Chapter 9

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"Is that all? I still have a lot to say Namae-san..."

"No it's alright. You've helped me enough. Thank you Ito-san."

"No biggie! I'll see you at work soon. Enjoy your day off!"

"Yeah." Namae hung up the call.

After Namae listed everything she knew about Kana, she thought about how to send the information to Eiji.

'I should text him using the number when he called me.'


*Ring* *Ring*

Suddenly, another call arrived.

It's been strange enough that she was bombarded with a lot of phone calls this day. It was getting quite annoying.

Namae promised that she'll be answering this phone call for the last time today.

"Hello?" She hid her annoyance.

"Is this Sei Namae?"

Again. It was another deep and handsome voice. Namae's stomach twitched a bit.

There's this bad feeling in her bones again.



"I can see you standing inside Amachiko Apartment in room no. 13 whilst holding a phone."


"Don't move. Do you see the red light in your chest?"

Namae looked at her shirt and saw a tiny red light like a spot.

'Holy crap someone is aiming a gun at me. Which ******* yandere is playing with me right now?' Namae slightly glanced outside her window.

"That's right. If you move one bit, you'll get shot without anyone knowing it. Fun isn't it?"

'Crazy bastard.'

"What do you want?" She asked direct to the point.

"*chuckle* You're pretty direct. You only have one thing you need to do. Accuse Ito Kana for plagiarizing one of your colleague's work. The colleague's name is Nobara Hime."

"And what's in it for me?"

"Hm. I knew you only wanted money. Alright. I'll give you a million yen in return. If you fail to do this, you'll fail your life of course.

I'll look forward to your show at exactly three days from now. See you soon... Sei Namae."


The caller hung up the phone leaving Namae lying on her bed in exhaustion.

Namae knew that the caller must be one of those yanderes. There's no other explanation.

"Ha. Hahahahaha. So one of the heroine's fish is threatening me with my life now?..... One million for betraying Ito Kana... Accusing Ito Kana..."

She stared at the ceiling.

After few moments of thinking about that certain yandere's offer, a curve formed in Namae's lips.

"This is so easy. Is there nothing more hard than that? Those male leads are really an idiotic bunch."

One million for asking Kana's favorite somethings and another one million for betraying her.

It's really a tempting offer that Namae decided to get lured in.

'That's two million already.'

"Ahhhh I can't wait to leisure with my money."

Namae closed her eyes and drifted off to sleep.



"Young master, was the transaction successful?" Lyle, Nakamura Kai's butler asked.

Kai looked at the white-haired butler with a grin.

"It was perfect. I'm expecting to see an exquisite show three days later. Kana deserves a better friend than that Sei Namae girl. Kana must know that, that Namae is just a gold-digger fox. She deserves someone... like me." Kai blushed with a smile after muttering something.

Lyle looked at his young master.

He knew that he's already had many masters like him before but this one was crazy on a different level.

'I need to have a drink with Nathan after this work.' He cracked his neck.


Ever since Nakamura Kai saw Ito Kana in the banquet, it was like his whole personage was devoured by her.

She was shining that night.

When he saw her up close, she became more dazzling.

He knew that he wanted to get close to her that time. He wanted to be by her side.

Until, Namae was introduced.

'Who the hell is she? Why is Kana close to her?'

He wanted to know why Kana was all clingy and close to Namae. And what made him more irritated than that was how Namae showed an uninterested demeanor.

She totally ignored Kana.

'How dare she.'

And ever since that day, Kai was tracking Namae. He wants to know what's so special about her for Kana to like her that much.

And the result was, nothing.

There was nothing special about her.


Kai realized that needed to do something. He noticed that Namae liked money based on the banquet and maybe he'll use that against her.

And so he did it.

He threatened her to accuse Kana so that Kana will feel betrayed and won't act close to Namae after.

It's a perfect plan.

Just three days more and he'll comfort Kana on that day and make her his.

'Just you wait Namae.'

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