Chapter 6

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Ito Kana.

The three of them became attracted to her at one glance.

They knew that she had something special. She was special.

Her blonde hair and blue eyes are so pretty that they want to lock her up and make her a doll.

"Oh! And this is my best friend Namae. Introduce yourself Sei-san."

The three of them looked at Namae.

Plain black hair and your average black eyes. Just a normal woman and nothing special. She suited the role of a background well.

That's how the three of them see Namae right now.

She seemed like she was just one of the many girls that chased and looked up to them.

'When the hell are they taking off their eyes at me..' Namae had shivers down to her spine.

The three of them looked like they were about to kill her anytime.

"Namae-san, are you alright?" Kana whispered.


Kana was already proceeding to the 'first name' stage. It's the part where a person calls you by their first name.

'We're not that close though....'

"Amida." Another one arrived.

It was Genji.

"Ah, Genji. Thanks for inviting us to the party. I thought you already forgot about us." He patted Genji's shoulder.

The four psychos then started talking together with the heroine.

The male leads were all handsome and the heroine was beautiful. She was the only thing that ruined the picture.

Everything was started to get dizzy for Namae.

'Urk- I feel nauseous.'

"I'll get going first Ito-san."


Namae quickly ran away from that suffocating area and went to the bathroom.

"Puaahckk- euk- Bleurghhh.. keughk! puahckk- blurghh." She vomited all her insides in the toilet.


Namae finally finished her ritual and washed her mouth after.

'Shouldn't have eaten that many.'

Namae was starting to regret her decision to stay at the company.

'That's it. I'll resign tomorrow for sure. I won't be swayed by money anymore.' She was sure of her decision this time.

Namae walked back to the venue and the program has already started.

"Here Namae-san!" Kana waved.

Thank goodness she was finally finished talking to the male leads.

"Thanks for saving me a seat, Ito-san." Namae proceeded and took a seat.

"No biggie." She smiled.

"Thank you everyone for attending the banquet. Especially the team that did a great job for the upcoming project. Give them a round of applause please." Amado Genji announced.

*Clap* *Clap*

"And now, I'll call on a very hardworking employee who deserves a reward. Please come here Ms. Sei Namae."


Namae was dumbfounded.

"Go Namae-san!" Kana cheered.

"Please come here Ms. Sei." Genji announced again as he glared at her.


Namae fidgeted towards the stage and faced Genji.

"Here's your certificate, Ms. Sei."

"Ahaha, thank you Sir Amado." Namae bowed as she received the paper.

Everyone applauded after that.

"And a cheque of $5,000.00."

"Ahaha, thank you- wait, $5,000?"

She stared at him agape while Genji just smiled at her. "I hope you continue to work in the company, Ms. Sei."

Namae couldn't see or hear everything except the $5,000 cheque that was in her hands.

She excitedly shook both of Genji's hands while her eyes were full of hearts. "Thank you very much Sir Amado. I promise to work harder from now on."

After shaking his hands, she walked down from the stage and sat on her seat.

She rubbed the cheque on her cheek like it was a precious thing.

'Forget about resigning. Money is the best.'

When Tanaka Eiji saw her fawning over the money, he knew that Namae was just like the other girls.

She's just a person who's after money.

"Good for you Namae-san!" Kana patted her back.

Namae couldn't hear anything except drowning in her sweet pleasure she's experiencing right now.

All her life, she never experienced receiving a cheque written with five thousand dollars in it.

She was too overwhelmed to mind other things right now.

On the other hand, Eiji was annoyed at how Namae didn't mind Kana. She literally ignored her on purpose.

'How could that girl ignore Kana?' He glared at Namae.

Namae of course didn't notice this small gesture from him.

Seeing how close Kana is with Namae, an idea hit Eiji.

It was an idea in order to get close with Kana and get rid of Namae at the same time.

'So her name's Namae huh...' He grinned.

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