Prologue: Birth of the Celestial Spirits; Earthland, 5000 years ago

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Awaken the Stars Song By: KurahieiritrJIO

An ancient dragon awakens to warn of an evil to escape it’s prison if the last Star Singer bloodlines are killed by dark guilds seeking to resurrect the unstoppable evil. The Star Singers are the decedents of Celestial Spirits who forfeited their humanity to save Earthland thousands of years ago. How far will Fairy Tail and new allies have to go to save Earthland? Rating this an R for the cursing. violence, and non explicit sexual themes. 'thoughts in italics'

DISCLAIMER: I do not own Fairy Tail universe or characters so make no money off this story. I own my Original Characters I toss into the mix to promote chaos for cannon characters. Tags: Cursing, Angst, Violence, O/C, H/C, U.S.T.

Authors Note: I do not know how the Celestial Spirits started serving Celestial mages, nor how the Phoenix became corrupted {in the movie}. Wondering such questions incited this weird madness of reawakening fiends a.k.a. plot bunnies who will not let go and settle into their expected routine yet. Loki POV Reagaltiel is the pre-Celestial Spirit name that I devised. WARNING: Gore descriptions. Nightmare

Prologue: Birth of the Celestial Spirits; Earthland, 5000 years ago
    The Tenru continent was shrinking at an alarming rate. A reddish mist blew across Reagaltiel’s Leo Temple priests position, dropping small chunks of what once comprised living beings. Constant screams rent the air. Shattered weapons rained down upon all of the various factions involved in this last ditch battle for survival. Reagaltiel was one of the most powerful Star Singers attached to the Leo Constellation temple, and he was furious that his priests spells were not making any headway despite using their strongest spells against the black magic bearing down on them. Too many magical races were in the same position. It was no time for his temper to overwhelm his wits. His temple’s members were depending on him to keep everyone alive.
    Destroyed land, already consumed by the violent maelstrom of energy flung like wind by an unseen sentience, mixed with the bloody mists created by explosive spells.  The combination was an abhorrent rainfall that obscured all. Gore caked all the priests, and as sundry allied warriors in a layer of ghoulish mud. Even waterproof furs and boiled leathers were soggy with the unholy filth as the magical holocaust intensified. Desperation drove the unified races to hurl themselves at the brutal enemy which none seemed able to conquer.
    The black energy encased monstrosity that their various leaders dubbed the Abyss Lord kept flowing ever closer, disintegrating everything the power vortex touched. Nothing coming from diverse magic attacks of all the races present seemed capable of stopping it, and only a few spells slowed the thing’s momentum. The temporarily unified species had agreed it would take all of them working together to stop this thing’s ongoing annihilation of their world. Only a handful of beings had ever used the one power, and it was desperately needed on a massive scale. Reagaltiel thought simply to shift his focus from dropping too deep into Astral Star Chain’s required trance. The astral star chain fed him extra power needed to hurl spell after spell at the formless mass of raw destruction spiraling and transforming before him. Yet it came with a dangerous price. Go too deep into the trance and his body would be destroyed by the star force he was linked into to use magic.
    Helping the only race that all species resented felt odd to Reagaltiel. Everyone survived the misery that the Fairies caused others. Reagaltiel knew the misery far more intimately than most. If not for Vraylinish demanding that everyone stop this before it destroyed everything, Reagaltiel would not be here, feeling numbed to the core by the horror witnessed on this battlefield. The Fairies believed themselves far greater than the rest of the races, and acted accordingly. Enslaving anyone who amused them was just one of the many cruelties the Fairies enacted upon the other races.
    However, Reagaltiel felt it was better to survive the normal nightmares than to accept anything worse than the Fairies. All the Races agreed if only because the Fairies eternal existence was being erased as if they were nothing but insignificant insects by a far worse nightmare. A currently formless nightmare had descended upon Earthland to obliterate everything in it’s path. Only mutual survival could have forced so many enemy races into this last stand alliance for self preservation.
    An actual continent was almost completely destroyed in a matter of days, and that was the main reason all of the races were gathered here to fight. If the immortal Fairies could not stop this alone, the rest of their world would be reduced to nothingness should they fail in this God forsaken place. Yet Reagaltiel wondered how they were going to survive the attacks of this Abyss Lord when he was watching true immortals die like immobile flies getting crushed beneath boulders. The Fairy continent was shattering under the black hued roiling power that roared in a way that implied foreign words none of them understood. Whatever Abyss Lord was saying was a mystery, but the spells decimating every group was proof enough that it spoke. All the pureblood magical races, and the Bane Warriors agreed that the Abyss Lord was intelligent.
