Chapter Nine

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    "Whitepaw, you and me will practice the rat-attacking and defense moves," Rippleclaw shouted, leading Whitepaw over to the right corner. Lionstar led Cherrypaw to the middle, where there was no rubble like rocks and twigs.

    "OK, Cherrypaw...let's begin with a basic stomac attack," LIonstar began their lesson. Cherrypaw nodded earnestly and crouched low. "First, you begin by crouching low to the ground, slide under your 'enemies' stomach, flip around, slip your claws into their stomach, sliding them up and down, and then by using your hind legs, kick yourself out and make sure to nip their tail on the way. Practice on me without claws!"

    Cherrypaw narrowed her eyes in concentration and followed the procedures as best as she can, though she forgot to nip Lionstar's tail. "Aw...I forgot to bite you!" she complained, annoyed. Rippleclaw had been watching and nodded approvingly.

     "That was really good! Are you a natural fighter or what?" Rippleclaw annouced.

     "She looks really good from over here!" Whitepaw complimented. Cherrypaw awkwardly ducked her head and licked her chest fur.

     "Um, thanks," Cherrypaw replied earnestly.

      "Cherrypaw, let's work on your clawing action," Lionstar snapped out of his trance of amazement to save Cherrypaw from further embarrassment.

     "Okay," she replied. Lionstar crouched down, his eyes flicking around, when he suddenly leaped into the air, raking his claws through a sparrow that happened to be flying by. "Cool!" Cherrypaw shrieked enviously.

   "That was quite unexpected," came a voice from behind. Thornwhisker emerged with his apprentice, Bramblepaw, and Firepelt in tow. "Hunting patrol," he explained when Lionstar narrowed his eyes at him.

    "Take the sparrow," Lionstar grunted as he tossed the sparrow to Thornwhisker. He dipped his head, flicking his tail to Bramblepaw, who grabbed the sparrow by it's wing. "Copy that move, Cherrypaw," Lionstar continued as though nothing had happened.

   When it was about sunset, Lionstar led Cherrypaw back to camp because she had opened her flank wound again. "Firepelt, Cherrypaw needs some assistance," yelled Rippleclaw who bounded away into the Nursery in search of Firepelt.

  Being the nosy kit she was, Silverkit bounded out of the Nursery following Firepelt. "She has the making of a good medicine cat," Lionstar thought. Firepelt bounded right up to Cherrypaw and nosed her flank lightly.

   "Can I help?" Silverkit asked breathlessly.

     "Sure, chew up these marigold leaves for me," Firepelt ordered while leading Cherrypaw to the cupboard of the kitchen, where she had converted it into a medicine cat den. Silverkit followed, chewing the marigold leaves with a determined look on her face. Ratkit and Shadowkit were tussling outside the Nursery where Bramblepaw was boasting about being Lionstar's son.

   "My father is the Clan leader! He's the wisest, toughest Clan leader in all the Clans!" he boasted.

   "Bramblepaw, if you have nothing better to do, go get some borage. We're running low," Firepelt growled, clearly stressed.

   "Where is it? What does it look like?" Bramblepaw replied after a leisurably stretch.

    "You can find them by the WindClan border; take Silverkit along with you....she knows what it looks like," Firepelt grunts as she carefully applies cobwebs upon Cherrypaw's right flank.

   "Can we come too?" Shadowkit begged after stopping his tussling with Ratkit.

    "Please?" Ratkit added.

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