Special Chapter: Namae x Money

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In which Sei Namae is a bloodthirsty vampire and Money is a (handsome) hero of the empire; an alluring human. I'll just name Money as Okane.

(P.S. Okane is the japanese translation of money)

In the banquet hall of the imperial palace, nobles gathered in curiosity as they waited for the hero of the empire to make his entrance.

Fushiguro Okane. His golden blonde hair and deep emerald eyes were one to be coveted of.

He was an illegitimate child of the emperor who was sent to the battlefields to die.

But tonight, he proved every noble in the empire that he survived the war and became a hero.

'Ugh. This is the worst. When the hell is that person coming in?' Namae complained in her mind.

It's already been hours since she arrived in the palace and the so-called hero hasn't shown even a strand of his hair.

"Oh my, is it true?"

"Yes, it is!"

"I heard that the hero was exceptionally handsome."

"Bleurghp-" Namae covered her mouth.

"???" The ladies wondered where the sound came from.

Namae was about to vomit since her nose was sensitive in different scents and those noblewomen's breath made it worse.

Different perfumes, different shampoos, different breath, and different scents. All of them disgusted Namae.

Not only her sense of smell is sensitive but also her sense of hearing, sight, and touch. This was all possible since she was a vampire.

Sei Namae. The only vampire in the Vaultine empire.

There was a reason why she was like this though.

It was because of that person. An archmage named Gelainess made her a vampire out of a joke.

Namae was just complaining about how hard her life was and that person made it harder for her.

'Damn that woman.'

Namae couldn't take it anymore.

She couldn't wait for that damned hero to show up anymore so she abruptly left the banquet hall in order to vomit.

She speedily arrived at the garden and on a certain bark of a tree, there Namae vomited all her insides.

"BLEURGHH--- *cough* Euk-"

Rainbows came out of her mouth and after few minutes, she was finally done.

"Hahh. That felt good." She wiped her mouth.


Namae's ears perked up as she heard light rustles from the grass.

A person was walking towards her.

As the person slowly walked towards her, the moonlight revealed his shiny golden hair and emerald eyes.

It was the hero.

"Who are you?" Okane asked.

His voice was completely alluring like they said.

One sight of him could make you fall for him and it was true.


There was a strange scent coming from that person.

Namae couldn't describe it but it was different from the scent of other nobles. He smelled sweet and enticing.

*Thump* *Thump*

Namae could feel her rapid heartbeat and harsh breathing.

'I want it.'

She could see the veins on his neck and Namae wanted to take a small bite on it. Just a tiny bit of blood.

Namae slowly walked towards him and Okane stepped back a bit.

Namae used her vampire strength and pinned Okane to the tree.


"Shhh." Namae covered his mouth.

Her fangs were showing up and Okane was surprised in seeing it.

Okane looked at the ethereal beauty in front of him.


Earlier, he actually didn't want to show up in that disgusting place so he just roamed outside the palace.

But then, he heard an unusual sound.

It was the sound of a person vomiting.

Curious, he approached towards that place to dee if that person was alright.

And there he saw her.

Long wavy hair that was like the night and deep black eyes like an abyss without void. She looked incredibly beautiful.

*Thump* *Thump*

He felt a strange beating from his heart when he saw that person.

"Who are you?" He asked, hiding his nervousness.


He found her confused voice to be unusually cute. Though it felt weird, he actually liked that certain feeling.

As she slowly approached him, she used incredible strength as she pinned him on the tree.

Okane could see her fangs showing up and figured that she was a vampire. But he didn't care about that.


Okane slightly blushed as Namae covered his mouth with her small hand.

Namae leaned towards his right ear and whispered,

"I want to eat you."



A/N: I made this chapter out of boredom but I hope you enjoyed it.

You can say that Namae loves money the way money loves her HAHA

Chapter made: Feb.10,2022

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