    The whirling tornado of energy must protect a physical body they still assumed. When they accepted the truce from the Sheemastra Royal clan to participate in this impossible fight, everyone thought they could take the monster down. After two days without rest, Abyss seemed impervious to every form of weapon and magic that was hurled into the black seething power that hid the beast. Whatever it looked like beneath all that power was anyone’s guess. Reagaltiel had no desire to know what the nightmare looked like at this point. He simply desired an end to the slaughter so he could find his bond mate and forget this ever happened.
    The Fairies, and their even less human looking kinsmen were vanishing faster than any of their allies could fathom. Fairies did not vanish as they all knew after centuries of fighting with the somewhat sadistic race. The most frightening part of this one sided war was watching true immortals exploding and increasing the unnatural bloody mists with falling flesh chunks and shattered bone bits. So much carrion and mud continued peppering the allied ranks until it was impossible to determine friend from foe outside of general species shapes.
    The dingy yet visible silvery white rainbow hide of Sertatsie the Creation Queen flicked into sight as the winged beast dove and twisted in the air avoiding deadly spikes of power flitting out of the mass of the Abyss Lord’s energy shield. Other dragons followed in a scraggly formation, their latest strafing run against the enemy getting repelled for the most part.
    The Dragon race’s highest ranked queen also carried Reagaltiel’s beloved upon her neck as they rushed toward the obscene spirit cloud. Combining their rare versions of the One Power, the pair shot forth complimentary spells in tandem. Their combined powers welded together and had a real effect on the Abyss Lord’s whirlwind shielding. The dark waves of energy flowed in reverse, swirled and writhed under each spell the pair managed to hurl at the pitch black force.
    If anyone could stop the Abyss Lord’s momentum, he believed it was Sertatsie, Highest Queen of the Dragons, and Vraylinish, the Sacred Saint and Supreme Alpha of the Bane Warriors. The pair had unified all the races to fight this unspeakable evil menace when the ambassadors from Tenru arrived with the horrific news of an unstoppable enemy appearing in their world. Such nightmares always made Vraylinish stronger, and this certainly was the worst one any had faced yet. Being soaked in viscera had to be one of the most sickening things he had ever witnessed, and Reagaltiel had witnessed some very cruel things in his lifetime.
    Humans alone tapped  power sources from outside of this world which the Bane Warriors had hoped would slow, if not outright stop, the Abyss Lord’s onslaught. Still, the One Power seemed to have a stronger effect on the mass of pitch black power than their many diverse star songs were having, possibly due to the lack of solidarity. Reagaltiel wondered how they could stop the beast bearing down on their position as if there was not a drop of resistance before it. Because so few humans used magic, the Star Singers had been included in this farce of a war by the Bane Warriors’ demands. All sixteen major Constellation Temples were battling beside the rest of the races which was quite extraordinary.
    Despite how dangerously deep Reagaltiel drew upon the immense power of the star Regulus, and focused it into every holy star song, he, and all the Leo Constellation Temple priests under his command continued giving ground. Perhaps it was because they were doing their own thing with each attack, unlike Sertatsie and Vraylinish. Waves of malicious magic resisted their random healing, and battle magic because of each doing their strongest spells. However, as a single force, it was possible that they could withstand the overwhelming destructive force they sought to nullify.
    Bringing down the extremely powerful energy vortex that had to be surrounding the creature needed to be their one accomplishment. Their stronger magical allies like the Centaurs, Satyrs, Dragons, Dires, Melusines, and Fairies could only kill the vile, godlike beast if they brought that barrier, or whatever it was, down. Reagaltiel focused on keeping the astral chain intact despite gnawing exhaustion as he decided to change their tactics. A test would prove whether or not they would lose the last opportunity or not he decided.
    “Everyone, let’s all use a Regulus burst at the same time. Let’s act as one being to see if we can make a hole in that barrier.”
    The rest of his temple priests bellowed their agreement and all began to focus on the same goal, raising more power from the Regulus star to forge it into a single whole. Their song merged into a single note as the power focused into a single point under Reagaltiel’s direct command. 
