, Bramblepaw trailed after Rippleclaw and Lionstar.

As Cherry wandered home, she thought to herself,'those cats are strong but how? I'm going to find this 'camp' of theirs and see how....'


I've fulfilled my promise to add these characters, yet their personality and traits I have yet to continue with. If you want you character inside this, simply comment their appearance, name, homesake, and maybe personality unles you want me to do it.

The Beginning Of DarkClan(in editing)Where stories live. Discover now