    Pride swelled in Reagaltiel’s heart at their willingness to follow his shouted command. He cast the final motions into their group spell, and prayed it would also keep the spiraling darkness recoiling into itself alongside Sertatsie and Vraylinish’s attack. A satisfactory boom followed as the golden mass of combined holy power collided with the black, twisting, force of destruction. It was far from perfect, but the drawn back reaction of the black vortex was genuine. His conviction solidified as he began to plan a more solidified attack plan.
    “Our numbers doing the same exact spell simultaneously is the only option we have to bring that barrier down. It does real damage. We need to keep working together until our timing becomes a single being. Everyone with me?”
     “I’m going to go out of control soon. I can’t keep drawing on Regulus without combusting, Reagaltiel.” One of the priests managed to pant out.
    “Can you get to the other temples and tell them we’ve discovered a way to combine power with a single spell to drive that monster back?” Reagaltiel asked trying to determine who had spoken.
    To his left, an older priest leaning over and gripping his knees nodded as he continued to gasp. “I think I can do that much. I simply can’t hold the trance any longer. I’m just not strong enough.”
    “Then find the nearest temple leader and see if we can’t get everyone working on the same attack strategy. Tell them to keep the information moving to every other temple while you’re at it.”
    The small elder turned and jogged toward the next cluster of people which had to be their sister or brother temple. The Leo Constellation priests began drawing again on their astral connection to the stars that ruled their power and worked on the next spell as a unit. Flinging the second much larger unified spell got a worthwhile result. The powerful blackness actually stalled.
    Grinning with a fresh ignition of hope, Reagaltiel ordered the next attack sequence. His group began their next song as they complied with his song choice. They still had a chance if all the temples could work together. Sertatsie’s still somewhat visible hide swooped back into his line of sight as the spell was on the verge of completion. Reagaltiel decided to try and land their spell in the same vicinity as the One Power attack he knew was coming. Timing would be everything as he strained to the utmost to curb the power that he was merging together from all his companions. Twin lances of force exploded from Sertastie’s place, other dragons hurling fire, lightning, and all elements they commanded to hit within the same area.  With all his strength of will, way, and word, Reagaltiel drove the new spell at the monster, aiming with the astral chains to hit the same area.
    A blast of black power exploded the land beneath their feet, knocking Reagaltiel from his feet before his team’s attack made contact. Boulders flew into the air as people of all races were flung in all directions. From the corner of his eye, as Reagaltiel struggled back onto his knees, he saw a large whitish form crash into the ground. Roughly twenty paces before his face, an arm, including a large chunk of exposed shoulder blade bone, hit ground and rolled to a stop. A vivid tattoo of a broken winged Fairy faced him. It was a tattoo he knew far too intimately for comfort. Only one such Fey curse mark existed, and Vraylinish was the one who bore it.
    Utter calm and inhuman numbness erupted like a geyser from his core to swamp his being as Reagaltiel recognized the arm before bloody mud covered the tattoo upon the severed limb. His existence shuddered under despair so vast he could not comprehend any emotion at all. Vraylinish was obsessed with keeping her word to anyone she gave it to, and had vowed to return to him as soon as they won. Yet nobody existed who could survive the damage implied by that amputated limb. She was now part of the bloody mist and mud falling from the sky as far as he knew. It was the only explanation.
    Reagaltiel scarce registered getting onto his feet. All he knew was that the black power before him had taken the only woman he could ever love without reservation. His connection to Regulus remained, and he dropped much deeper into the power trance as he pulled everything he could from his distant star. Nothing mattered except stopping the Abyss Lord now. He had no promises left to keep aside from stopping this monster. Life was no longer important to Reagaltiel. He had nothing to lose if he died calling on multiple stars at once.
    The Abyss Lord had crossed the one line that should never be breached. The beast had taken the world Reagaltiel lived for away from him in an instant. Locking into a rhythm he had never dared explore before that he sensed within the distant stars, the Leo constellation priest flung open all of his power centers to fuse with the astral chain to maximum the power he could contain. Without hesitation he drew upon it with the sum of his being. It was said that the Phoenix could be summoned if a person tapped deep enough starlight. He was willing to die to call upon the most powerful being of legends to seal or destroy this menace. No matter what the legend might demand as payment, including his life, Reagaltiel would give it gladly to spare others from his own loss. All that mattered was getting revenge by stopping the beast.
    Every power center in his body resonated with power, the astral chain thickening as Reagaltiel continued to draw harder upon the Constellation link he had woven and awoken over thirteen years. His mind focused on his task to the exclusion of all else. Scents and screams fell away from Reagaltiel’s awareness. The pain of drawing so much power should have been excruciating, but Reagaltiel noticed nothing beyond the horrific blackness spinning ever closer. His mind, and heart were so focused upon stopping the enemy before him he had no room inside himself to feel. Locked inside his deepest recesses, the Star Singer reached through the astral chains, lifting his attention ever higher as he sought a miracle their world needed.
    All constellation temple high priests learned the forbidden song of the Phoenix, yet none ever dared to use it. Reagaltiel’s own father had taught it to him, as his father had learned it from his father before him. Digging into core reserves and entrenching his determination, Reagaltiel began to sing the chanted words, infused with stubborn will to draw the ruler of all stars to their world.   “Web of Power become the Web of Light raised by my hands,
Answer the call ye stars of ancient fire far above all lands. Called by the joining of forces strong and sure to this final task.”
     Golden, fiery light engulfed Reagaltiel’s vision as the power overflowed from his body, spilling out to spite his determination to hold onto every drop for the final casting of the spell. Unable to see anything, he focused everything within himself even more securely onto achieving his goal. The pain was breaking through the numbness, but Reagaltiel refused to stop now that he had made the decision to win even though it would kill him. “I beseech and join the directions North to South with those of East to West. We call upon the universe, deem us mages trained and skilled. Let the Stars decide the form, the perfect pattern of the web that we build.”
    The lack of a future did not bother Reagaltiel as he ignored screaming nerve endings and dove into his deepest self to continue his chosen work. He felt his soul ascending the astral chain at an increasing speed while the words continued to flow from his soul without hesitation.  “Let life and peace be our parting gift to generations yet to be. Grant us the wisdom of a magic trap that no evil can repeal. You stars are like we who’ve felt your touch, you are our magic's guiding light. To save all life, mighty Phoenix, we are those prepared to fight and die. We shall create a circle one last time as we seek to raise creation’s power, to make concrete the trap which must endure after our flesh is gone. Teach us to light the darkest hour.”
    The physical stars were circling around Reagaltiel, instead of flying far above as he had always viewed them before. A powerful, indescribably beautiful song of power flowed around Reagaltiel. A glance down showed him a vast yet round world, the place he had known all his life. The astral chain remained, tethering him to the physical world that he swore he would save. Soon a brilliant and unexpected light flowed up to join him. Unlike the golden fire of his own being, this one was aquamarine in color. Other lights were ascending along astral chains that Reagaltiel saw clearly for the first time. Each rapidly ascending light shone in different rainbow colors, representing the star constellations of each major temple. Each light must be a constellation temple High Priest whom had chosen the same path as himself. As he counted the ascending lights Reagaltiel realized that there were sixteen of them who had chosen to follow his lead.  “Let the enemy challenge not our Web of Light through evil designs. We ascend into a circle one last time to raise the stars’ full power, Weave a prison that shall endure after flesh is gone to shine bright through our darkest hour. Please answer mighty Phoenix and fulfill our one desire.”
    His Phoenix summoning song was ending Reagaltiel realized as he pushed his awareness outward, seeking a vastly wise being among the stars to give them the answer to a much needed victory. He connected with some kind of sentience that he could not begin to comprehend. It felt as if the very depths of darkness which he floated within were detaching, coalescing in the center of the solidifying ring of power raised by all the temples most powerful priests. The sum of the stars were flowing, shifting, and forming into tighter patterns against an inky canvas of nothing. Spirals of light with many colors began to form what looked like glittering clouds as the Phoenix took on a discernable form.
    Still too numb to feel fear, Reagaltiel watched in fascination as the overwhelming spiritual force of the stars became a flaming bird that remained somewhat as black as the depths of the stars home, while burning with a light that none could withstand. Vast numbers of voices rang in his mind as one force, devastating Reagaltiel’s perceptions.
    “I know why you have called upon me, Star Children. You’re courage and love are worthy of becoming accepted as the living embodiments of the stars with which you are aligned by nature. Are you willing to be the Guardians of the worlds, embracing the chains and locks that will forever bind the Destroyer in silence?”
    Reagaltiel spoke first. “To save the lives of the innocent and prevent any more suffering I will gladly do whatever you require of me.”
    “Spoken ans only the Embedment of Leo should speak.”
    Other voices echoed his sentiment in their own voices, some female, other’s male. Each was answered by the Phoenix in turn as their constellations were named.
    “As you are willing to become the prison for the Destroyer, so shall I aide you in binding the destruction of all realms and worlds away. It shall not touch the lives that you love unconditionally. You are the Guardians of the Constellations, the soul of the stars. You will sing with the stars which you adore for eternity. Their power is your own. Their knowledge shall you forever know. All that you need shall be provided to sustain you hence forth as you have agreed to sacrifice all for the salvation of all worlds.”
    The Phoenix grabbed Reagaltiel’s astral chain and dove into his world’s atmosphere, collecting the other sixteen chains as it descended at an impossible speed. Everything moved too fast for Reagaltiel to see. He gritted his teeth and maintained his concentration upon his chain. His astral chain connection was being flooded by immense power that came from Regulus and all the stars that created the constellation of Leo. Never had he dreamed of this kind of power, but he was determined to stay in control of every drop. Reagaltiel still had one last promise to keep.
    The Phoenix dove into the whirling blackness, while Reagaltiel and the other priests were told to focus on wrapping their astral star chains around the tornado that was killing everyone. Comprehension flowed into his mind as he saw the pattern he needed to help create. No longer fettered by a physical body, Reagaltiel used the abundant power flowing through his soul body to fly as commanded by the Phoenix, turning his star chain into a weapon of binding. Winding and dipping, leaping upward, and dropping down as the chain wrapped more firmly around the dark tornado of power, Reagaltiel focused upon tightening the chain. All the stars power aided him in keeping the chain from breaking as he made each pass. Others flashed and flowed in their directed weave to crisscross his own pattern, their chains weaving over and beneath each other to force a ball of sorts to form around the Abyss Lord.
    Not much land remained of a once lush small continent reagaltiel noted with sorrow. The last of the massive army of warriors that had come here were broken, and waiting for their deaths it seemed. Although he was hesitant to trap the Phoenix’s exist at the top, he felt himself getting told to obey. Finishing the weave, the various Priests were again in a circle, standing upon the wall of chains they had woven. From beneath their position they felt a massive upheaval. Unsure of the cause, they faintly heard the Phoenix command them to drag the sphere into the air. Drawing heavily on the power of his constellation, Reagaltiel was yet again the first to ascend into the air, reaching toward his beloved stars. A massive flash of light swept past them as they fought to obey the Phoenix. The power tore through his awareness, and all his intentions, and awareness tumbled into oblivion.
    Jerking upright, Loki gasped for air. Eyes blinking rapidly, he took in his surroundings. Recognition of the great library hit him. How many thousands of years had it been since they had become the Celestial Spirits? Loki could no longer recall as he yawned and scrubbed the sleep from his eyes. All he knew was that he was getting sick of the nightmare that had robbed him of his original life, and real hope for so very long. He had not dreamt of such things for centuries, but the nightmare was back ten fold.
    For the first time since he became a Celestial Spirit, Reagaltiel/Loki felt a strong emotional draw to a human being that gave him real hope and joy. Lucy reminded him of the long dead Vraylinish on several levels. Loki was not going to let the first true light in centuries die young. Lucy had the strength to do the impossible if she lived long enough to learn her true abilities. For all Loki knew, Lucy could be Vraylinish’s latest reincarnation. He was not going to lose this chance to spend time with the reborn version of the woman he had once loved more than life.
    Although Loki accepted that he had long ago ceased to be Reagaltiel, he still wished to see the miraculous happen twice. Lucy could provide such a miracle if she had the time to change the world as her predecessor before her. Of that much Loki was certain. Until he met Lucy Heartfilia, Loki had been empty inside. Now that his hope had been reborn, Loki feared his fragile gains would again be crushed under ancient despair.
    “Why didn’t someone wake me up?”
    “You’ve been doing this research the longest. Exhausted eyes miss details so it was wiser to let you cat nap, Leo.” Libra responded from a precarious perch halfway up the massive book case. Loki was so tired that he barely recalled when she had started helping them find details on the mystery illness Lucy had contracted. Having increased his energy shift to shore up Lucy, he was feeling the strain despite it only being a few hours by the Celestial World’s concept of time. A quick calculation reminded Loki that roughly two weeks had passed in Earthland.
    “Has anyone found anything to cure Lucy yet?”
    “I’m sorry, but I haven’t found anything useful. I’m so sorry for failing Lucy sama like this.” Aries answered.
    “You’re trying your hardest to help her and I know Lucy will appreciate your efforts. We’ll figure out a way to get Lucy well.” Loki replied as he stretched in his seat, vertebrae cracking to realign.
    Capricorn was frowning as he replaced a book, and pulled another from a shelf farther down the aisle. “I have only found the description of this same illness because of Lucy’s mother, Layla, dying from it. Layla’s the only other recorded case in this library. However, nobody was able to determine why Layla became so ill when she displayed the same symptoms. None of the Earthland physicians or healers were able to determine why her health failed so quickly. It is possible that nothing in this library can help us heal Lucy sama.”
    “Keep looking and don’t give up! It has to be here somewhere!” Loki bellowed at his fellow spirits as his fists slammed into the table. “We’ve got to figure out how to cure Lucy before it’s too late!”
    Crux floated down from his lofty perch near the top of the library’s vast collection. “We’re doing all we can to learn more about our Princess’s illness. To be very honest, I know this library better than all of you combined. Capricorn’s correct. The information isn’t in this part of the library. The only place none of us have investigated from bottom to top is the Contracts archive, and the Royal Archive where the Star Singer’s lineage books are kept.”
    Loki abandoned his chair to prevent himself from breaking the furniture as his temper threatened to escape his tenuous control. Virgo walked into his line of sight and spoke. “The contracts archive isn’t going to have anything but lists of all the contracts we’ve held through the centuries. The Royal archive won’t be of any use because the bloodline records are from before we agreed that the Star Singers and Constellation temple lineages had to go into hiding to survive Zeref’s slaughter several centuries ago. It hasn’t gotten updated in centuries to protect everyone’s mortal family descendants.”
    While pacing the length of the enclosed aisle, Loki spat. “Bloodlines are completely useless unless they reveal an ongoing defect. The Royal Archive doesn’t have anything but who begat who variety information. We’ve got to figure out why Lucy is getting so weak and sick all of a sudden. All we know right now is that the symptoms match what happened to her mother. Is there any other connection or similarity that we’re overlooking?”
    “None that I am aware of. The illness seems hereditary. None of us are able to stop natural diseases that run within certain bloodlines, Leo. We cannot deny that this could be an illness that runs through her specific family due to the lack of information in this library. Lucy sama’s mother was the only other one to ever get these exact symptoms. Although I agree we should do all we can for Lucy sama, we must be prepared to lose her when the disease runs it’s course.” Capricorn lectured him with a sorrowful tone.
    “Nothing is matching the poisons section either. I think we can rule that possibility out since I read everything twice over.” Scorpio growled fro his place against a book case.
    “We will figure out a way to save Lucy even if we haven’t found the answer . . . yet. Letting Lucy die so young is not acceptable. She’s done too much for all of us . . . including saving us when we got corrupted. Right now, Lucy is hurting because of Aquarius’s death. The least we can do is ease as much of her pain as possible, Damn it!” Loki growled as his hand raked through his hair.
    “We all agree with you, big brother. Thinking to ease our Princess’s symptoms while we find the cure, I looked up medicines that might help. Several have come to my attention during this research mission. Perhaps they can help our Princess by slowing the spread of whatever ails her.” Virgo stepped closer and held out a stack of hand written notes.
    Loki took the sheets as he blew out a harsh breath. “Thanks for these remedies. I think this is a good start. Can’t help but think we’ve missed something very important, and I can’t stand not knowing what the missing information is. Let’s keep searching for any clues that we may have overlooked. I’ll see if Ophiuchus will make these medications for Lucy. His Majesty might have some ideas about what is happening to Lucy also. So, I’m going to speak to him in case he may have an idea about how to solve this puzzle.”   
    Soft groans were heard, but none of the spirits actually complained. Everyone headed to various corners of the library to resume their research. Loki stomped toward the exit intent upon talking to their King, and tracking down the Spirit World’s resident medical expert.    

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